Ray Blehar....MM caught in lie?

I think the people that know the most about this situation disagree with your position.
I think the people that you think know the most about this situation merely know the greatest amount of BS tin foil hat stuff and ignore facts.
I think the people that you think know the most about this situation merely know the greatest amount of BS tin foil hat stuff and ignore facts.

You have a very tenuous grasp on what facts are in general, let alone the facts of this case.

You think that a jury verdict makes something a fact.

You think that someone making accusations makes it a fact.

You think that non one could possibly lie about being abused, even when millions of dollars are waved in their faces.

You take data and interpret in a way that no one without an anti-PSU agenda could possibly interpret it.
That wouldn’t be the headline. It would be “Former PSU assistant arrested for the sexual assault of a child.”
Even if that was the case, a reader might say "oh, that's awful. What did he do?" "Oh, a naked bear hug in the shower after a work out is unacceptable. What a creep! I've certainly heard of much, much worse."
You have a very tenuous grasp on what facts are in general, let alone the facts of this case.

You think that a jury verdict makes something a fact.

You think that someone making accusations makes it a fact.

You think that non one could possibly lie about being abused, even when millions of dollars are waved in their faces.

You take data and interpret in a way that no one without an anti-PSU agenda could possibly interpret it.
And you think that a serial pedo would not sexually assault a boy he was alone with in the shower. LOL.
Even if that was the case, a reader might say "oh, that's awful. What did he do?" "Oh, a naked bear hug in the shower after a work out is unacceptable. What a creep! I've certainly heard of much, much worse."
Oh my, you are deeeeeeeeep in denial.
Don't believe indy's BS about people being paid or at least gmj. It's a weak and very disturbing line that is tossed around because he doesn't tow the same party line. So instead of disagreeing with someone you try to discredit them with no proof. It kind of speaks to the character of the person who would make up such a thing with absolutely zero proof. The same BS was said about me because I don't agree that Jerry is a victim or I dare say that mistakes were made by those at PSU too. Yeah...I lived over 1000 miles away from the state for 2+ decades, but I'm working for the ex Governor on some covert plan to keep Jerry in jail. Foiled again....seriously the amount of BS that is floated around here anymore is disturbing.
I don't know about the being paid part. I just know that jive is an ignorant, stupid idiot.
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And you think that a serial pedo would not sexually assault a boy he was alone with in the shower. LOL.
That you for illustrating your tenuous grasp of logic and fact.

You say he is a "serial pedo" why? Because he was convicted of being one. And therefore he must anally rape any boy he is alone with? Wow. That starts with circular logic and ends with quite the logic jump.

Not to mention that the headline came out before he was convicted of anything. So by lying in the GJP, the OAG insured that he could not possibly get a fair trial because they poisoned the jury pool from day one, AND when their star witness objected, they told him to shut up.
That you for illustrating your tenuous grasp of logic and fact.

You say he is a "serial pedo" why? Because he was convicted of being one. And therefore he must anally rape any boy he is alone with? Wow. That starts with circular logic and ends with quite the logic jump.

Not to mention that the headline came out before he was convicted of anything. So by lying in the GJP, the OAG insured that he could not possibly get a fair trial because they poisoned the jury pool from day one, AND when their star witness objected, they told him to shut up.
If you truely think that the public would not be nearly as upset with a sexual assault, you have zero logic.
No, the public is literally everyone.

The rivals main board is a very small subset of the public, largely populated, I suspect, by fanatics who hated Joe prior to 2011.
Many non-football fans have hated Joe since 2011.
You can LOL all you want, but if the news story was "Ex PSU assistant football coach charged after giving naked bear hug to teen during locker room horseplay" that is order of magnitude less damaging to PSU than shouting "Anal Rape" from the roof tops.

And please stop saying "We". I don't want any association with you. I sincerely hope you do not have a PSU degree.

Do you believe any sane Penn Stater's want to associate with a delusional nut like you?
Those like you who can't see the problem with a pedophile showering alone with a young boy
late at night have a total lack of common sense.
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Joe said that what MM told him was sexual in nature, I don't know what you would call it. MM testified that he used soft language.

