Talk about an entitled woman......

she and her position are not relevant. she could be an unemployed homeless person, and would have the same rights with respect to the incident and people.
You’re right re: rights.

Same rights, but not the same access to a potentially receptive ear. Well, at least BEFORE her incident. The access has likely changed (although probably less than many might hope) and the ears have likely moved a bit as a) the minds between them remember the video and the faces cringe and b) as her seat gets filled by another concerned citizen.
After watching that video I'm not sure what can be said regarding the women. I think we all can agree that the officer exercised tremendous patience. Listen, we all have stories to tell about police conduct during the 70's and 80's but in this case the pendulum has swung too far the other way. I'm not 100% sure but there may have been cause to arrest that woman. I know we all have stories but I remember some brutally tough cops who would have given her only one warning, one chance to leave. There was no second warning only a very hard throw to the ground, a firm knee to the center of her back, cuffs being thrown on so tight circulation to the hands would have been severely restricted and finally guided into and out of the police car with a hand full of hair. I actually saw a women being arrested like this at drunk driving stops where police would cut off a portion of the road at midnight and check for drunk drivers.
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