A, the science doesn’t say that wil work since they were tested only with strict, specific intervals. And B, they have only used a quarter of what was shipped. Sending four times as much will resulting massive amounts being ruined and discard3d.
Science also didn't say that it won't be fine to get a shot 6 weeks after instead of 3 because they never tested it. So not like it is worthless to try this, giving one shot is like getting a flu shot with 50-60% immunity.
right now, reality has to take hold. this roll out has been a $hit show and literally at it's current pace will take years to get the USA to herd immunity. the vaccinators don't have the logisitical capacity to follow the 21 day guideline, just have to accep that fact. so way more simple to let the CVS, Walgreens, Hospitals, etc...hang a sign up and say come on in and get a vaccine shot as that way you know that they can all be used ASAP as they would have a line out the door. And then assume you get the second shots in on time. If you don't, then at leats every shot has been used and some immunity is out there.
you admit right now that shots are not even getting used, so what good is that. not like that is going to change anytime soon as nobody is in charge and the rollout cannot get out from between it's own incomptence. You read stories every day about how bad it is going and arguments on who should be getting it while other articles where they are running out of vaccine and cannot get to the nursing homes and elderly.
So go like hell with Moderna and Pfizer vaccines. Hope that J&J and AstraZenaca get approved in March and then millions more flood the market. and that Pfizer and Moderna can keep pace with their production.
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