Thread on testing & treatment research for COVID-19

you obviously don't understand science much and read what you want. WHO doctor said he doesn't know if it effective against new variant as it wasn't tested against it so there is no way to scientifically say if it is or is not. if they would have asked him if he thinks it will be he would have answered 'yes'. as for the antibodies, nobody in the medical community worth a damn was ever saying 2-3 months for anti-bodies. People saying that are clickbait medical scientiss who are anti establishment. Again, all previous history says that antibodies formed will be good for a long time and also good against mutations. so you selectively take data and try to twist it which is just wrong.
I’d guess you’d find posts from medical journals in this thread questioning the antibodies. Don’t you think?
Having been fortunate enough to have been administered the first of the two required Pfizer doses , the appointment is almost 30 minutes . There is a lot to do as nicely detailed in your post . I had a medical records number with all the personal data already in the medical records system . You have to schedule your appointment , check in with patient verification . Read and sign an informed consent . Be seated and administered the vaccine . Be observed for 15 minutes . Schedule your next appointment at an available time slot. Get your vaccine ID card with the two micro sized lot and location stickers . With social distancing at sites, this increases space requirements and slows the process . It’s not a grab and stab like basic training immunizations . From my perspective , they couldn’t have done it properly in a shorter time frame . It would really be an efficiency killer to gather and enter data for a patient not already in the system . My appointment was at a Large sized hospital that had personnel specifically trained for the task . Using volunteers that are unfamiliar with each other and the process could be a logistical mess . Already some reports of wasted doses, and the wrong medication being administered .

the system i have been involved building pre-collects from the person before they can schedule the appointments. when they arrive they have an identifier that confirms the electronically. cycle time is under 2 min from arrival to vaccination and placing in the 15 min holding rooms. the FDA just issued more questions for the people to answer, so this system will have to be updated.

we do need stability in requirements
the system i have been involved building pre-collects from the person before they can schedule the appointments. when they arrive they have an identifier that confirms the electronically. cycle time is under 2 min from arrival to vaccination and placing in the 15 min holding rooms. the FDA just issued more questions for the people to answer, so this system will have to be updated.

we do need stability in requirements

yeah, the Feds have bungled this big time. CANNOT leave something so massive and so important up to 50 different states to decide on how to implement. this whole thing has showed how disfunctional the american government has become at about every level.
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The states are sending orders to Pfizer and Moderna directly. The shipments go to the points of dispensing ("PODS"), such as hospitals. the delivery to these sites is working, but needles in the arm are not keeping up. there is substantial documentation needed in the process, and if a site is not ready, their vaccination rate will be very slow. the site needs to be able to do the following:

  • Provide a way to identify and vet qualified people. Most sites are focused on vaccinating their own people, so this is okay.
  • They need a way to create appointment schedules for people to accept, or a way to organize the flow.
  • they need a way to collect all the relevant data from each person during the appointment scheduling. If they don't do this, they have on site work manually = very slow.
  • they need to match drug lot number to people on site. this is very manually intensive if you do not have a system.
  • they have to record adverse impacts on site into the VAERS system during a 15 min hold after vaccine.
  • they have to create inventory tracking and chain of custody. there is a lot of paperwork here, unless they have a system.
  • they need to monitor temps on each lot, and collect history multiple times per hour.
  • Nightly inventory needs to be sent to FDA/CDC. if you do this manually of via a CSV file, it is very labor intensive. you really need an HL7 integration to the CDC site (there is a spec, but not many using it)
  • There is daily reporting of vaccines to the state Dept of Health. this is a large manual form set, but some states will allow HL7 integration, if you can do it.
  • The POD needs a management reporting system to manage this process.
I am directly involved in implementing a system for a hospital, and quite familiar with the issues. Without a system, the process is very slow. There has also been some inconsistent guidance on the priorities of who to vaccinate. That does not help.
You need to get on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, and explain them the complexity involved. They seem to think one just walks in and gets the shot.......done. Fauci should do a presser on this and explain the process.
yeah, the Feds have bungled this big time. CANNOT leave something so massive and so important up to 50 different states to decide on how to implement. this whole thing has showed how disfunctional the american government has become at about every level.
No, many states have bungled it. Some states are doing pretty good. Others aren’t. And it’s not a red/blue thing as some blue are good and some red are bad. If your state is doing a poor job, you need to contact your state gov, representatives, and the health dept. As blion explained the vast majority of the problems are at the ‘retail’ sites. The federal government trying to micromanage very hospital, every nursing home, every pharmacy would be a disaster of epic proportions.
. I don’t know any steps that were bypassed. The medical personnel opting out is largely the Non-licensed supporting staff like housekeeping and food services .
According to the linked Pew research article , only 10% of nurses are opting out. I would guess some of those are pregnant or are actively trying to become pregnant. I didn’t see any doctor specific segment discussed in the detailed article .

