Ray Blehar....MM caught in lie?

There's no reason that Mike (a GA) WOULD be aware that an assistant coach visited Joe to resign. To suggest otherwise means you think Kenny Jackson told others on the team before Joe, or that Joe immediately called the rest of the staff afterwards, including GA's. Ridiculous. There's ZERO CHANCE Mike would have known about that.

As for what "out-of-town" meant, suppose Mike called Joe's house, and Joe was meeting with Kenny. Sue Answers, and Joe says to Sue - tell him I'm not here. She fibs & says he's "out of town". Or any other number of possibilities.
FWIW, the front page of The Daily Collegian had an article about KJ being named the Steelers WR coach that very Friday. It was known.
Fair enough.

I'll say this --- if I was trying to prove a case of "As regards the Sandusky story, Penn State and PSU people got jobbed in 2011-2012 by the Pennsylvania DA and such, and the story as regards Penn State and these PSU people is not what it seems" --- I'd always be starting my narrative with Jonelle Eshbach and hammering the point home that she's a liar and leaker.

She's also a clear conduit to Corbett.

Getting Eshbach disbarred would also be something tangibly accomplished. I'm not trying to be a jerk by saying this, but for all your investigating you are a bit short on tangible accomplishments over the last 5 years. Eshbach does definitely appear to deserve to be disbarred.

Somewhat like Pinocchio's nose JE's role in this thing grows and grows. She wrote that the GJ was "eager" to indict based on a presentment they had never seen. Additionally, curious why the Howard Stern's poison email was sent to Centre County DA? Any connection there?
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Plenty of cases are decided on circumstantial evidence, especially when the defendant cannot provide an alibi or contradictory evidence. There was plenty of testimony and physical evidence (lists, phone records, CYS reports, Sandusky's admissions, etc) that the jury considered in rendering guilty verdicts for the vast majority of charges.

There are plenty of victims and the endangerment case was made on 3 victims (V5, V1, and V9).

No one has come forward to verify Mike's account or give a description that puts them in the shower on February 9th. BTW, A.M. got $7 million, not $3 million -- because he claimed his abuse happened in March 2002, not February 2001.

As for the real Victim 2 not getting millions -- don't be so sure of that. Imagine what his silence was worth if he provided credible evidence that he was the kid in the shower on February 9, 2001 AND that insists he was never victimized.

Not sure what you are trying to say here. Are you insinuating that the REAL 2001 Victim 2 has come forward and said nothing bad happened? Was ALSO paid off to keep quiet? And it's not AM?

I find that hard to believe
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That’s fine if he waited a day. But if that’s the case, he’s been lying all along about meeting his father that night. If he did meet his father that night, then he is lying to Esbach in the email, which raises the serious question of what else he may be lying about and how far he may be willing to go to protect himself.
Either way, it’s not good for him.
I agree. I'm not trying to excuse his dishonesty. I'm just trying to figure out the most reasonable explanation.
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Perhaps it's notable that Dranov was attempting to recall a 10-year-old memory that was assigned a greater importance in hindsight than what it had in realtime.
He's going to remember who was there and who wasn't.

I don't think he'd interject himself into all this if given a choice. But I admittedly don't know what the explanation is for MM's email.
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For the most part, Tim, Gary, and Graham were relying on documents provided to them AFTER they testified to a grand jury to fill in the blanks of their memories. Graham has no recollection of seeing the 1998 emails.

The problem is what other evidence was out there that they didn't get to see or was withheld from discovery...such as the McQueary email that started this thread.
I just find it hard to believe they filed a report on someone like Jerry and simply forgot it....even years later. Doesn't mean it is impossible, just I have a hard time buying it and even more so with what they were charged with.
I'm well aware that you said a few posts earlier than the one I commented to that you said it should never have been about PSU football and Paterno.

But, you "SSDD" it very often. Why?

You don't support/defend that false narrative that has been spewed. Hard evidence like V2 is on the table and you choose to go silent. Why?

Hard evidence like Esbach's comments are on the table and you call everyone a JoeBot. Why?

I can't say that I've ever seen you jump all over GMJ for his inane rants and selective memory. He wants to make it all about Paterno and Paterno only and you let him go. Why?

So you slipped in a truthful comment earlier. Good for you. Past performance is an indicator future p[erformance

What you deem credible only flies here, sorry to burst your bubble. Ray in this same thread states there is no victim 2 that is known, but you gloss over that? Maybe you should stop trying to read minds because you are simply awful at it.

