Sammy Alvarez


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
I'm hearing that hes in the transfer portal. Has anyone heard this yet or can confirm it? He beat Robert Howard.
How does that work? Prior to enrollment but operating under and NLI. He could just not enroll for a year and train somewhere and lose no eligibility. Can he even enter a portal before he’s enrolled?.....or did he enroll and want into the portal already? That seems a bit unlikely after like four weeks.
I'm hearing that hes in the transfer portal. Has anyone heard this yet or can confirm it? He beat Robert Howard.

Not certain if it is the same as football.....but a 5 star football player recently entered the transfer portal after he signed his letter but before he even graduated from high school.
How does that work? Prior to enrollment but operating under and NLI. He could just not enroll for a year and train somewhere and lose no eligibility. Can he even enter a portal before he’s enrolled?.....or did he enroll and want into the portal already? That seems a bit unlikely after like four weeks.
Insert gratuitous Bethlehem Catholic joke here.
This guy cruises various forums, Facebook pages and other places, picks up a rumor, then comes back and says, "I'm hearing...," as if he has some inside information. Rather than just saying, "Some guy on a Facebook page says Alvarez is out at NC State."

Well.....who else reads a wrestler's twitter and the claims a "Scoop" Cue the Scramble in 3-2-1....go
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That would be excellent for Rutgers. His style will translate well. And maybe he would like to enjoy a Bud or two in college. Good on him.

Goodale the master tamperer
Not sure what you're getting at. Reposting a tweet is a whole lot different than "I'm hearing."

Just referencing a noted Willie hater who has been prone to read other boards and twitter...repost the words without credit and then brag about scooping FLO
Not sure what you're getting at. Reposting a tweet is a whole lot different than "I'm hearing."

Couldn’t agree more. The “I’m hearing” is an attempt to get people thinking you have the inside scoop. Reposting a tweet or article is giving credit where credit is due.
The cruiseliner board intro post says "I saw on the Facebook forum" ... and with that the Pulitzer Committee's job is done for this year.

Somewhat related -- see below screenshot of the Google search result for "Rutgers Rivals wrestling":

Well, this thread has taken a turn for the worse. Just a big picture opinion...
Social media is a problem when people get involved. (Yes, I know what was just typed, just think about it for a second)
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If you are questioning this guy get lost would ya.... you guys look like clowns
Random internet posters are so much more believable, when other random internet posters step in on their behalf. I would feel much more clownish believing everything that I read on the internet.
Did you see that Flo confirmed this?
Apparently the point is lost on you.

Ps - gloating when your still sub .500 on your hearing baseball terms gets you a high inside fastball next time your up.

Ps - I know flo guys personally and if I put everything on here I hear.....well I wouldn't hear anything anymore. But keep mining you'll find rewards I'm sure.

Pss - I was breaking news in here when you were still shining shoes. So why dont you go get your shine box.

With peace and love, peace and love
I didnt see flo's tweet. I came here asking if anyone else has seen/heard this and most ppl gave me flack. So if guess my batting average comes back up ahhh @dunkej01 no shoe shinning here

Flo tweet: 5:31 PM Tuesday
You "hearing" it: 6:23 PM Tuesday

You confirmed Flo. ;);)