I figure a lot opt out for medical reasons.....pregnancy or potential pregnancy, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, organ transplants, immunosuppressant drugs, immune based diseases like MS, lupus, allergies, severe lung problems. And there are a lot of people that hate all vaccines. I know friends with autistic kids that believe childhood vaccines caused it as that is around the time period when autism is diagnosed.
No, many states have bungled it. Some states are doing pretty good. Others aren’t. And it’s not a red/blue thing as some blue are good and some red are bad. If your state is doing a poor job, you need to contact your state gov, representatives, and the health dept. As blion explained the vast majority of the problems are at the ‘retail’ sites. The federal government trying to micromanage very hospital, every nursing home, every pharmacy would be a disaster of epic proportions.

the order in which people should be vaccinated should not vary state to state, it should be uniform across the country (as the level of risk to people doesn't change across state lines). PA should be vaccinating over 65 and NY over 70 and NJ over 75, etc....the order of vaccination should be set by the federal government. the paperwork required to get the vaccine should all be uniform as to make the administration of it more straightforward. the procedures of the vaccination (wait period, etc....) should all be uniform. don't need 50 states and 10,000 different hospitals all wasting time on admin stuff when they should be 100% focused on getting the vaccine and injecting into people at the highest amount per day humanely possible.
the order of vaccination should be set by the federal government

From the WSJ, on why a blanket plan simply wouldn't work:

But state vaccination plans vary widely and leave many questions unanswered. Health officials are having to prioritize among competing groups including older adults, teachers and minority communities disproportionately affected by Covid-19. Many states also face challenges getting the vaccine to dramatically different populations, from crowded and diverse cities to isolated rural towns.
From the WSJ, on why a blanket plan simply wouldn't work:

But state vaccination plans vary widely and leave many questions unanswered. Health officials are having to prioritize among competing groups including older adults, teachers and minority communities disproportionately affected by Covid-19. Many states also face challenges getting the vaccine to dramatically different populations, from crowded and diverse cities to isolated rural towns.

That makes no sense. Are you telling me a Covid somehow affects people different depending on where you live? So if I live in northern PA I will be effected differently than 5 miles across the border in Ny?
That makes no sense. Are you telling me a Covid somehow affects people different depending on where you live? So if I live in northern PA I will be effected differently than 5 miles across the border in Ny?

You might, if NY has a greater amount of higher risk people, or front line workers, or an overall older population.
Why would that change the priority?

yeah, that makes zero sense in what he is saying. again, you have governors literally picking winners and losers of who gets the vaccine first or not, makes no sense. should be uniform across the country based on science and statistics.

this should be very simple.

1. Hospital workers
2. Nursing Home
3. Health care professionals & over 75 & under 75 with double co-morbidity
4. Essential workers and over 65
5. Over 50 and & under 50 with co-morbidity
6. Everybody else.
Just wanted to share a real world ....Covid success story....10 days ago a family friend here in DFW tested positive for Covid. She was not doing well at all and at approx day 5 her Physician prescribed Hydroxychloroquine and within 48 hours she states that she felt much better . She called last evening and really sounded good to us. At this point, she will not need to be admitted and her Doc is quite positive for continued recovery. I know that there has been lots of news both negative and positive news about the off label use of this drug. All I can share....that her case she is quite sure it has made a big difference for her.
Just wanted to share a real world ....Covid success story....10 days ago a family friend here in DFW tested positive for Covid. She was not doing well at all and at approx day 5 her Physician prescribed Hydroxychloroquine and within 48 hours she states that she felt much better . She called last evening and really sounded good to us. At this point, she will not need to be admitted and her Doc is quite positive for continued recovery. I know that there has been lots of news both negative and positive news about the off label use of this drug. All I can share....that her case she is quite sure it has made a big difference for her.
Talked to a friend of mine last night that is a world renowned surgeon. Operated in 35 different countries, is in his mid eighties with triple bypass fifteen years ago. Ten days ago he and his wife got the Wuhan virus. Started taking zinc, Vit D, hydroxychloroquine, and ivermectin. Was sick about a week at home, nothing severe just tired. Last night said both are much better and back to taking the dogs out for mile walks.

Was really worried about him given his age and health issues.
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India -- smh

First they approved the AZ/Oxford vaccine, despite the Phase 3 trial issues, and the FDA forcing them to correct the issues.

Then they approve an Indian vaccine that is still in Phase 3 trial, and refused to release any of the data they have on this vaccine.

Then there is China, which is using 2 (or 3; I can't keep track) vaccines, none of which have completed Phase 3 testing.

Then there is China, which is using 2 (or 3; I can't keep track) vaccines, none of which have completed Phase 3 testing.

well between China and India they have 2.8 BILLION people. So a couple million vaccinations to them is like an ad hoc Phase 3 trial.

