Anybody look at India’s stats recently ?
If they are accurate, it looks like they are beating this thing.
1.1M shots yesterday so total up to 43.14M with the 7 day rolling average at 1.47M . 72.7% of shots administered is the national average, 10.0% of population with 1+ dose (note this is percent of population that has been given 1 or 2 doses, so total percent that have been pricked by a needle), 3.0% with double dose. So far, 32.8 million have received at least one dose. At least 9.82 million people have completed the two-dose vaccination regimen.
Doses delivered is 59.3M compared to yesterday 59.3M. No doses recorded delivered. 9.4M doses delivered last week.
87,031 positives reported yesterday compared to 128,119 week over week. 7-day rolling average as such continues it's downward trend to 110,694. Two days in a row with a step change type of number.
Fatality was 1489 compared to 1340 yesterday and 1918 week over week, 7-day rolling fatality at 2954.
For Hospitalizations, Total hospitalizations in USA with Covid is 80,055down from yesterday 81,439.
So we hit the first big milestone....10% of USA population has been vaccinated with at least one dose. Daily positive cases is really dropping fast. Fatality for the first time the 7-day rolling average is under 3000 since early January, let's hope that the rate of decline starts to grow faster but at least seeing some start to that number going down.
Hmm maybe we should have kept the elderly/nursing home crowd safe in their homes rather than sending them out with families????
Not very convincing.
Not very convincing.
here’s direct link to article
David Oliver: Mistruths and misunderstandings about covid-19 death numbers
I want to set the record straight about some serious misinformation surrounding covid-19 death certification and mortality statistics. I will paraphrase some of the claims that I have heard repeatedly in the media: “People are not dying from, but with, covid-19.” “Deaths classified as
While my Dr friend at NIH wont go that far, he said they say that around 30% of the cases/deaths are overstated due to the above and some other items.
1.3M shots yesterday so total up to 44.41M with the 7 day rolling average at 1.53M . 70.6% of shots administered is the national average, 10.2% of population with 1+ dose (note this is percent of population that has been given 1 or 2 doses, so total percent that have been pricked by a needle), 3.1% with double dose. So far, 33.6 million have received at least one dose. At least 10.3 million people have completed the two-dose vaccination regimen.
Doses delivered is 62.9M compared to yesterday 59.3M. 3.6 doses recorded delivered this week. 9.4M doses delivered last week.
95,542 positives reported yesterday compared to 116,397 week over week. 7-day rolling average as such continues it's downward trend to 108,254.
Fatality was 3265 compared to 1489 yesterday and 3713 week over week, 7-day rolling fatality at 2905. Disappointing that we had the traditional Tuesday reporting spike, lower week over week but was hoping that we would start to see the step change that we have seen in hospitalizations and total case load.
For Hospitalizations, Total hospitalizations in USA with Covid is 79,179 down from yesterday 80,055.
Some super news reported by Pfizer on Monday in that they are now saying they are boosting their outlook on vaccine production to nearly double based on large production efficiencies gains (they noted the time it takes to produce a vaccine was 110 days and they are the process of getting that down to 60 days) plus bringing on new production capacity lines. They are now reporting a goal of 2 BILLION doses by end of year. Tried to find some information on Moderna manufacturing and there was nothing other than they were having some issues in mid January but only vague details and nothing after that.
This sounds gruesome but a good portion of the drop in hospitalizations could be explained by the fatalities.
Doubtful as here in MD I have seen days with 50 deaths but only a 12 person reduction in hospitalizations. That was a few weeks ago though. Hospitalizations and pos % are heading way down.This sounds gruesome but a good portion of the drop in hospitalizations could be explained by the fatalities.
This sounds gruesome but a good portion of the drop in hospitalizations could be explained by the fatalities.
I understand what you’re saying but in the past people that died were replaced by new admissions. That does not appear to be happening at the same rate. Hospitalizations are way down. Reports were that deaths often occurred after four to six weeks of hospitalization so you can expect the death totals to drop soon.This sounds gruesome but a good portion of the drop in hospitalizations could be explained by the fatalities.