Not to mention I didn't call anyone here a Joebot in this thread. You honestly can tell the difference between handles or have such a simple mind that you think anyone not sharing your opinion is obviously the same person. When you are that inaccurate in your own posts, it kind of hard to take you seriously. Honestly...I have actually butt headed heads with GMJ as we differ on some things, but he can actually keep in cordial with me....unlike many others here. That black pot is surely big now...isn't it.
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I just find it hard to believe they filed a report on someone like Jerry and simply forgot it....even years later. Doesn't mean it is impossible, just I have a hard time buying it and even more so with what they were charged with.

Well, from what Ray is insinuating now, if I read his post correctly, is that the AM incident DID happen in 2002. That's why he got $7million dollars instead of $3 million.

The McQueary incident that happened in 2001 involved an incident where nothing bad happened, and the "unknown" 2001 kid was paid millions for some reason (I can guess why) to keep his mouth shut. Hence, a pretty forgettable incident.

To be clear, I have a hard time believing this. If AM isn't the McQueary kid, I'd be shocked.
Well, from what Ray is insinuating now, if I read his post correctly, is that the AM incident DID happen in 2002. That's why he got $7million dollars instead of $3 million.

The McQueary incident that happened in 2001 involved an incident where nothing bad happened, and the "unknown" 2001 kid was paid millions for some reason (I can guess why) to keep his mouth shut. Hence, a pretty forgettable incident.

To be clear, I have a hard time believing this. If AM isn't the McQueary kid, I'd be shocked.
I thought JS at one time said it was AM, and he called him to tell him somebody at PSU wanted to speak to him.
Well, from what Ray is insinuating now, if I read his post correctly, is that the AM incident DID happen in 2002. That's why he got $7million dollars instead of $3 million.

The McQueary incident that happened in 2001 involved an incident where nothing bad happened, and the "unknown" 2001 kid was paid millions for some reason (I can guess why) to keep his mouth shut. Hence, a pretty forgettable incident.

To be clear, I have a hard time believing this. If AM isn't the McQueary kid, I'd be shocked.

All the lawyers got creative to fashion stories of abuse after the reported MM incident. They knew it would play for more money if the case went to a jury. In this case, you can't list all the liars without a scorecard.
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So if she is referring to the inaccurate reporting why is it so important the MM not say anything?
I don't agree with his take, but there's no way she would be okay with him commenting on it.

There's no way to know which direction things could go if your star witness starts talking to the press.
Looks like Eshbach's response was to Mike's later email about misrepresentations by the media.
Why would it be so important to Eshbach that misrepresentations by the media not be corrected? I cannot think of any other case where someone from law enforcement did not come out and publicly say something to the effect of things that are being reported are simply not true.

Think about it. There were physical threats made to people-- McQueary included, over these lies-- I'm not going to honor the state's version of doublespeak any longer-- and Jonelle's response is to tell him to deal with it, my narrative is more important than your physical safety. What a four-letter word she is.
I don't agree with his take, but there's no way she would be okay with him commenting on it.

There's no way to know which direction things could go if your star witness starts talking to the press.

Two things:

1) If she doesn't want the truth to come out, that speaks volumes, both about her integrity and the strength of her case.

2) It really wasn't up to her whether MM spoke to the media or not. As a GJ witness, he is totally free to talk to whoever he wants. The only way she could stop him from speaking up is if she had something that she was holding over his head, or if she did an excellent job of selling the "We need your help to put this bad guy away, even if it means lying" pitch to him.
To be perfectly honest, do you really see this somehow changing the narrative at all? It should have never been about a sport or a coach, but that is the story that was made up and ran with. Let's put it like this, do you think this vague note is going to walk anything back in terms of a national perception. Do you think Jim Bob at Gainseville is going to read that and say...well they surely screwed PSU...did you read that email exchange? A big, but no where else. I doubt this even touches the Lions Den or 247 in terms of other active PSU sites. So I don't think this is some huge game changer, but maybe other do...which is fine.
Agree with you. That said, no way this should be just swept under the carpet. But, you are right. It will be.
FWIW, the front page of The Daily Collegian had an article about KJ being named the Steelers WR coach that very Friday. It was known.

As I stated in a post above ...

