149: Jarod Verkleeren vs. #13 Cole Martin
Per 1
Martin shoots, nothing. Lee sort of shoots, blocked. Martin in on a low single, Verk gets an ankle, stalemate with 1:57 left. Very with a shot, nothing. 1 min left. Verk had a knee but Martin sprawled out of it. Martin shoots, nothing. End
Per 2
Martin takes bottom. Martin works up and he's out in 8 sec, 0-1. Stoppage for ?? (perhaps headgear on Verk). 1 min left. Martin shoots, Verk countered, nothing. End
Per 3
Very takes down. He's up, lifted, and taken back down, back up and out, 1-1. RT not a factor. Martin shoots, Verk sprawls, nothing. 1 min left. Martin in on a single, but Verk is out. Nicely done, as Martin looked good. Very in on a single, Marin tries to counter, Verk gets the TD and tries to lock a cradle but Martin with a quick esc, 3-2, with 14 sec left. Martin shoots, nothing. End. 3-2, DEC for Verk. Nicely done, Jarod!
7-6, PSU