Talk about an entitled woman......

Not gonna burst your bubble, but being Commissioner of the NY-NJ Port Authority is no small matter. I don't know how good of an administrator she was or wasn't but the NY-NJ Port Authority is a fairly sizable and powerful organization, running three major airports, tunnels and bridges and one of the busiest ports in the US. Being Commissioner is no small matter. It's not like she is president of a school board in some small village in Iowa. However, I would agree that she should not have used her position in this matter.

Port Authority also has the biggest thing... the money.

I didn't watch the video, but this is what police have to deal with all the time. It is sad.

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Here’s the thing, you got the ticket. And proceeded to demonstrate why you’re not funny by explaining your dumb joke.
Obviously your approach didn’t work .

My goal wasn't to get out of the ticket. It was to be a smartass and wipe the stupid smile off his face. Complete success on both counts. As a bonus, it appears to be getting your knickers in a knot.
Good grief,

Apparently not sharp enough to realize the car cam was on or so arrogant that she did not care.

Tasing would have made the video so much better .
If she picked them up, the driver fights the ticket ( and asks the officer for maybe a non points citation prior to the hearing), this would have gone much easier .
My goal wasn't to get out of the ticket. It was to be a smartass and wipe the stupid smile off his face. Complete success on both counts. As a bonus, it appears to be getting your knickers in a knot.

I’d rather not pay money . I’m glad your proud that you acted like an asshole ,you showed that cop alright .
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I’d rather not pay money . I’m glad your proud that you acted like an asshole ,you showed that cop alright .

I’m glad you're proud that you acted like an asshole. You showed that cop alright.

The fact you think I'm an asshole makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.
I thought the officers showed much more restraint and patience with her than I would have....kudos to them.

She, on the other hand, a shame she wasn’t fired before she resigned. Thoughts and prayers to her family for having to put up with her.
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Tasing would have made the video so much better .
If she picked them up, the driver fights the ticket ( and asks the officer for maybe a non points citation prior to the hearing), this would have gone much easier .

None of the violations cited in the article (tinted driver's side window, obscured license plate, failure to produce vehicle registration) accrue points in NJ (opr likely the state in which the driver is licensed/car registered) and would be pretty difficult to fight in court.
I’m glad you're proud that you acted like an asshole. You showed that cop alright.

The fact you think I'm an asshole makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Good, go with that . You paid a fine, and I didn’t . You’re obviously so much smarter than all the fellows who got a warning or just a suggestion to slow down and were sent on their way. I mean it’s so much smarter to pay $100+ and get those points.
You showed everyone . Maybe next time you can up your game and see if you can get your dumbass tased? That would be even more hilarious.
She's the "ethics chair" of the commission! Lol! Perfect.
I laughed at that too. How ironic.

Look, her daughter called figuring Mommy would make it all better. The cops know the rules and kudos for them for not taking the bait. They explained everything to the adult driver, he could convey the message to Miss Turner. (I loved that he called her that after she demanded to be called Commissioner). Good work, God bless dash cams!!
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She needs to learn some humility. If you haven’t read the comments below the video, please treat yourself. There are actual commentators who - wait for it - support the mother and berate the police.
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Is it any wonder that the many of the younger generation lacks respect for authority.

This has been said by every single generation about the younger generations for as long as humans have been on this planet. My grandparents surely said it about my parents generations, who said it about my generation, who is now saying it about the younger generations.
She's obviously repugnant. The "don't you know who I am card" should only be pulled by the President, the Pope, or Elvis. That said, if my kid (18 or not) was getting a car impounded and I had to pick her up, I would certainly ask - "what's the problem, officer." Of course, if they wouldn't tell me, I wouldn't lose my mind.
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This has been said by every single generation about the younger generations for as long as humans have been on this planet. My grandparents surely said it about my parents generations, who said it about my generation, who is now saying it about the younger generations.
Despite the reasonableness of your response, "you may shut the F** up" and get off my lawn.:eek:
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She needs to learn some humility. If you haven’t read the comments below the video, please treat yourself. There are actual commentators who - wait for it - support the mother and berate the police.
Of course they do - you think Miss Turner is a one off? Do you realize no one under the age of 25 never does anything wrong anymore? They are all victims of circumstance.

I will do myself the favor and not read those comments. It would just make my blood boil even more. Unreal.

She is clearly on a power trip,
But what is with people trying to make their child’s life seamless. I try to give my kids opportunity, but I will be honest, when they fail at something I am just as happy as when they succeed. It builds character and helps you deal with adversity. They are 7 and 2 right now, so “losing/failing” is nothing. When things start to matter, they will be bette equipped to deal with problems on their own.

Had the daughter just been an adult and called a cab or Uber - then maybe their Easter would not have been ruined. Smh
Of course they do - you think Miss Turner is a one off? Do you realize no one under the age of 25 never does anything wrong anymore? They are all victims of circumstance.

I will do myself the favor and not read those comments. It would just make my blood boil even more. Unreal.

