Right, you wouldn’t lose your mind. When the officer told you to “ask the adult driver”, you would have said “okay, thanks.” And done that.She's obviously repugnant. The "don't you know who I am card" should only be pulled by the President, the Pope, or Elvis. That said, if my kid (18 or not) was getting a car impounded and I had to pick her up, I would certainly ask - "what's the problem, officer." Of course, if they wouldn't tell me, I wouldn't lose my mind.
But not MISS Turner!!! She had to have answers!!! She was completely trying to bait these guys, in fact the one officer even says to her “ma’am, I need you to move back, I have backed up as far as I can go.” They gave her a lot of levity.
Of course the next thing will be when a cop uses “sir” or “ma’am” (the universally accepted titles of respect for a stranger), they will be sued because they are assuming the sexual identity of the person they are arresting/pulling over/etc. that story is not far off (if it hasn’t happened already.). 2018. yay ()