Joe then reported it to his two bosses. That does not make him a pedophile enabler.

To be right on any topic, all one has to do is see your opinion and go with the opposite.
Do you believe any sane Penn Stater's want to associate with a delusional nut like you?
Those like you who can't see the problem with a pedophile showering alone with a young boy
late at night have a total lack of common sense.
Oh, hey, it's the other half of the "I only show up when something happens that hurts the current narrative." Welcome OL.

You are completely misrepresenting my argument. My argument is that public perception of a sexual assault which does not involve an overt sex act (e.g anal sex) would be FAR different than falsely mentioning anal sex.

If you cannot agree with that point, I don't think you have a very firm grasp of how most people view sex crimes.
Do you believe any sane Penn Stater's want to associate with a delusional nut like you?
Those like you who can't see the problem with a pedophile showering alone with a young boy
late at night have a total lack of common sense.

I'm guessing there are quite a few people who agree with me.

Not that this is a perfect metric, but I would be happy to put my ratio of posts to likes up against yours (or any of your amigos) any day.
Oh, hey, it's the other half of the "I only show up when something happens that hurts the current narrative." Welcome OL.

You are completely misrepresenting my argument. My argument is that public perception of a sexual assault which does not involve an overt sex act (e.g anal sex) would be FAR different than falsely mentioning anal sex.

If you cannot agree with that point, I don't think you have a very firm grasp of how most people view sex crimes.
I think most people view pedos as deviant POS. Doesn’t what degree of pedo that is.

Of course, this totally ignores the fact that the public also knows that Jerry performed oral and anal sex with other victims.
If you liked Joe before 2011 and hate Joe know, you are ignorant.
People tend to not love me others who hear about a child being sexually assaulted and don’t take that information to police. The hate them even more when they know that person has watched the pedo be free for a decade following the incident and never once show any concern after initially kicking the can down the curb.
The difference is that he adds nothing to the conversation. This thread was started because there is new information in the public view. We are having a constructive conversation about what this means (hell, even michlion has chimed in that this changes his opinion somewhat) and all jive does is parrot his same talking points from 4 years ago. How is that helpful? How does that demonstrate his ability to assimilate new information and think critically?

It doesn't.

And what is he getting out of this? At least you (LJL) are here posting about football topics. He appears to come here solely to say the same tired BS over and over again.

New threads on this topic generally get started when there is new information. He brings no new information, no new analysis and the same tired perspective.

So why? Dangerous obsession? Or part time job?

When you start calling out pnny and franco in the same manner or those obsessed that share your opinion...I might consider your opinion as being objective, but it sure doesn't seem to be. Basically people here want to mute him because he doesn't share a loud minorities opinion on this's pretty damn clear.

BTW, he does post on football related subjects, but not as much on this site as this site is more of an off topic site to be honest. It has turned into a Jerry/OT board with the Judge doing the heavy lifting on recruting. Like I said when you call out others who post just as much but on the opposite side of the spectrum, let me know. Start with pnny,,,,kidding there as nobody gives a flying f--k what that nut says anyway.
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People tend to not love me others who hear about a child being sexually assaulted and don’t take that information to police. The hate them even more when they know that person has watched the pedo be free for a decade following the incident and never once show any concern after initially kicking the can down the curb.

you have, in prior posts, surrendered that Joe followed policy and did the right thing. It is really undeniable. Joe didn't see or hear anything so could only report it up to the guy responsible for the facility (Curley) and the guy responsible for campus police (Schultz). He also followed up with MM. These are all facts.

So why are you still hounding Paterno? You are just a trouble maker. I'd put JVP WAAAAaaay down the list:
  • JS for being sick
  • TSM, for not managing the charity & JS effectively
  • MM, for not intervening, changing his story, and not calling the police
  • Schultz, for not mounting a thorough investigation
  • Curley for not intervening on Schultz to do his duty
  • Dad
  • Dranov (tie with Dad) for suggesting they go to a football coach instead of taking action
  • Spanier, for not asking more questions
Then I get to Paterno who, I guess, should have done some kind of Quincy; you know, doing something that he was not trained nor had any business doing. Well, I guess Quincy had some kind of tangential responsibility being an ME. I don't even know anyone to compare it with.

