Ray Blehar....MM caught in lie?

You are smoking crack. Joe was a very small pawn in all of this, and when he made his GJP, he didn't know what to call the act that MM fabricated he saw and then told Joe an - admittedly-watered down version of it.

And, if it really WAS Joe's GJP, then why was he vilified by the very people who he just helped?

Sorry, your premise lacks logic.

Edit - you are making the same mistake that the less knowledgeable are making - you assume because Joe was a prominent person in the University (which he was), and that he was the head football coach (which he was), that he is a key role in the entire Sandusky matter (which he is not).
Joe knew it was sexual which is all that matters.
which part? the part where he says, I dont know what you call it? You know the part were the GJ that heard that testimony from JVP decided to do nothing.
The part where he says it was sexual in nature but qualified that statement by saying that he didn’t know what you would call the sexual act. Anyone without a joebot agenda understands what he meant.
Yes, I do want you to talk about it. V2 is the most important because it is the single sole incident that caused this to blow up. We have since learned that the GJP characterization of it was a lie, that V2 himself said it was a lie, that nobody covered up anything and the grand-standing drunken tree-crasher lied, and that well over $200M was stolen from Penn State. It was the fulcrum on which every other alleged incident was tied. So yes, I do want you to speak about it.

Often you will nose in on one of these threads and type "SSDD". Guess why? Because folks like yourself will never admit that none of this ever had anything to do with Penn State, Paterno, football or the student body/alumni culture.

The evidence seems to be overwhelming that 2001 was completely false. apologies should be issued and monies should be paid back.

You feel better? Apparently you selectively read what I post which is fine because things you stated in this very post contradict what I said. It shouldn't have been about PSU but poor leadership and the lack of one phone call sadly allowed it to be that way. Now you can kick, scream, pout, and call me names all you want it's clearly misdirected.
The statute in effect in 2001 stated that a mandated reporter had to make a report or cause a report to be made. Rather ambiguous.

If you go by the amendments to the law in 2014, then neither Curley, Schultz, or Spanier were mandated reporters. There are also related statutes that exempt administrators or those who don't come in routine contact with children (i.e., those under 18) from requirements related to child protection.

the actual change in the law the OAG "stretched" to apply to C/S/S was made in 2007. and it still doesn't seem to apply to any of them.
There's no reason that Mike (a GA) WOULD be aware that an assistant coach visited Joe to resign. To suggest otherwise means you think Kenny Jackson told others on the team before Joe, or that Joe immediately called the rest of the staff afterwards, including GA's. Ridiculous. There's ZERO CHANCE Mike would have known about that.


KJ leaving was not a big secret. It was in the works for some time. I don't live in or anywhere near State College, and I heard rumors about it several weeks before it became official, and got confirmation that it was in the works a couple of weeks before it became official.

Mike lived in State College, and worked at Lasch. I can't think of any circumstance in which Mike was not aware that KJ was leaving before it became official.

As always, believe what you want.
The part where he says it was sexual in nature but qualified that statement by saying that he didn’t know what you would call the sexual act. Anyone without a joebot agenda understands what he meant.

Anyone who had heard Joe speak in the 20 years prior to his testimony understood what he meant, and it isn't your interpretation.
Victim 2 is unknown and it is BETTER for Penn State that it remains that way until someone comes forward with some legitimate, reliable evidence that places them in the shower with Sandusky on February 9, 2001 -- and that person confirms he was not victimized.

There is no convincing, legitimate, or otherwise reliable evidence that the person purporting himself to be Victim 2 was in the shower with Sandusky on February 9, 2001.

The court has already decided that issue. It's moot.
Victim 2 is known here and it is written in cement. :rolleyes: Be careful, the mob can turn pretty easily ray. ;)
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The part where he says it was sexual in nature but qualified that statement by saying that he didn’t know what you would call the sexual act. Anyone without a joebot agenda understands what he meant.
That was the one thing that really fired up everyone. Still does. Without that, it's not anywhere near as big a deal nationally (well, likely--with Joe's name in it, it would still not have been good).
And on top of that, the jurors might have actually listened to the testimony before putting the man in jail for crimes the OAG know damn well he didn't commit.

KJ leaving was not a big secret. It was in the works for some time. I don't live in or anywhere near State College, and I heard rumors about it several weeks before it became official, and got confirmation that it was in the works a couple of weeks before it became official.

