Thread on testing & treatment research for COVID-19

1.3M shots yesterday so total up to 34.99M with the 7 day rolling average at 1.3M . 62.6% of shots administered is the national average, 8.5% of population with 1 dose, 2.1% with double dose. Good to see the daily doses go right back up to 1.3M, I was concerned we might be down below a million for a few days.

Doses delivered is 55.9M same as yesterday 52.6M. So 3.3M doses delivered. So 6M this week delivered.

113,459 positives reported yesterday down from yesterday and down from 161,414 week over week. 7-day rolling average as such continues it's downward trend to 136,003. IF you are counting, that is 4 days in a row now down below 120,000 daily cases.

Fatality was 3999 compared to 3644 yesterday and 4255 week over week, 7-day rolling fatality at 3151. So fatality rate continues to defy all other numbers.

For Hospitalizations, Total hospitalizations in USA with Covid is 91,440 down from yesterday 92,880.

Anywho.....appears that we are getting more vaccines out to the states and I don't really care why or how or who is responsible, just happy it is happening. The numbers keep coming down and those positive daily case numbers are pretty exciting the step change in a month. Remember less than one month ago in the first week of January there was a day over 300K positives, we are down to 117k average the last 4 days.

1.7M shots yesterday so total up to 36.67M with the 7 day rolling average at 1.3M . 63.8% of shots administered is the national average, 8.7% of population with 1 dose, 2.3% with double dose. The 1.7M daily shots is equal to the all time high that was hit a few days last week so good to see the bounce back after the storm to keep that 7-day rolling average at 1.3M.

Doses delivered is 57.5M compared to yesterday 55.9M. So 1.6M doses delivered equaling 7.6M this week delivered.

121,627 positives reported yesterday which is up a little but down from 166,194 week over week. 7-day rolling average as such continues it's downward trend to 129,894. Last time below 130,000 7 day rolling average was November 10th. Another very interesting note looking at the charts is we used to get the late week spike in cases which was probably due to reporting, barely see any spike at all this week and the graph is as flat Monday-Friday as it has been in a long time.

Fatality was 3523 compared to 4032 yesterday and 3948 week over week, 7-day rolling fatality at 3100. So fatality rate we are see a very, very slight decline in the 7 day rolling. It peaked January 27 at 3447 and has been coming down ever so slightly since.

For Hospitalizations, Total hospitalizations in USA with Covid is 88,668 down from yesterday 91,440 .

Obviously the big news last night was that J&J applied for the emergency authorization to the FDA. Bad news is it appears that is not going to get approved (assuming it does) until the end of February (Feb 26th is the date the FDA has set) so appears we won't see the J&J vaccine out there until first week of March. Some quick notes on J&J, 66% effective overall in protecting against Covid but 85% effective in preventing severe disease and no participants (according CNN and Fauci last night) who took the J&J vaccine have died or ended up in the hospital, so maybe not the 95% of Moderna/Pfizer but 85% effective against severe symptoms and 99% effective (hedge a little) against going to the hospital. J&J vaccine is one shot vaccine which is the obvious home run here along with only requiring normal refrigration versus the dry ice deep freeze of Moderna/Pfizer. Only outstanding issue is how doses to J&J actually have on hand at end of February and what is their production. There was news of production issues in mid January but nothing since. J&J is saying they will have 100 million doses available for the USA by July but who knows.
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Talking to a funeral director this AM. He told me hospitals are getting $13,000 per COVID death. He said a local Coroner is somehow also trying to cash in.
I have no idea if this is true.
Talking to a funeral director this AM. He told me hospitals are getting $13,000 per COVID death. He said a local Coroner is somehow also trying to cash in.
I have no idea if this is true.

Yes, Medicare reimburses hospitals at a premium rate for covid deaths, hospitalizations and administration of in-patient drugs that have been given EUA.
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Talking to a funeral director this AM. He told me hospitals are getting $13,000 per COVID death. He said a local Coroner is somehow also trying to cash in.
I have no idea if this is true.

Deaths? No. I do not believe that hospitals are paid at a higher rate if a patient dies than if the patient survives.

