Thread on testing & treatment research for COVID-19

good grief, nothing like providing your people with a vaccine whose testing does not even remotely approach the minimum level that scientists or the FDA would require before they could review its safety and efficacy.

so what are people's thought about this whole crazy 'no reserve' narrative. i am looking over news articles and listening to people talk to try and figure out the truth (which is nearly impossible to find nowadays) and think this is just politics being played. Last week Deblasio is complaining that Cuomo won't release vaccines and this week the narrative is NYC is going to run out. I don't think there ever was a 'national reserve' of 50 million vaccinnes as Pfizer was on record in December saying they were losing ground on production and only going to have 20M by end of year (so where would this massive reserve even come from considering 30+ million doses have been distributed ). Haven't seen any information on what Moderna can do interestingly enough with respect to production. The "reserve" was literally what Pfizer and Moderna are holding and the Feds are then telling them how many and where to release. Not like the US government has a freezer full of vaccines, the Pharma companies are the place where they are being held.

I think it was all to do about talking points and trying to deflect from the poor job many states are doing administering the vaccine. Crazy to think that West Virginia appears to be the shining star.

That J&J vaccine cannot get approved soon enough. Looking like late February.
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How many people who would have died from cardiovascular disease and cancer ended up dying from COVID ?
I would bet many thousands this year.
It might be anecdotal, but I can tell you that the obituaries in my hometown have been running 2 - 3 times average since November and I would also be willing to bet it’s that way in much of the US.
I can tell you that news sources reported the number of excess deaths in 2020 the most of any year since WW2.
Someone on one of these threads posted some numbers that showed excess deaths had a large spike in May and then has been pretty flat. Does your data differ.?
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Some are declining. It was offered to clinical staff. Three had recently recovered from COVID and declined, believing they are probably immune and wanted unprotected people to get it first. Several others declined, usually for no identifiable reason other than fear.
The clownshow otherwise known as the PA DOH recently issued a 65 page tome of rules. Nothing in those 65 pages is going to get us to herd immunity. The vaccine we received comes in ten dose units in allotments of 100. Once a ten dose package is started, it has to be used within six hours. My understanding is that the entire 100 vaccine allotment has to be used in about a month if stored in a decent vaccine dispenser.
We were supposed to get another 100 doses this week. Our CEO is afraid of running afoul of the DOH if we start to just provide it to seniors out of the strict order. So we are not getting more at this time. My prediction is that vaccine is going to be thrown out in PA, and maybe that’s just fine with these bureaucratic idiots.


Question here, I am 68 with co morbidities and my wife is 68 and healthy but her family has a history of heart palpitations etc. We were talking about the vaccine and I am all in for getting ASAP. She said she would rather continue to be careful and wait 4-5 months for more data.

So i stumbled across an article headline 55 people in the US dies after receiving vaccine. The data was from VAERS which is federal database Vaccine Adverse Event [forget the R and S]. The article is very clear that this data base does NOT suggest a direct cause and effect but just lists people who received the vaccine and then shortly after died. It also suggested this database is voluntary so it is likely understated however when the event is death it is much closer to actual data. they said the death rate for these COVID vaccines is tracking at 11 per million compared to flu at about 1.3 per million.

It also said Norway has altered their guidelines to exclude those who are frail from receiving the vaccine after they also experienced some deaths.

Do you know anything about this data and is it widely known? If so some people [especially young] could be waiting out of fear as you state above.
So i stumbled across an article headline 55 people in the US dies after receiving vaccine. The data was from VAERS which is federal database Vaccine Adverse Event [forget the R and S]. The article is very clear that this data base does NOT suggest a direct cause and effect but just lists people who received the vaccine and then shortly after died. It also suggested this database is voluntary so it is likely understated however when the event is death it is much closer to actual data. they said the death rate for these COVID vaccines is tracking at 11 per million compared to flu at about 1.3 per million.

Because of the awareness and sensitivity in covid death reporting, I'm guessing deaths after the covid vaccine are being reported more urgently than deaths after the flu vaccine. These people don't want to get in trouble for not reporting a death in the context of covid, even if there's no evidence that the vaccine caused the death. But flu deaths unrelated to the vaccine are more than accepted and expected.
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Meanwhile, the AstraZeneca vaccine should already be approved, but that may not be until April.

yeah, but AZ is approved in Europe so all production just going there. not sure if AZ was approved next week if that means anymore doses in the USA in the grand scheme of things.

And J&J being one dose is going to be a game changer both for logisitics and considering every dose they make is worth two of the others.