That does not mean Mike would have known Kenny would visit the Paterno house that night (if he did visit) back in 2001, but especially given that this email is from 2011, about an incident thought to be from 2002, how in the world could Kenny's visit play into whether Joe was home or out-of-town?

Ray's got a few problems:

1) He's committed & doubled down on a few theories. Which I would get into here, but specifically, V2 is unknown as one. The ONLY reason he believes this is because Ziegler outed V2. Then Zig provided emails to show Ray believed AM=V2, and passed info to Zig about it. To get off the hook, Ray's doubled down that V2 is unknown. Just one example.

2) He doesn't fact-check, vet, or run any of his theories by anyone before posing. Example1: The Janitor Bombshell ('nuff said about that). Example2: Earlier in this thread he claimed to have "vetted" an item in Gillum's book by emailing Gillum for confirmation. (WHAT???)

3) Ray times these things like a PR professional - he's going to be at the Michigan game & wants to be recognized as a celebrity at the tailgate scene & at the game.

4) He's in his self-imposed echo chamber. If you disagree with him twice, he blocks you, puts you on ignore, etc... Most all the ZigBots (who are 95% on Ray's side are on ignore). So are those of the rest who think we know who V2 is at this point, or at least anyone who expresses that view. So he's been looking at this whole thing and never seeing any dissenting opinions/explanations for years.... so of course he thinks he's on the right track.

Ray - you can't hear me but:

- Where's the FEDs investigation?
- What's the provenance of the Erickson Notes?
- What are the redacted portions of those notes?
I just find it hard to believe they filed a report on someone like Jerry and simply forgot it....even years later. Doesn't mean it is impossible, just I have a hard time buying it and even more so with what they were charged with.

More likely, they intended to file a report... but kept putting it off for a day, another day, another day. (Because it was uncomfortable, awkward). Then eventually, they realized a month had passed, it was more awkward. But they still kept it on the todo list. Then 3 months pass... They gulp & file it - too late now! Cross their fingers and hope it goes away & never comes back ... but still, keep a special file.
We need the response from MM to JE after she tells him to shut up and stick to the script. Probably went something like this:

"This is because of my penis pictures, isn't it? Or is it the sports gambling? Either way, this sucks."
Somewhat like Pinocchio's nose JE's role in this thing grows and grows. She wrote that the GJ was "eager" to indict based on a presentment they had never seen. Additionally, curious why the Howard Stern's poison email was sent to Centre County DA? Any connection there?

I mean --- I'm pretty sure (not 100% admittedly) that the story as regards Victim 2 in the GJP is directionally correct. Directional in terms of: "Sandusky was in the Lasch building shower with a kid, MM saw something (who knows what precisely), JoePa, Schultz and Curley eventually find out via MM, Schultz and Curley eventually decide to do nothing about as regards Sandusky."

Any damn person working in the OAG should know though --- the story should be down to the detail, as correct as possible.

I'm not ready to go down a conspiracy route, but Eshbach actually putting in writing that there are inaccuracies in the GJP --- she's a total ding-bat. And, yes, probably a "the ends justify the means" ambitiuous-about-my-career type of ding-bat.

I can't stand folk like that.
No, we don't. Because this grand jury testimony actually was a transcript from a previous grand jury. The grand jury that issued the indictments did not actually hear Joe say it. What they heard was an interpretation by the court recorder. Now, I'd expect it to be accurate as regards wording. But not emphasis. Or hesitation. The classic example is the sentence

"Let's eat grandma"​

How it is spoken carries a lot of meaning. Punctuation can only be inferred.
Joe never disputed his testimony in the months following the leak. Why wouldn’t he if it was wrong or if it was misunderstood due to emphasis?
Why so many lies and deceptions to convict one of the "worst serial pedophiles" Commonwealth Investigators have ever seen? What was the primary goal? To jail JS or blow up PSU?

This is where the discussion should focus and should have been focused from day one. And I would add that a very bright light needs to be pointed at the OGBOT. Had Penn State defended itself and its people, or at least called for due process, none of this would have ever happened.
Well, from what Ray is insinuating now, if I read his post correctly, is that the AM incident DID happen in 2002. That's why he got $7million dollars instead of $3 million.

The McQueary incident that happened in 2001 involved an incident where nothing bad happened, and the "unknown" 2001 kid was paid millions for some reason (I can guess why) to keep his mouth shut. Hence, a pretty forgettable incident.

