With the death of NLI, I'd be asking athletes to sign an agreement that says you ain't visiting or floating your market value after. Can these "scholarship agreements" range in length? If I got a Bassett/Forest/Blaze/Vega type signed, I'd make sure it's ironclad or that the new school could buy it out.
I totally understand athletes getting more power, but this shit is absurd. "Commitment" means nothing beyond a twitter graphic. Additionally, once that kid is signed... You absolutely gotta pay it all out over the length of the contract. You want someone else? Pay them both.
We're gonna have 16/17 year olds signing contracts worth more than I've made in 10 years. You sign to a school/team and not to a coach.
See ya never, academic-based athletics.
I totally understand athletes getting more power, but this shit is absurd. "Commitment" means nothing beyond a twitter graphic. Additionally, once that kid is signed... You absolutely gotta pay it all out over the length of the contract. You want someone else? Pay them both.
We're gonna have 16/17 year olds signing contracts worth more than I've made in 10 years. You sign to a school/team and not to a coach.
See ya never, academic-based athletics.