So why does PSU have such a small buyout clause? Listen, I’m 90% sure Franklin isn’t going to FSU, but just in general, why does PSU have the puniest buyout clauses in college football? All of these other highly sought after coaches have $3-$5 million buyout clauses, while Franklin has what...a $1 million or $2 million buyout clause. Does the PSU admin bow down to any decent coach that considers us that we are in that bad of a negotiating standpoint, we have to agree to these crappy buyout clauses? I ask this as a fan that suffers from PTSD on O’Brien’s buyout clause that he renegotiated down and left for the Texans the following year. I saw Franklin’s buyout clause and just looking at other highly thought of coaches...PSU’s seems unnaturally low once again. What’s the story?