Full strength vs. Punt. &. Nat'l points delta
125. Teske. Teske
133. RBY. Parker -5 pts
141. Lee. Lee
149. Verk. Verk
157 Berge Berge
165. VJ. Manville. -10 pts
174. Hall. VJ. wash?
184. Shak. Shak
197. Conel. Conel
Hwt. Cassar. Cassar
Dual score with punt lineup
125 0-5
133 0-9
141. 4-9
149. 7-9
157. 7-12
165. 7-16
174. 10-16
184. 14-16
197. 17-16
Hwt. 20-16
For the critics, this is just one swag of what it might look like. Still good enough to beat the Hawks in a very tight dual. Let's leave Starocci out of the mix for now in preference for VJ eating a few more meatball sandwiches.
Verk, Berge and Manville are the big unknowns especially re: Nationals. Teske and Parker should be solid but unspectacular both with the potential to possibly AA?
The hit might be 20ish points lost at Nationals - but we could still win it short full strength.
If we see a Cael jump for those 3, we may just shock everyone. Then lookout the following year and beyond.
EJ - move along, nothing to see here ...
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