Goal right now should be 100 million vaccinated by memorial day. that is going to mean that basically everybody over 65 plus under 65 with co-morbidity ( risk) is going to have been able to get the vaccine. at that point, hospital and fatality rate is going to be a fractoin of now and between 100 million vaccianted, probably anoterh 40-50 million that have had it already and have anti-bodies plus summer (UV, outside activities, etc...) should start to push the overall numbers way down and maybe get to a more 'normal summer. then memorial day through Labor day try to push for another 100 million people vaccinated so that school can open somewhat normal.

People need to put realistic goals out there and then do everything to hit them.
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Someone on one of these threads posted some numbers that showed excess deaths had a large spike in May and then has been pretty flat. Does your data differ.?

Actually, that data showed that there are additional deaths due to Covid, but that they're only about 40% of what would be expected, unless Covid is killing people who were within 6 months to a year of their natural death anyway.

That's also consistent with the IFR numbers which show that only the very old are meaningfully (statistically speaking) impacted by Covid.

You can look on the test board for a link to the data - such links are forbidden here.

Question here, I am 68 with co morbidities and my wife is 68 and healthy but her family has a history of heart palpitations etc. We were talking about the vaccine and I am all in for getting ASAP. She said she would rather continue to be careful and wait 4-5 months for more data.

So i stumbled across an article headline 55 people in the US dies after receiving vaccine. The data was from VAERS which is federal database Vaccine Adverse Event [forget the R and S]. The article is very clear that this data base does NOT suggest a direct cause and effect but just lists people who received the vaccine and then shortly after died. It also suggested this database is voluntary so it is likely understated however when the event is death it is much closer to actual data. they said the death rate for these COVID vaccines is tracking at 11 per million compared to flu at about 1.3 per million.

It also said Norway has altered their guidelines to exclude those who are frail from receiving the vaccine after they also experienced some deaths.

Do you know anything about this data and is it widely known? If so some people [especially young] could be waiting out of fear as you state above.
Your numbers are incorrect on death rate. That is the anaphylaxis allergy rate.
Your numbers are incorrect on death rate. That is the anaphylaxis allergy rate.
That is reassuring. So it did say 55 deaths and 10.4 million vaccines so I guess if my math is correct that would 5.5 per million. Not 11 per million but not 1.3 either.
I am looking for reassurance, not a reason not get vaccinated.
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Question here, I am 68 with co morbidities and my wife is 68 and healthy but her family has a history of heart palpitations etc. We were talking about the vaccine and I am all in for getting ASAP. She said she would rather continue to be careful and wait 4-5 months for more data.

So i stumbled across an article headline 55 people in the US dies after receiving vaccine. The data was from VAERS which is federal database Vaccine Adverse Event [forget the R and S]. The article is very clear that this data base does NOT suggest a direct cause and effect but just lists people who received the vaccine and then shortly after died. It also suggested this database is voluntary so it is likely understated however when the event is death it is much closer to actual data. they said the death rate for these COVID vaccines is tracking at 11 per million compared to flu at about 1.3 per million.

It also said Norway has altered their guidelines to exclude those who are frail from receiving the vaccine after they also experienced some deaths.

Do you know anything about this data and is it widely known? If so some people [especially young] could be waiting out of fear as you state above.
Looks like in Norway main concern is frail over 80, maybe a death or too between 75 and 80. You have some youth on that group. But more info is always best.
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That is reassuring. So it did say 55 deaths and 10.4 million vaccines so I guess if my math is correct that would 5.5 per million. Not 11 per million but not 1.3 either.
I am looking for reassurance, not a reason not get vaccinated.
My concern is that there is no data about long term effects. The 5.5 or 11 per million are almost certainly a function of a large number of doses going to the elderly where 5.5 or 11 per million need very little to cause a death. I want to know more about the long term impact of having designer mRNA in the body that is synthesizing proteins that are foreign to our bodies.

How long will the mRNA last in our bodies? What happens to that mRNA over time? Does it continue to synthesize foreign proteins in the body and for how long? Will the proteins that they synthesize change as a function of time that the mRNA is in the body? If the mRNA degrades over years, is it removed from the body by some mechanism?

I just don't know enough about long term impacts and there is no data to inform us.
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My concern is that there is no data about long term effects. The 5.5 or 11 per million are almost certainly a function of a large number of doses going to the elderly where 5.5 or 11 per million need very little to cause a death. I want to know more about the long term impact of having designer mRNA in the body that is synthesizing proteins that are foreign to our bodies.