She is clearly on a power trip,
But what is with people trying to make their child’s life seamless. I try to give my kids opportunity, but I will be honest, when they fail at something I am just as happy as when they succeed. It builds character and helps you deal with adversity. They are 7 and 2 right now, so “losing/failing” is nothing. When things start to matter, they will be bette equipped to deal with problems on their own.

Had the daughter just been an adult and called a cab or Uber - then maybe their Easter would not have been ruined. Smh

One of the best experiences for my oldest daughter (graduating high school in a month or so) was when she was cut from the soccer team her freshman year. It was the first major failure she had faced. She learned a lot from that. We grow so mixing more from or failures than from our successes.
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Of course they do - you think Miss Turner is a one off? Do you realize no one under the age of 25 never does anything wrong anymore? They are all victims of circumstance.

I will do myself the favor and not read those comments. It would just make my blood boil even more. Unreal.

She is clearly on a power trip,
But what is with people trying to make their child’s life seamless. I try to give my kids opportunity, but I will be honest, when they fail at something I am just as happy as when they succeed. It builds character and helps you deal with adversity. They are 7 and 2 right now, so “losing/failing” is nothing. When things start to matter, they will be bette equipped to deal with problems on their own.

Had the daughter just been an adult and called a cab or Uber - then maybe their Easter would not have been ruined. Smh

Yep....she created a bigger monster by not holding the kids accountable. Nice kids make mistakes too....she is teaching them if you go to a great school and have connections, you aren't supposed to get in trouble. Great job there....Mom. 4 more entitled pricks going to walk the planet now.
And how about the spoiled little children -- they needed to tell her what the violation was and to STFU mom. And you're right about the poor man who made the mistake of marrying her but he's probably long gone from her.

This is why there are so many Millennials still living in their parents basement...
This has been said by every single generation about the younger generations for as long as humans have been on this planet. My grandparents surely said it about my parents generations, who said it about my generation, who is now saying it about the younger generations.
How true. A couple of translations of piece of a Horace ode.

What do the harmful days not render less?
Worse than our grandparents’ generation, our
parents’ then produced us, even worse,
and soon to bear still more sinful children.


The age of our fathers, worse than our grandsires, produced us still more flagitious, us, who are about to product am offspring more vicious [even than ourselves].

Horace, Odes, Book III, VI - circa 20 BC
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Yep....she created a bigger monster by not holding the kids accountable. Nice kids make mistakes too....she is teaching them if you go to a great school and have connections, you aren't supposed to get in trouble. Great job there....Mom. 4 more entitled pricks going to walk the planet now.

Mini ME's, or Mini moms
My goal wasn't to get out of the ticket. It was to be a smartass and wipe the stupid smile off his face. Complete success on both counts. As a bonus, it appears to be getting your knickers in a knot.

Is the woman in the video your mother?
Good, go with that . You paid a fine, and I didn’t . You’re obviously so much smarter than all the fellows who got a warning or just a suggestion to slow down and were sent on their way. I mean it’s so much smarter to pay $100+ and get those points.
You showed everyone . Maybe next time you can up your game and see if you can get your dumbass tased? That would be even more hilarious.

Good for you. You always "work your way out" of a ticket. I'm sure the officers appreciate your willing enthusiasm. I'd rather pay the fine than eat a cockmeat sandwich but, whatever works for you is good.
This has been said by every single generation about the younger generations for as long as humans have been on this planet. My grandparents surely said it about my parents generations, who said it about my generation, who is now saying it about the younger generations.
Very true, however, the difference today is that the parents are not setting a good example for their children. What do you think the daughter took away from this incident? Her mother showed no respect for the officers and even dropped the f--- bomb on them. Teachers can no longer discipline students and face dismissal or legal charges if they try. It's simple, children who are taught to respect authority are in the minority anymore.
Not even the “but I’m a McAndrew Board Moderator” play would have helped this woman.

These officers should each receive a commendation for putting up with her antics for as long as they did.

The fact that people are supporting this woman is absolutely pathetic.
Very true, however, the difference today is that the parents are not setting a good example for their children. What do you think the daughter took away from this incident? Her mother showed no respect for the officers and even dropped the f--- bomb on them. Teachers can no longer discipline students and face dismissal or legal charges if they try. It's simple, children who are taught to respect authority are in the minority anymore.

I think that her mom losing her job may have some impact.
Very true, however, the difference today is that the parents are not setting a good example for their children. What do you think the daughter took away from this incident? Her mother showed no respect for the officers and even dropped the f--- bomb on them. Teachers can no longer discipline students and face dismissal or legal charges if they try. It's simple, children who are taught to respect authority are in the minority anymore.

Right, but it seemed like in your response you were trying to point out that younger generations don't respect authority, but the only problem is that the only person in this video who was not respecting authority was the baby boomer.

I understand your point that parents should be setting good examples for their children, but I don't think this is a generational issue. I think it's a human being issue. I think every generation believes there is a problem with younger generations respecting them and authority. Just like every generation thinks their kids have shitty taste in music.
So, did she lose her job?

And that's why I couldn't be a cop - zero patience for that kind of behavior. These guys are champs for shutting her down.