Bottom line, the time to act was that night in the showers.
If Mike was certain of a crime, he could have intervened.
If Mike didn't want to intervene, then call 911. You have the victim, the perp and the witness all together at the scene of the crime.
Instead, Mike went home and decided with his father and Dr. Dranov that this wasn't a police matter. Then he decided to go to bed for the night. And just like that, the opportunity was gone, though no fault of Joe, Tim, Gary or Graham. All they could do after that is follow policy and procedure.
By sleeping on it and going to Joe Paterno the next day, either:
A. Mike did not believe a crime had taken place.
B. Mike had ulterior motives.
If "A" is true, then that explains the actions of everyone else.
If "B" is true, let's say Mike thought it would help him get a job (which he didn't). IF that's true, then that's an indictment on Mike for putting his career ahead of the welfare of kids. Has nothing to do with Penn State's students, faculty, alumni, nor our so-called "football culture."
I'm surprised nobody's ever asked Mike why he didn't consider that night in the showers a police matter.