Also goes to show me that the amount of fatalities and issues in those two countries has probably been grossly under reported if they are willing to do things like this. as if things were under control, you wouldn't jump the gun like they are.
Good to see that unlike the authorities in the UK, the FDA is not modifying the shot regiments. The Pfizer and the Moderna vaccines were given EUAs -- they were not given full FDA approval. That was done in part because they modified the testing requirements due to the pandemic. For a typical vaccine candidate, you would need at least a year of data from Phase 3 testing -- a big part of why most experts were saying earlier this year that the vaccines would not be available until mid-to-late 2021.

Good to see that unlike the authorities in the UK, the FDA is not modifying the shot regiments. The Pfizer and the Moderna vaccines were given EUAs -- they were not given full FDA approval. That was done in part because they modified the testing requirements due to the pandemic. For a typical vaccine candidate, you would need at least a year of data from Phase 3 testing -- a big part of why most experts were saying earlier this year that the vaccines would not be available until mid-to-late 2021.

Yeah, thought it foolish to change dosage or intervals between shots without any data to support that. Could have been a waste of initial vaccines.
yeah, the Feds have bungled this big time. CANNOT leave something so massive and so important up to 50 different states to decide on how to implement. this whole thing has showed how disfunctional the american government has become at about every level.
The feds shouldn't be involved other than getting the vaccine to the locals. At my local healthcare network, it's taking a long time to get people vaccinated because they are having trouble getting the hospital staff to agree to get the vaccine. They are now opening it up to all healthcare staff including maintenance staff, subcontractors, etc. What they should do is just start vaccinating whoever they can get to take it. That would be better than it just sitting in the freezers for weeks.
Not yet peer reviewed, but it appears to be some good work. It indicates that the convalescent serum antibodies are effective against the UK variant, but not against the South African variant.

Interesting note. My brother in law is a doctor, runs his own small medium size practice. There office was authorized to get the vaccine. He said about half the people in the office refused it. HIs office has maybe 25 or so employees. He said he tried to talk them into it but they refused and he had no recourse.

Makes me wonder how successful herd immunity will be if 50% is the amount of people that refuse to get the vaccine.
Interesting note. My brother in law is a doctor, runs his own small medium size practice. There office was authorized to get the vaccine. He said about half the people in the office refused it. HIs office has maybe 25 or so employees. He said he tried to talk them into it but they refused and he had no recourse.

Makes me wonder how successful herd immunity will be if 50% is the amount of people that refuse to get the vaccine.
I was talking in person to a PA judge yesterday. He was of the opinion that an employer could require the vaccine as a terms of continued employment. I would guess this will be settled in more formal ways soon.
From the numbers I have read, 60% want the vaccine, 20% wait and see, and 20% are a more firm no way.
Interesting note. My brother in law is a doctor, runs his own small medium size practice. There office was authorized to get the vaccine. He said about half the people in the office refused it. HIs office has maybe 25 or so employees. He said he tried to talk them into it but they refused and he had no recourse.

Makes me wonder how successful herd immunity will be if 50% is the amount of people that refuse to get the vaccine.
Here in Maryland teachers have been bumped up to the second group for the vaccine now. I don't know the info for my county but a friend who works in a different county said that in a survey last month the teachers who said they would get the vaccine basically broke down by racial profile. Over two-thirds of the white teachers said they would get the vaccine while less than 10% of the black teachers said they would get it.
I'm wondering if that's similar in the health care industry?
I was talking in person to a PA judge yesterday. He was of the opinion that an employer could require the vaccine as a terms of continued employment. I would guess this will be settled in more formal ways soon.
From the numbers I have read, 60% want the vaccine, 20% wait and see, and 20% are a more firm no way.
Most employers, especially small ones, would be very hesitant to force employees to take the vaccine. It would create a lot of tension and risk losing valuable people should they just say the hell with it and quit. Could lose some critical people.

Feel sorry for employers. They force people to take it and lose valuable people and create a hostile environment......or don’t force it and risk lawsuits should an unprotected employee spread it to other workers or customers/patients. And even if the employer stays mute and doesn’t say a word some workers that get will get angry with ones that refuse for putting their workplace at risk.

Talk about a lose/lose/lose situation.
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Here in Maryland teachers have been bumped up to the second group for the vaccine now. I don't know the info for my county but a friend who works in a different county said that in a survey last month the teachers who said they would get the vaccine basically broke down by racial profile. Over two-thirds of the white teachers said they would get the vaccine while less than 10% of the black teachers said they would get it.
I'm wondering if that's similar in the health care industry?
Forget the source but healthcare no was around 28%, and general population 22%. Most of the healthcare no are the non-degree support staff(house keeping, cafeteria), the pregnant, trying to become pregnant, Black and Hispanic staff, and some immunocompromised individuals.
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I was talking in person to a PA judge yesterday. He was of the opinion that an employer could require the vaccine as a terms of continued employment. I would guess this will be settled in more formal ways soon.
From the numbers I have read, 60% want the vaccine, 20% wait and see, and 20% are a more firm no way.

Good luck with that. No one should be required to get this vaccine (and I plan to get it just to make non-medical life easier).