184 Quarters: McCutcheon vs. Kenny Courts (Ohio St.) on mat 5 ...
Cutch is seeded 14th, while Courts is unseeded. These 2 met in a dual in January. It was scoreless after the 1st, though Courts was the aggressor. Cutch led by 1-0 after the 2nd, though Courts was getting in deep. In the 3rd, Courts got an esc, then got a TD, and then rode Cutch for over 1 min to get RT. Cutch got the esc to make it 2-3, but couldn't get a late TD, and lost 2-4 with RT.
The way the tourney is going, this match is big for both teams in the team title race.
Per 1:
Courts looks huge next to Cutch. Cutch with an ankle pick on the edge, trying to bring Courts in, quite a battle, then he gets the TD at 1:47. OOB at 1:43. Nice job by Cutch, 2-0. Not much movement by either off the whistle. Courts stands and then tries a roll, but Cutch stays in control and has him flattened. Cutch trying to tilt, but Court imitating a flounder. RT over 1 min. RT over 1 min. Stall warning on Courts. Rideout by Cutch. He has 1:47 in RT.
Per 2:
Court defers, and Cutch takes bottom. Caution on Courts. Cutch up and out in 6 sec, 3-0. Courts on a leg, nearly OOB, but Courts gets the TD, 3-2. OOB with 1:32. Cutch to feet, then back down, and OOB at 1:13. Courts grabs the ankle. Cutch to base, and up, and out at 56 sec, 4-2. 1:04 in RT for Cutch. Ear to ear for a bit, and then again. Court with a shot, nothing. End.
Per 3:
Courts takes bottom. Courts with a roll and an esc in 6 sec, 4-3. Cutch still has RT (1:07). Court in on a leg, and he gets the TD, 4-5. RT under 1 min. OOB with 1:15. Need better defense from Cutch. Cutch to his feet and out at 1:08, 5-5. OOB with 44 sec. RT at 43 sec, so not a factor. Courts drops to shoot, nothing. Cutch reaches, nothing. We are going OT.
Courts in on the legs, Cutch gives up the TD, 7-5. Ugh. Cutch had trouble all match with Courts when Courts committed to the legs shot.
Cutch went away from the offense he's had in the past month, and was too defensive in the match.
This post was edited on 3/20 10:40 AM by Tom McAndrew
This post was edited on 3/20 11:54 AM by Tom McAndrew
This post was edited on 3/20 1:21 PM by Tom McAndrew
This post was edited on 3/20 1:22 PM by Tom McAndrew