Taking a step back and looking at the "big" picture, I want to throw my 2 cents in here. I work in a field where I have been a mandated reporter for over 37 years. Here is a really pertinent point: Let's play "what if". "What if " McQueary did call police? What would he have reported? Would the police take action or would they refer McQueary to call the child abuse hotline? (The typical procedure). If McQueary called the child abuse hotline, depending upon what he told them, would they even accept the call? I know this firsthand because there were times I have had to call the child abuse hotline and the call was not accepted as a report of child abuse. The system is only as good as how trained and knowledgeable the people who work in it are. Talk to anyone who has or who works on Child Protective Services. It can be a nasty thankless job and, most times, the folks who are the direct line interveners are the least clinically skilled persons because their pay grade dictates that! This means that even if McQueary called it in, I really don't believe it would have amounted to much once again like 1998. Even the unfounded 1998 report would have reinforced that.