I don't want to hijack the thread into a different direction, but if anyone is wondering why I've become sensitive to government overreach, it has nothing to do with the sex industry. I have never participated in, nor condoned, prostitution.
This fight (and my Libertarian leanings) against government overreach have been fueled by a situation within our health care system. The government's War on Drugs has created ridiculous problems for those in need of all sorts of controlled medications, even those which are rather benign. The result has been a huge reduction (and/or elimination) of legitimate access, and inconvenience that creates both excessive (sometimes unsafe) travel while at the same time greatly restricting travel.
I could cite many examples of unacceptable impacts on both doctors and patients. These are "unintended consequences" of a government that doesn't fully assess impacts when it comes up with new rules, be it on sex, drugs, gambling, or any other difficult, complex issue. To be clear, I am for regulation in many areas, sometimes for increased regulation (especially in the banking/finance/investment industry), but we can't be stupid about it. If you think most doctors feel the rules are appropriate you would be wrong, at least in my sampling.
The government has overstepped here. It hasn't reduced the nation's drug problem, and it's raised cost within legitimate circles. But hey, everyone has the right to insurance. Problems solved.
Now, back to our regular programming on the sex industry.