SIAP/FC: A. Lubrano's email to Eric Barron re: JVP not recognized among best-ever coaches by SI

I doubt the brass at SI would have let her put Joe in the article even if that’s what she wanted. I canceled my subscription after I saw the article.
Good move. Whatever can be done - no matter how small - to drive these goof balls from the field.
Osborne and Bowden, not Joe, laughable.

It’s beyond laughable. It’s disgraceful. Those two get a pass because they were church going nice guys dang ump it, or whatever phrase he used. Fact is they were not nice at all, and to put them on a list with Joe is embarrassing. Same mentality that gave Osborne the 94 championship.
This article just set women writing in the sports world back 30 years. If you write a list about the top 10 college football coaches ever and you don’t have Joe Paterno on the list you’re either 1) too dumb to be a writer or 2) a female that knows absolutely nothing about college sports and should stick to knitting.

Journalism in general - my guess is SI said ‘no Joe.’ Writer/gender doesn’t matter.
I agree coach Hayes made one major mistake but his body of work speaks volumes.
What was his great body of work? Hayes acted like a buffoon all the time - not just that Gator Bowl game - like that bozo Kelly from Notre Dame). He padded his record beating up on a lousy Big10 (little 8) and consistently lost his bowl games and any other big game.
Aside from winning a shit-ton, no one did more positive things for the game and the students around him than Joe. Most others on a legit top-ten list also carry some (legitimate) baggage, leaving a mixed legacy. Joe carries none. End of story.
Which is precisely why the misanthrope, charlatans like Barron, Dambly and Lubert hated him. Their dicks are microscopic in size to his.
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Here is Mark Dambly’s response:

Anthony, you are certainly entitled to your opinion, but that does not entitle you to be rude and inconsiderate to President Baron. Frankly, I am not interested in hearing from you if this is the manner in which you intend on communicating. It is not becoming of a mature adult.

I think some of the responses were written by our fellow BWI posters!

What the hell is wrong with this Dambly guy? The email was not rude.
Have not seen this posted here after being posted 3 days ago on Facebook, so apologies if a repeat.
Copying (in Italics) an Aug. 15 post by Anthony Lubrano @lubrano on Facebook (yes, I know... it's an SI list/article, but still):

I sent Eric Barron this email tonight. Copied were Mark Dambly, Matt Schuyler, Jake Corman. Al Lord and Bob Capretto (the latter two because of their undying love for Joe and PSU and because I served with them on the BOT.

Today at 7:54 pm


Guess who is not on this list?…/best-coaches-college-football-history-…

The guy won two national titles and went undefeated 4 other times (which is essentially 6 National titles)—won more Bowls than anyone, won more games than anyone, never went on probation, graduated his players, forced instant replay on college football and oh yeah was the first guy to win all 5 major bowls —Orange, Sugar, Cotton, Rose and Fiesta and accumulated a record of 14-5 in those major bowl games. But sure he isn’t one of the top ten guys of all time.....and you know why he's not on that list?

Because of your cowardice.



And, in a LOL irony that is so fitting of Dambly's lack of self-awareness:

Here is Mark Dambly’s response:

Anthony, you are certainly entitled to your opinion, but that does not entitle you to be rude and inconsiderate to President Baron. Frankly, I am not interested in hearing from you if this is the manner in which you intend on communicating. It is not becoming of a mature adult.

I think some of the responses were written by our fellow BWI posters!
I get being mad about JoPa’s exclusion and I guess one could argue Pres. Baron could have spoken out. But the BOT runs the show in any university and Baron wasn’t president when the damage was done. So assuming the narrative of OGBOT being responsible, Baron’s hands would have been tied—even though he said he’s review when under pressure.
I get being mad about JoPa’s exclusion and I guess one could argue Pres. Baron could have spoken out. But the BOT runs the show in any university and Baron wasn’t president when the damage was done. So assuming the narrative of OGBOT being responsible, Baron’s hands would have been tied—even though he said he’s review when under pressure.
Why make excuses for Barron?
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Your world must be full of darkness and despair. I feel for you.

Nitt1300 and wife in action...:p

And friends of mine wonder how I went from caring about everything about Penn state, to only following football, and no longer care....

Yep. Said that recently in an email reply to a university rep who wanted to meet with alums in the area. I said if you can introduce me to Coach Franklin so we can talk football, then yes, I'm available and interested. Otherwise, no thanks. She did respond but only to tell me thanks for my time.
I get being mad about JoPa’s exclusion and I guess one could argue Pres. Baron could have spoken out. But the BOT runs the show in any university and Baron wasn’t president when the damage was done. So assuming the narrative of OGBOT being responsible, Baron’s hands would have been tied—even though he said he’s review when under pressure.