As for higher reimbursements to treat COVID-19 patients, it's a mixed bag:

Looking at those two pics with my untrained eye they seem radically different. One is three times the size of the other, denser, with more protrusions. Looks almost like one broke off from the other.

Edit: after more study, I wonder if the one on the right is a computer generated pic with selected colors to highlight specific structures. The one on the left has much more detail, even showing the lipid coating around it’s surface. Maybe they removed the clutter to illustrate their points.

These are computational models showing the trimer of the spike proteins docked to the ACE2 binding domain (left depiction) and a monomer of spike protein that is shown undocked (right depiction). The left image shows the trimers in green, yellow, and orange respectively while the right shows only the monomer in orange and is zoomed in. The ACE2 domain is shown in grey on left image and is not in the second image. The circled area in right image are just the binding domain and the hinge area between that domain and rest of protein.

The differences in sequence are highlighted in the ball & stick drawings of the residues that are different. Those are the wiggly zigzag areas in dark blue, cyan, red, and yellow. It is very hard to see those unless you have a full screen image (blue and cyan are easiest to spot). I’m not sure what you mean by lipid coating in your description but I think you may be looking at the ball and stick projections.
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1.7M shots yesterday so total up to 36.67M with the 7 day rolling average at 1.3M . 63.8% of shots administered is the national average, 8.7% of population with 1 dose, 2.3% with double dose. The 1.7M daily shots is equal to the all time high that was hit a few days last week so good to see the bounce back after the storm to keep that 7-day rolling average at 1.3M.

Doses delivered is 57.5M compared to yesterday 55.9M. So 1.6M doses delivered equaling 7.6M this week delivered.

121,627 positives reported yesterday which is up a little but down from 166,194 week over week. 7-day rolling average as such continues it's downward trend to 129,894. Last time below 130,000 7 day rolling average was November 10th. Another very interesting note looking at the charts is we used to get the late week spike in cases which was probably due to reporting, barely see any spike at all this week and the graph is as float Monday-Friday as it has been in a long time.

Fatality was 3523 compared to 4032 yesterday and 3948 week over week, 7-day rolling fatality at 3100. So fatality rate we are see a very, very slight decline in the 7 day rolling. It peaked January 27 at 3447 and has been coming down ever so slightly since.

For Hospitalizations, Total hospitalizations in USA with Covid is 88,668 down from yesterday 91,440 .

Obviously the big news last night was that J&J applied for the emergency authorization to the FDA. Bad news is it appears that is not going to get approved (assuming it does) until the end of February (Feb 26th is the date the FDA has set) so appears we won't see the J&J vaccine out there until first week of March. Some quick notes on J&J, 66% effective overall in protecting against Covid but 85% effective in preventing severe disease and no participants (according CNN and Fauci last night) who took the J&J vaccine have died or ended up in the hospital, so maybe not the 95% of Moderna/Pfizer but 85% effective against severe symptoms and 99% effective (hedge a little) against going to the hospital. J&J vaccine is one shot vaccine which is the obvious home run here along with only requiring normal refrigration versus the dry ice deep freeze of Moderna/Pfizer. Only outstanding issue is how doses to J&J actually have on hand at end of February and what is their production. There was news of production issues in mid January but nothing since. J&J is saying they will have 100 million doses available for the USA by July but who knows.

J&J has a clinical trial for a two dose regimen of their vaccine that started enrolling in late November. If there is significant increase in efficacy then ultimately that will be recommended down the road. The J&J vaccine has comparable efficacy to the mRNA vaccines after one dose. It is believed that a second dose of the J&J vaccine (a booster dose) will increase the efficacy but this remains to be shown. If it gets close to the mRNA efficacy then this will be a preferred vaccine in terms of cost and stability.
These are computational models showing the trimer of the spike proteins docked to the ACE2 binding domain (left depiction) and a monomer of spike protein that is shown undocked (right depiction). The left image shows the trimers in green, yellow, and orange respectively while the right shows only the monomer in orange and is zoomed in. The ACE2 domain is shown in grey on left image and is not in the second image. The circled area in right image are just the binding domain and the hinge area between that domain and rest of protein.

