C&S were pushed to their limit, and took what they thought was going to be a favorable plea deal. They got screwed when the judge decided to grandstand and change the deal.
I also would love to see them take some action, or get some compensation, vs. PA. Unlikely.
I don't think they will speak out, even post-probation. Their distrust of the system will stop them.... I would guess they are concerned that the judge would find a way to take action if they speak out. Hope I am wrong.
Also (in reply to a different post), C&S, and Spanier, were sentenced to county jail, not state prison. Thank goodness. Still a bad place to be, some potentially dangerous people in there, but county vs. state, plus work-release, helped to keep them relatively safe. As far as I know, they suffered no physical harm.
An aside... Interesting that PSU is using their innocence in their argument vs. the insurance carriers who don't want to reimburse PSU. The OGBOT, and even Dunham (Dumdum?) knows they got a horrible deal, and will happily use that for their own advantage in order to recoup money from the insurance co.