Barron's the freakin' president of the university. He could drive whatever narrative he wanted. He has chosen to allow the false narrative to remain unchallenged in any official way. I concur with Anthony that Barron's inaction equals cowardice.
Why make excuses for Barron?
I’m not. Just seems he’s getting more credit than he deserves for hurting Joe.

I wish he would have done whatever and spoken out. And obviously he didn’t do that. But anyone who genuinely believes the OGBOT threw Joe under the bus for their own purposes can’t reasonably expect the BOT’s next hire to undermine them.
I probably would not have thought of it as cowardice, as Anthony stated. My first thought regarding Nov. 2011 has always been lack of true leadership in the face of a crisis or adversity and not being able to look longer-term than the short news cycle they were being swamped with.

But now that time has gone on, and that they won't say in public what they know and say in private, it really is more than lack of leadership, imo. It is a real cowardice that makes them shy away from the tough questions and challenges that they will get if they publicly advocate for Joe.... even when they have the proof and the answers to stand up to them! And even more so, when they are unlikely to suffer any real penalty for doing so. Might even get people to notice how brave they are to (try to) finally correct the narrative.

As it stands, in this case, cowardice and lack of leadership go hand-in-hand.
The real reason is they feared a full investigation would expose all the criminal activities they had been engaged in like the rigged BoT election in the 90s loaded the BoT with PMA stooges, how they then hired PMA to be their insurance carrier, and how they how they changed the charter giving them the power to appoint their fellow BoT members and successors.

Dumping on Joe and the athletic program was a massive CYA job.
Barron's the freakin' president of the university. He could drive whatever narrative he wanted. He has chosen to allow the false narrative to remain unchallenged in any official way. I concur with Anthony that Barron's inaction equals cowardice.

But BOT > Univ. President
What the hell is wrong with this Dambly guy? The email was not rude.

First, Lubrano's e-mail was rude, intentionally so. One does not accuse someone else of cowardice without being rude.

What's wrong with Dambly? His answer is typical of a stupid little cvnt. "Stupid" in the sense that he couldn't come up with something better, more barbed. "Little cvnt" in the sense that he lacks the stones to stand up and be confrontational which is called for here. Kinda' makes me wish I were in the real estate bidness.
I get being mad about JoPa’s exclusion and I guess one could argue Pres. Baron could have spoken out. But the BOT runs the show in any university and Baron wasn’t president when the damage was done. So assuming the narrative of OGBOT being responsible, Baron’s hands would have been tied—even though he said he’s review when under pressure.

I hear ya, and that is probably a common way for people to consider the current situation.

I have a different pov. Regardless of when Barron came on board, he and the BOT know the facts now more than they assumed back in Nov. 2011. They have had multiple if not countless opportunities to set the record straight, and have chosen to not do so. The brief commemoration of the 50th anniversary of Joe's first game in 2016 showed them just how long any media outrage would last over a JoePa statement, which is not very.

They know damn well they have flushed away the best athletics-related goodwill asset that any university could ever hope for.

They currently have the facts and the benefit of hindsight(!) to calmly and rationally explain their actions and mistakes from Nov. 2011 and July 2012. They have mumbled as much in brief and barely publicized statements (Barron), and privately know they screwed up (many of the OGBOT). Not everyone will buy in, of course, but that is hardly the point.

The world of college athletics is missing out on JVP's true legacy, the whole concept of success with honor, of the Grand Experiment, etc., by PSU not taking the lead in telling the story far and wide, starting with right here on our campus and in our publications and in our brand. Franklin gets huge credit for basically echoing Joe's approach, and rightfully so. But the model is very much in place on a nationwide scale, meaning there are zero excuses for any sport at any school to not follow JVP's lead.

The Alumni-elected BOT members who have seen inside the personalities acknowledge that the #1 reason the OGBOT will not cede on this is due to ego. They don't want to be seen as having made a rash, poorly-considered decision and be found out that they were not honest with the public during the Freeh nonsense. To me, that translates into a serious lack of leadership on an important point regarding their responsibility to PSU, and cowardice is a key cause of them not willing to step up. I am not comparing it to their head-scratching budgetary decisions and in-yer-face conflicts of interest, but this issue is important in its own right to countless of us.

Just my opinion.