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I think most people view pedos as deviant POS. Doesn’t what degree of pedo that is.

Of course, this totally ignores the fact that the public also knows that Jerry performed oral and anal sex with other victims.

Two points:

1) You (and most people actually) misuse the word pedophile. It is not necessary to touch children to be a pedophile. The word you really want is pederast. But I guess that doesn't abbreviate as nicely (pede vs pedo), so sure keep illustrating your lack of command of the English language.

2) When the false GJP (and subsequent media reporting) came out, Sandusky had not been convicted of anything, therefore in the context of this argument, the public DID NOT know he had oral and anal sex with other victims.
People tend to not love me others who hear about a child being sexually assaulted and don’t take that information to police. The hate them even more when they know that person has watched the pedo be free for a decade following the incident and never once show any concern after initially kicking the can down the curb.
Except that literally didn't happen.
People tend to not love me others who hear about a child being sexually assaulted and don’t take that information to police. The hate them even more when they know that person has watched the pedo be free for a decade following the incident and never once show any concern after initially kicking the can down the curb.

Joe knew but he allowed his grandchildren to play at Sandusky's place?
C&S knew but they allowed JS to continue to come on campus and use the facilities?

How does this make sense? Or does it make more sense that they knew that JS had boundary issues?
Two points:

1) You (and most people actually) misuse the word pedophile. It is not necessary to touch children to be a pedophile. The word you really want is pederast. But I guess that doesn't abbreviate as nicely (pede vs pedo), so sure keep illustrating your lack of command of the English language.

2) When the false GJP (and subsequent media reporting) came out, Sandusky had not been convicted of anything, therefore in the context of this argument, the public DID NOT know he had oral and anal sex with other victims.
The GJP alleged that he had oral and anal sex with other victims.
Joe knew but he allowed his grandchildren to play at Sandusky's place?
C&S knew but they allowed JS to continue to come on campus and use the facilities?

How does this make sense? Or does it make more sense that they knew that JS had boundary issues?
Yes, Joe knew and he seemingly didn’t care enough to take it any further than he did.
Two points:

1) You (and most people actually) misuse the word pedophile. It is not necessary to touch children to be a pedophile. The word you really want is pederast. But I guess that doesn't abbreviate as nicely (pede vs pedo), so sure keep illustrating your lack of command of the English language.

2) When the false GJP (and subsequent media reporting) came out, Sandusky had not been convicted of anything, therefore in the context of this argument, the public DID NOT know he had oral and anal sex with other victims.

He used it correctly. Most people do view pedophiles as POS. And one does not have to act
on their urges physically to be convicted of a crime. Possession of child pornography can get
a pedophile sent to the slammer. You obviously aren't nearly as bright as you believe.
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The only explanation that makes any sense at all is that nobody thought there was sex occurring between Sandusky and the kid in the shower that night.
Could it have still been reported to authorities? Yes. Should it have been reported to authorities? Probably. But the only explanation that makes sense is that nobody at the time thought they were dealing with Sandusky and boy having sex in a shower.
you have, in prior posts, surrendered that Joe followed policy and did the right thing. It is really undeniable. Joe didn't see or hear anything so could only report it up to the guy responsible for the facility (Curley) and the guy responsible for campus police (Schultz). He also followed up with MM. These are all facts.

So why are you still hounding Paterno? You are just a trouble maker. I'd put JVP WAAAAaaay down the list:
  • JS for being sick
  • TSM, for not managing the charity & JS effectively
  • MM, for not intervening, changing his story, and not calling the police
  • Schultz, for not mounting a thorough investigation
  • Curley for not intervening on Schultz to do his duty
  • Dad
  • Dranov (tie with Dad) for suggesting they go to a football coach instead of taking action
  • Spanier, for not asking more questions
Then I get to Paterno who, I guess, should have done some kind of Quincy; you know, doing something that he was not trained nor had any business doing. Well, I guess Quincy had some kind of tangential responsibility being an ME. I don't even know anyone to compare it with.


He isn't "hounding" Paterno. He is reminding those who would put Joe back up on a pedestal of
what transpired that knocked him off in the first place.
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