Do you find the following summary of university procedure potentially confusing with regard to the situation Paterno was presented with, especially with an unknown victim?
Although the University strongly encourages all members of its community to report violations of this [sexual assault] policy to law enforcement, it is the victim’s choice whether or not to make such a report, and victims have the right to decline involvement with the police.
Wouldn't it be nice to learn whether Paterno ever discussed contacting police with McQueary? At least then we'd know if the topic ever came up and what he said about it. Too bad the prosecutor objected to the question when McQueary was asked in court.
Q: In all of the conversations, meetings you've had with Coach Paterno since that first time you talked to him about this incident, he never said the police should have been called?
MR. BEEMER: Objection to the relevance of what Coach Paterno said should have been done.
THE COURT: Sustained.