But BOT > Univ. President

I'm not really arguing that. But these are high level executive positions, not eunuchs. Take a stand if it's the right thing to do. If the BOT fires you, you sit back and collect the remainder of your contract. If Barron was a man of principle, he'd rightly defend Paterno, which, by the way, would just so happen to be a defense of the university of which he is president. Rightly or wrongly, to many people Paterno was the face of Penn State. So a defense of him, especially considering that his position here is eminently defensible, would be in the best interests of the university. That being the case, I'd say cowardice is actually a pretty generous word to describe Barron's inaction.
I hear ya, and that is probably a common way for people to consider the current situation.

I have a different pov. Regardless of when Barron came on board, he and the BOT know the facts now more than they assumed back in Nov. 2011. They have had multiple if not countless opportunities to set the record straight, and have chosen to not do so. The brief commemoration of the 50th anniversary of Joe's first game in 2016 showed them just how long any media outrage would last over a JoePa statement, which is not very.

They know damn well they have flushed away the best athletics-related goodwill asset that any university could ever hope for.

They currently have the facts and the benefit of hindsight(!) to calmly and rationally explain their actions and mistakes from Nov. 2011 and July 2012. They have mumbled as much in brief and barely publicized statements (Barron), and privately know they screwed up (many of the OGBOT). Not everyone will buy in, of course, but that is hardly the point.

The world of college athletics is missing out on JVP's true legacy, the whole concept of success with honor, of the Grand Experiment, etc., by PSU not taking the lead in telling the story far and wide, starting with right here on our campus and in our publications and in our brand. Franklin gets huge credit for basically echoing Joe's approach, and rightfully so. But the model is very much in place on a nationwide scale, meaning there are zero excuses for any sport at any school to not follow JVP's lead.

The Alumni-elected BOT members who have seen inside the personalities acknowledge that the #1 reason the OGBOT will not cede on this is due to ego. They don't want to be seen as having made a rash, poorly-considered decision and be found out that they were not honest with the public during the Freeh nonsense. To me, that translates into a serious lack of leadership on an important point regarding their responsibility to PSU, and cowardice is a key cause of them not willing to step up. I am not comparing it to their head-scratching budgetary decisions and in-yer-face conflicts of interest, but this issue is important in its own right to countless of us.

Just my opinion.
Hard to be a Penn Stater and disagree with most of that. And I totally agree the narrative survives to save face and not dirty ones own hands by revisiting it—for many.

Thanks for the thoughtful dialogue.
Thanks Rick, and the concentration camps, the hell ships & ended in the Fukuoka POW camp
As a retired USAF member, I salute his service. Certainly one of the very fortunate ones twho made it home though I would think some physical and emotional difficulties followed him the rest of his life.
First, Lubrano's e-mail was rude, intentionally so. One does not accuse someone else of cowardice without being rude.

What's wrong with Dambly? His answer is typical of a stupid little cvnt. "Stupid" in the sense that he couldn't come up with something better, more barbed. "Little cvnt" in the sense that he lacks the stones to stand up and be confrontational which is called for here. Kinda' makes me wish I were in the real estate bidness.

They never have any answer beyond the 'we demand you don't do that' nonsense. They have no real, logical, here are facts to support the other side of the coin response. Never did, never will. They simply want to suppress instead of discuss.
More lack of leadership, more ego run amok, more cowardice.

And I hope they are monitoring this discussion. They need to at least read what they won't allow to be stated in the public session of the BOT meetings. (more, you know, cowardice there, btw).
This article just set women writing in the sports world back 30 years. If you write a list about the top 10 college football coaches ever and you don’t have Joe Paterno on the list you’re either 1) too dumb to be a writer or 2) a female that knows absolutely nothing about college sports and should stick to knitting.

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They never have any answer beyond the 'we demand you don't do that' nonsense. They have no real, logical, here are facts to support the other side of the coin response. Never did, never will. They simply want to suppress instead of discuss.
More lack of leadership, more ego run amok, more cowardice.

And I hope they are monitoring this discussion. They need to at least read what they won't allow to be stated in the public session of the BOT meetings. (more, you know, cowardice there, btw).

Of course not. Dambly's response to Lubrano is characteristic of the way I've seen him behave in Board meetings.
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First, Lubrano's e-mail was rude, intentionally so. One does not accuse someone else of cowardice without being rude.

Even if you think it was rude, which I don't, so what? Dambly's response was essentially, "how dare you be rude to the king"? What is wrong with this guy?