PSU challenges McQuery award.....

"D. The Court’s Jury Instruction that Spanier, Schultz, and/or Curley were Mandated Reporters as a Matter of Law Constitutes Reversible Error.

Penn State says no evidence supported former administrators Graham Spanier, Gary Schultz, and Tim Curley were in fact mandated reporters for child abuse allegations. "

Nice job, Penn State. You threw gas on the fire by firing Spanier for supporting those guys.

I'm not even sure how the court could claim that seeing how the OAG themselves have admitted CSS were NOT mandatory reporters in 2001, and their only way of skirting around this issue is to try and apply ex post facto and claim the admins should have been monitoring the child welfare laws on a daily basis and the instant the law changed in 2007 the admins should have taken action...what a joke.