How long will the mRNA last in our bodies? What happens to that mRNA over time? Does it continue to synthesize foreign proteins in the body and for how long? Will the proteins that they synthesize change as a function of time that the mRNA is in the body? If the mRNA degrades over years, is it removed from the body by some mechanism?

I just don't know enough about long term impacts and there is no data to inform us.
Agreed and yet to suggest those might be legitimate concerns and you are branded anti science. For me the risk is worth taking. As I have said with a son and D in L in their 30's in good health starting a family I think they should wait.

Question here, I am 68 with co morbidities and my wife is 68 and healthy but her family has a history of heart palpitations etc. We were talking about the vaccine and I am all in for getting ASAP. She said she would rather continue to be careful and wait 4-5 months for more data.

So i stumbled across an article headline 55 people in the US dies after receiving vaccine. The data was from VAERS which is federal database Vaccine Adverse Event [forget the R and S]. The article is very clear that this data base does NOT suggest a direct cause and effect but just lists people who received the vaccine and then shortly after died. It also suggested this database is voluntary so it is likely understated however when the event is death it is much closer to actual data. they said the death rate for these COVID vaccines is tracking at 11 per million compared to flu at about 1.3 per million.

It also said Norway has altered their guidelines to exclude those who are frail from receiving the vaccine after they also experienced some deaths.

Do you know anything about this data and is it widely known? If so some people [especially young] could be waiting out of fear as you state above.
A lot of people added some good points, here.
As far as getting vaccinated, the comparison should be getting infected with SARS CoV - 2 versus the vaccine.
My understanding for your age group is that there is probably about a 15% risk of becoming seriously ill from the virus. If you find yourself in this category, the fatality risk jumps considerably.
I am not aware of significant adverse reactions from the vaccine trials involving many tens of thousands of people getting anywhere close to the risk of serious illness from COVID. [ Remember that the approved vaccines aren’t using weakened or even dead virus ]. That said, the vaccine does not provide 100% protection from infection, although there is pretty solid data that vaccination does protect against severe COVID if you manage to get infected.
A couple of additional points to consider 1) a significant number of people who get COVID suffer from long term sequelae and 2) newer variants of the virus reaching the US may really drive up case numbers toward the end of the winter.
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Question here, I am 68 with co morbidities and my wife is 68 and healthy but her family has a history of heart palpitations etc. We were talking about the vaccine and I am all in for getting ASAP. She said she would rather continue to be careful and wait 4-5 months for more data.

So i stumbled across an article headline 55 people in the US dies after receiving vaccine. The data was from VAERS which is federal database Vaccine Adverse Event [forget the R and S]. The article is very clear that this data base does NOT suggest a direct cause and effect but just lists people who received the vaccine and then shortly after died. It also suggested this database is voluntary so it is likely understated however when the event is death it is much closer to actual data. they said the death rate for these COVID vaccines is tracking at 11 per million compared to flu at about 1.3 per million.

It also said Norway has altered their guidelines to exclude those who are frail from receiving the vaccine after they also experienced some deaths.

Do you know anything about this data and is it widely known? If so some people [especially young] could be waiting out of fear as you state above.
That is reassuring. So it did say 55 deaths and 10.4 million vaccines so I guess if my math is correct that would 5.5 per million. Not 11 per million but not 1.3 either.
I am looking for reassurance, not a reason not get vaccinated.
Like justintymebstated, these vaccines are being given to people at high risk.....elderly, people with comorbidities, and health care workers test can get large and repeated exposures. So it not accurate to compare to flu vaccines that are given to just about everyone with a tilt towards the elderly.
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How do they treat for this? If in the hospital, IV Heparin, or Lovenox injections. Outpatient most likely Xarelto or or Eliquis for prophylactic management.
I hope it is not a reporting anomaly but daily positives have dropped off a cliff the last couple of days. Is the vaccine starting to kick in or what? Looks like week of over fatality numbers down also.

The bad thing is if you look at vaccines given, the last few days have been pretty weak for that. Seems as if states have caught up and not are back on a supply issue curve.
TOo early for mass effects from the vaccine. This is just the virus ebbing and flowing at its own pace, completely independent of any attempts to slow it.
TOo early for mass effects from the vaccine. This is just the virus ebbing and flowing at its own pace, completely independent of any attempts to slow it.

i sort of agree, but if health care workers were a major source of spread than the fact a bulk of them are vaccinated would be starting to show some decrease in numbers by now.