I'll agree with most of what you're saying but it's tough to do. When you give your opinion over there or make predictions that they don't like they call you ignorant and get a big laugh together at your expense. I'm talking about their more reputable members there as well. They all do it.
So when the season is over, and it's proven that what you said wasn't so stupid after all, it's awfully tough to not go back and get a chuckle at their expense. When you do, they call you a troll. I guess they'd rather do that then admit they didn't know what they were talking about.
You get called troll at step one if you say something they don't agree with. You're told you are a person who knows nothing about wrestling. And then the juvenile name-calling and piling on follows. And then if you don't apologize or go running away, the Sandusky stuff starts. It's a totally predictable pattern.
And you what never gets done? Someone posting something substantive about what you posted initially. It's all personal attacks and name-calling.
Check out threads after Teasdale and Lee committed sometime. I questioned how they thought Iowa was going to keep all four of Teasdale, Lee, Meija and Renteria (reminding them that they were verbal commitments only and that any or all of the four). Nevermind they had several other recruits besides at that weight or right around it. Their answer was that the magical growth pattern would occur (forgetting about Happel, etc.). Teasdale was written in at 149 because he was already bigger than Lee, etc. It was all bs, but god forbid you call it bs. And, of course, they wound up with one of the four. And Teasdale is now a lifetime 125.
Plus, you get banned over there without a word from the moderators. They don't contact you and say "this is a violation" and explain why. You're just banned. As I said, bully culture. Facts contrary to what they believe are viewed like witches in Salem. And, as a board, they can't admit they were wrong. So when their latest insane position if taken, you are absolutely not allowed to remind them all their many ludicrous positions taken previously failed.
It's not a matter of being a sore winner, either, all this stuff goes on during "down times". It's a board that can't discuss things intelligently. It turns to name-calling and personal attacks at the drop of a hat. People can try to excuse it and rationalize it all they like.
Try posting something like this in a month on HR in yet another, whether veiled or direct, discussion "coaching vs. recruiting" is started. It has, indisputably, nothing but facts in it:
Of all
top 10 recruits between 2011 and 2016, PSU's % of All-Americans to Opportunities (Opportunity is defined as a non-RS year wrestled.) is 78%. PSU's% of Champions to Opportunities is 30%.
The rest of the field is at 38% AA to Opportunity, and 8% Champs to Opportunity. In other words, when another team gets a top ten recruit, they are 50% as likely to reach AA and 26% as likely to be a champ, as a Penn State top ten recruit is.