Did some lurking at 34 and Counting recently - interesting stuff. As a fanbase they were upset Fix lost to RBY, but most put it on Fix for getting ridden the entire 2nd period like a rented mule. They almost all love Ferrari; it is hard to deny that he is talented on the mat and perhaps more entertaining off. Almost none of the stalling/steroids/Carl's a cheating scumbag vitriol that seems to be everywhere at HR.
Several posters there seemed to be lamenting the fact that it may be a long, long time before OSU sees another natty. They recognize how well PSU has been set up for success since CS starting coaching and don't see that ending anytime soon. Wishing for a "down year" with 4 national champs. Single best post I read had calculated how long it will take Cael to tie OSU's 34 NCs at his current 8 out of every 11 years rate - 2058 per their math.
Other great quotes:
"Penn State wrestlers tend to rise at the biggest stage. It's who they are and have been the last decade."
"Cael is one of the best coaches of all time in any sport period. He completely and utterly flipped college wrestling on its head."
"As long as Cael is there I think they will win the bulk of the titles. The best you can hope for is to be that team that is waiting in the wings to catch them when they are down"
"It’s Nick Saban at Alabama on steroids. You just hope the dude retires at some point"