Mike lived in State College, and worked at Lasch. I can't think of any circumstance in which Mike was not aware that KJ was leaving before it became official.

As always, believe what you want.

But how would he know that THAT particular night, Kenny would visit Joe at his home? That was my main point. The fact the Kenny apparently did visit does not change whether Mike knew that.

More importantly, when these emails were exchanged, the DATE was wrong. The DATE in question in 2011 had nothing to do with Kenny Jackson. So when someone uses the Kenny Jackson visit as proof that Mike knew Joe was not "out-of-town," that could, maybe, have been true at the time (2001), but NOT in 2011 when Mike wrote these emails - he was writing about what he thought was an incident in 2002! If the Kenny Jackson meeting was as well known as you seem to remember, Mike would have known it was 2001, not 2002.
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So was it Joe or John who was out of town? And was he out of town in 02 or 01? If it was John, did Mike call home and tell him in 2001 but waited until 2002 to tell Joe when John was out of town. Oh so confusing...
I hear ya. I asked because the prosecution used Raykovitz as a witness, and during the questioning when he said that Central Mtn reported something to him, he was a proper reporting authority - something more than just a mandated reporter, I think. (I think I have that right about his testimony, but I'm open to not recalling that correctly).

So, if he was a proper authority for CMHS, then why not for PSU/TC? He received a report of something that needed to be looked into. He indicated that the fact-finding is on him if he is a proper reporting authority.
Bob, as always, you have great insight. Very nice job of pointing out that inconsistency.
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I was of the impression that even a murder conviction is a difficult task with no body.
How is it that 3 men were sentenced to jail (actually 4 if you include JS) and there is no victim?
Where is victim 2, known only to God? Someone got his three million.
Centre County was hemorrhaging victims once it started raining PSU millions...........surely JR and BH knew who it was/is.

KJ leaving was not a big secret. It was in the works for some time. I don't live in or anywhere near State College, and I heard rumors about it several weeks before it became official, and got confirmation that it was in the works a couple of weeks before it became official.

Mike lived in State College, and worked at Lasch. I can't think of any circumstance in which Mike was not aware that KJ was leaving before it became official.

As always, believe what you want.
I agree and probably should have been more accurate in my post.

My sources told me that Joe helped Kenny get the Steeler job, so Kenny was not there to tell Joe he was leaving. Rather, it was more or less just a good bye visit from a player who was like a son to Joe (and a brother to Jay).

As for the rest, there are those who believe that Mike tried to use this incident as leverage to get Kenny's job. Maybe. Maybe not.
I was of the impression that even a murder conviction is a difficult task with no body.
How is it that 3 men were sentenced to jail (actually 4 if you include JS) and there is no victim?
Where is victim 2, known only to God? Someone got his three million.
Centre County was hemorrhaging victims once it started raining PSU millions...........surely JR and BH knew who it was/is.
Plenty of cases are decided on circumstantial evidence, especially when the defendant cannot provide an alibi or contradictory evidence. There was plenty of testimony and physical evidence (lists, phone records, CYS reports, Sandusky's admissions, etc) that the jury considered in rendering guilty verdicts for the vast majority of charges.

There are plenty of victims and the endangerment case was made on 3 victims (V5, V1, and V9).

No one has come forward to verify Mike's account or give a description that puts them in the shower on February 9th. BTW, A.M. got $7 million, not $3 million -- because he claimed his abuse happened in March 2002, not February 2001.

As for the real Victim 2 not getting millions -- don't be so sure of that. Imagine what his silence was worth if he provided credible evidence that he was the kid in the shower on February 9, 2001 AND that insists he was never victimized.
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Everyone but you desperate joebots understand what he meant.
No, we don't. Because this grand jury testimony actually was a transcript from a previous grand jury. The grand jury that issued the indictments did not actually hear Joe say it. What they heard was an interpretation by the court recorder. Now, I'd expect it to be accurate as regards wording. But not emphasis. Or hesitation. The classic example is the sentence

"Let's eat grandma"​

How it is spoken carries a lot of meaning. Punctuation can only be inferred.
I agree and probably should have been more accurate in my post.