To be clear, I have a hard time believing this. If AM isn't the McQueary kid, I'd be shocked.
Can't agree or disagree with it since it is really is unknown IMO.
Joe never disputed his testimony in the months following the leak. Why wouldn’t he if it was wrong or if it was misunderstood due to emphasis?
Because he was dying of cancer? You do realize we're only talking two months here, at most, between the leak and his death.
Joe never disputed his testimony in the months following the leak. Why wouldn’t he if it was wrong or if it was misunderstood due to emphasis?

Don't have time to look up the specifics, but he DID dispute the interpretation of it, and was advised by the AG's Office, possibly Eshbach, to be quiet. Wrote a letter that was disclosed by Sue after he died that he was being misinterpreted. Maybe I'll look it up later.
Don't have time to look up the specifics, but he DID dispute the interpretation of it, and was advised by the AG's Office, possibly Eshbach, to be quiet. Wrote a letter that was disclosed by Sue after he died that he was being misinterpreted. Maybe I'll look it up later.
Oh so he wrote a letter. LOL. Joe is getting hammered by everyone but decides to keep quiet because Eshbach asked nicely. LOL.
Joe never disputed his testimony in the months following the leak. Why wouldn’t he if it was wrong or if it was misunderstood due to emphasis?
Because he never thought of himself as part of the issue.

1. McQ came to his house and told him what he saw Or thought he saw.

2. Joe referenced the University policy manual in what to do in situations like this. It told him to contact his supervisor. Which he did. Then he stepped away from it. Like he is supposed to have done.

3. He then asked McQ a few weeks later if he was OK. McQ Never said said he wasn't.

4. The shit hit the fan with a few "erroneous" pages being leaked from the GJP of a few months earlier. As far as Joe knew he did everything he was supposed to and allowed to do and it was someone else's problem. Jerry did not work for him or the University.

You keep making the same mistake maxxedout made-you assume that Joe was an integral part of the Jerry scandal. He wasn't. He was simply a tertiary entity and that is what he himself thought. It was others who made Joe the focal point.
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Can't agree or disagree with it since it is really is unknown IMO.

Maybe you can ask him what he means by that, because I think he has me on Ignore. :)

If THIS is his theory, I would like more of an explanation. That's really out there. He does great work, but for some strange reason, he refuses to follow logic wrt Victim 2.
This is where the discussion should focus and should have been focused from day one. And I would add that a very bright light needs to be pointed at the OGBOT. Had Penn State defended itself and its people, or at least called for due process, none of this would have ever happened.
One thing that you can bet the ranch on......Ira, Surma, Peetz, Frazier, Suhey etc. DID NOT want due process. As it has been aptly stated, "What Board of Trustees would pay 8.5 million to have its universities brains blown out?"
MSU BOT commissioned a report and it is remaining an internal matter. The assassination of JVP,PSU and its administrators was arranged and executed with the full cooperation and participation of its Trustees.
Oh so he wrote a letter. LOL. Joe is getting hammered by everyone but decides to keep quiet because Eshbach asked nicely. LOL.

By this time, Joe was dying a$$hole. He thought he was doing the right thing and being cooperative. But he knew he was dying, and wanted to make sure the record some day was as clear as he could make it under the horrible condition he was living with.

You must be a real jerk in real life.
One thing that you can bet the ranch on......Ira, Surma, Peetz, Frazier, Suhey etc. DID NOT want due process. As it has been aptly stated, "What Board of Trustees would pay 8.5 million to have its universities brains blown out?"
MSU BOT commissioned a report and it is remaining an internal matter. The assassination of JVP,PSU and its administrators was arranged and executed with the full cooperation and participation of its Trustees.

HAAAA! You just made me realize we paid AM and Shubin only $1.5 million dollars less than Freeh and his entire Firm!!! That's just brain dead crazy!!!!! :)

Nothing to see here folks. :):)
So MM wanted to correct the record because he was being........

vilified. JE says do not do it because it will hurt my case. MM says ok........why? What would cause MM to say...........nothing (again), unless there was some leverage JE had over him. MM.........your response.

Unfortunately, I think you make an important point. The skeletons in Mike's own closet gave JE the leverage to float the false narrative we have today. But we shouldn't get lost in the weeds and overlook the big picture. Why did Penn State allow itself to be used like this?