My sources told me that Joe helped Kenny get the Steeler job, so Kenny was not there to tell Joe he was leaving. Rather, it was more or less just a good bye visit from a player who was like a son to Joe (and a brother to Jay).

As for the rest, there are those who believe that Mike tried to use this incident as leverage to get Kenny's job. Maybe. Maybe not.

This entire thread is so asinine with so much misinformation and wild ass speculation.............. Let's ask Ruth Anne when Kenny knew about Jerry and specifically the '01 incident and even more importantly who called to tell him......

Others have come forward as well.... secretary from football office, MM's GF at the time and Ruth Anne....

Way too hilarious that Dranov has been a savior to the joe whackos because they think he somewhat contradicted MM's testimony and yet now you are saying that Dranov is lying about the friday night meeting even taking place. At least you know how to get the joe whackos foaming at the mouth but there is no bigger fool in all of this than you are Ray.

Stay tuned for the documentary.....................................................................
Plenty of cases are decided on circumstantial evidence, especially when the defendant cannot provide an alibi or contradictory evidence. There was plenty of testimony and physical evidence (lists, phone records, CYS reports, Sandusky's admissions, etc) that the jury considered in rendering guilty verdicts for the vast majority of charges.

There are plenty of victims and the endangerment case was made on 3 victims (V5, V1, and V9).

No one has come forward to verify Mike's account or give a description that puts them in the shower on February 9th. BTW, A.M. got $7 million, not $3 million -- because he claimed his abuse happened in March 2002, not February 2001.

As for the real Victim 2 not getting millions -- don't be so sure of that. Imagine what his silence was worth if he provided credible evidence that he was the kid in the shower on February 9, 2001 AND that insists he was never victimized.

A.M. would have been about 15 in 2002....color me skeptical.
Why are the PSU 3 reponsible for V1?
One phone simple phone call to a proper reporting agency and the narrative is WAY different. One phone call. Everyone will have their own opinion of Joe and MANY hated him long before this...especially the little sisters of the poor like Pitt, RU, and UMD folks.

Don't be so sure that call wasn't made. I'm relatively sure it was.

The AG knew that even if PSU made the call, DPW and CYS could NOT have acted on the report because that's the way the system works. They need the name of the victim before they can undertake an investigation.

I wrote about that here, excerpting from the Auditor General's report.
This entire thread is so asinine with so much misinformation and wild ass speculation.............. Let's ask Ruth Anne when Kenny knew about Jerry and specifically the '01 incident and even more importantly who called to tell him......

Others have come forward as well.... secretary from football office, MM's GF at the time and Ruth Anne....

Way too hilarious that Dranov has been a savior to the joe whackos because they think he somewhat contradicted MM's testimony and yet now you are saying that Dranov is lying about the friday night meeting even taking place. At least you know how to get the joe whackos foaming at the mouth but there is no bigger fool in all of this than you are Ray.

Stay tuned for the documentary....................................................................
Well there it is! Right from the horses ass's mouth.
Don't be so sure that call wasn't made. I'm relatively sure it was.

The AG knew that even if PSU made the call, DPW and CYS could NOT have acted on the report because that's the way the system works. They need the name of the victim before they can undertake an investigation.

I wrote about that here, excerpting from the Auditor General's report.
They just forgot they made the report? Possible I guess.
Don't be so sure that call wasn't made. I'm relatively sure it was.

The AG knew that even if PSU made the call, DPW and CYS could NOT have acted on the report because that's the way the system works. They need the name of the victim before they can undertake an investigation.

I wrote about that here, excerpting from the Auditor General's report.
Well there has to be a reason Tom Harmon has enjoyed The Commonwealth's Guard All Shield.
They just forgot they made the report? Possible I guess.

Schultz has said several times under oath that he thinks it was reported but does not remember details. This suggests to me that it was reported but no directly by Schultz.

It also indirectly supports the idea that no one thought this was a five alarm fire at the time it happened (i.e. if there had been reports of "anal rape" there would be lots of documentation of who called who when).
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This entire thread is so asinine with so much misinformation and wild ass speculation.............. Let's ask Ruth Anne when Kenny knew about Jerry and specifically the '01 incident and even more importantly who called to tell him......

Others have come forward as well.... secretary from football office, MM's GF at the time and Ruth Anne....

Way too hilarious that Dranov has been a savior to the joe whackos because they think he somewhat contradicted MM's testimony and yet now you are saying that Dranov is lying about the friday night meeting even taking place. At least you know how to get the joe whackos foaming at the mouth but there is no bigger fool in all of this than you are Ray.

Stay tuned for the documentary.....................................................................

Yes, Ruth Anne. Had she been credible, she would have been a prosecution witness. But she wasn't, was she? Maybe because she got the year wrong too. Or maybe because of her bitter break up with Kenny. Or maybe both.

It is also a fact that the AG fudged the dates in this case quite frequently. So what is the harm in fudging that the meeting took place on Saturday morning instead of Friday night. I'm sure Dr. Dranov would rather have fudged the date than become a defendant. Same goes for John Sr.

It's not about me. It's about the truth.

And if you're siding with the AG, then you're on the wrong side of the truth.
Schultz has said several times under oath that he thinks it was reported but does not remember details. This suggests to me that it was reported but no directly by Schultz.

It also indirectly supports the idea that no one thought this was a five alarm fire at the time it happened (i.e. if there had been reports of "anal rape" there would be lots of documentation of who called who when).
It was such a big deal, that Mike never objected to the way his report was handled.
Schultz has said several times under oath that he thinks it was reported but does not remember details. This suggests to me that it was reported but no directly by Schultz.

It also indirectly supports the idea that no one thought this was a five alarm fire at the time it happened (i.e. if there had been reports of "anal rape" there would be lots of documentation of who called who when).
IIRC it was in GS hand written notes and there was a check by it. He has testified that he thought a report was made, but as you note, cant remember the details. Do I think he is making that up to CYA? no I think, he thinks a report was made.
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Yes, Ruth Anne. Had she been credible, she would have been a prosecution witness. But she wasn't, was she? Maybe because she got the year wrong too. Or maybe because of her bitter break up with Kenny. Or maybe both.

It is also a fact that the AG fudged the dates in this case quite frequently. So what is the harm in fudging that the meeting took place on Saturday morning instead of Friday night. I'm sure Dr. Dranov would rather have fudged the date than become a defendant. Same goes for John Sr.

It's not about me. It's about the truth.

And if you're siding with the AG, then you're on the wrong side of the truth.
Certainly does seem that MM lies and the rest swear to it?
You feel better? Apparently you selectively read what I post which is fine because things you stated in this very post contradict what I said. It shouldn't have been about PSU but poor leadership and the lack of one phone call sadly allowed it to be that way. Now you can kick, scream, pout, and call me names all you want it's clearly misdirected.
I'm well aware that you said a few posts earlier than the one I commented to that you said it should never have been about PSU football and Paterno.

But, you "SSDD" it very often. Why?

You don't support/defend that false narrative that has been spewed. Hard evidence like V2 is on the table and you choose to go silent. Why?

Hard evidence like Esbach's comments are on the table and you call everyone a JoeBot. Why?

I can't say that I've ever seen you jump all over GMJ for his inane rants and selective memory. He wants to make it all about Paterno and Paterno only and you let him go. Why?

So you slipped in a truthful comment earlier. Good for you. Past performance is an indicator future p[erformance
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They just forgot they made the report? Possible I guess.
For the most part, Tim, Gary, and Graham were relying on documents provided to them AFTER they testified to a grand jury to fill in the blanks of their memories. Graham has no recollection of seeing the 1998 emails.

The problem is what other evidence was out there that they didn't get to see or was withheld from discovery...such as the McQueary email that started this thread.
Most of us knew about Eshbach's words in October 2016 and that she advised Mike not to respond to inaccurate reports or make a statement contrary to the information in the presentment.

That's why I didn't lead with it.

Fair enough. Thanks for the reply.

I'll say this --- if I was trying to prove a case of "As regards the Sandusky story, Penn State and PSU people got jobbed in 2011-2012 by the Pennsylvania DA and such, and the story as regards Penn State and these PSU people is not what it seems" --- I'd always be starting my narrative with Jonelle Eshbach and hammering the point home that she's a liar and leaker.

She's also a clear conduit to Corbett.

Getting Eshbach disbarred would also be something tangibly accomplished. I'm not trying to be a jerk by saying this, but for all your investigating you are a bit short on tangible accomplishments over the last 5 years. Eshbach does definitely appear to deserve to be disbarred.