The differences in sequence are highlighted in the ball & stick drawings of the residues that are different. Those are the wiggly zigzag areas in dark blue, cyan, red, and yellow. It is very hard to see those unless you have a full screen image (blue and cyan are easiest to spot). I’m not sure what you mean by lipid coating in your description but I think you may be looking at the ball and stick projections.
Thanks for the explanation. Knew this wasn’t a mere photo depiction but were with different aspects. Did realize that the large gray area was actually the human ACE site.

The one on the left looks like it is wrapped in bubble wrap hence my lipid comment.
Lots of things to respond to.

First, think of it like polio. The Salk vaccine stopped those that received the vaccine from getting polio. However, the virus remained in the guts of those that received the vaccine, and as such they were able to pass the virus to others. The Sabin vaccine, which replaced the Salk vaccine, stopped people from getting polio AND sterilized the virus in the gut, so it could no longer be transmitted.

Sticking to SARS-CoV-2, the current vaccines prevent almost all that receive them (especially the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines) from contracting COVID-19. However, it does not prevent those same individuals from spreading the disease. Basically, the vaccine can take root in the nasal cavity. Once there, it starts replicating. Those that are vaccinated have elevated T cell and B cell levels that stave off COVID-19 within that individual. However, that same individual can, with each breath, spread the vaccine to those in their vicinity.

Also, your comments seem to miss the fact that asymptomatic individuals can, and do, spread SARS-CoV-2.

Will transmission even be zero? Only time will tell. Smallpox, which was caused by the variola virus, was one of the greatest recurring epidemics in human history. Due to a lot of work with the smallpox vaccine (by health authorities, governments, and philanthropic organizations around the world), smallpox has, essentially, been eliminated.
I didn't miss asymptomatic spread. Virus load in asymptomatic individuals has been proven to be much lower than symptomatic people. Pre-symptomatic individuals are probably a different story.
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Thanks for the explanation. Knew this wasn’t a mere photo depiction but were with different aspects. Did realize that the large gray area was actually the human ACE site.

The one on the left looks like it is wrapped in bubble wrap hence my lipid comment.

The shaded “bubble wrap” area is the space filling model area. The proteins do not have one locked structure so this shaded area is representative of the boundaries when the protein structure will be at some defined level of confidence. The more precise you want to be the more computing power and time is required. It is just a way to illustrate the structure at a high level and has nothing to do with any coating, lipid or otherwise.
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Anybody else somewhat surprised by the highly positive data published for the Russian Sputnik 5 COVID vaccine ?
91.6% efficacy per the study in the Lancet.
I await the results of the international studies of the vaccine.
1.7M shots yesterday so total up to 36.67M with the 7 day rolling average at 1.3M . 63.8% of shots administered is the national average, 8.7% of population with 1 dose, 2.3% with double dose. The 1.7M daily shots is equal to the all time high that was hit a few days last week so good to see the bounce back after the storm to keep that 7-day rolling average at 1.3M.

Doses delivered is 57.5M compared to yesterday 55.9M. So 1.6M doses delivered equaling 7.6M this week delivered.

121,627 positives reported yesterday which is up a little but down from 166,194 week over week. 7-day rolling average as such continues it's downward trend to 129,894. Last time below 130,000 7 day rolling average was November 10th. Another very interesting note looking at the charts is we used to get the late week spike in cases which was probably due to reporting, barely see any spike at all this week and the graph is as flat Monday-Friday as it has been in a long time.

Fatality was 3523 compared to 4032 yesterday and 3948 week over week, 7-day rolling fatality at 3100. So fatality rate we are see a very, very slight decline in the 7 day rolling. It peaked January 27 at 3447 and has been coming down ever so slightly since.

For Hospitalizations, Total hospitalizations in USA with Covid is 88,668 down from yesterday 91,440 .

Obviously the big news last night was that J&J applied for the emergency authorization to the FDA. Bad news is it appears that is not going to get approved (assuming it does) until the end of February (Feb 26th is the date the FDA has set) so appears we won't see the J&J vaccine out there until first week of March. Some quick notes on J&J, 66% effective overall in protecting against Covid but 85% effective in preventing severe disease and no participants (according CNN and Fauci last night) who took the J&J vaccine have died or ended up in the hospital, so maybe not the 95% of Moderna/Pfizer but 85% effective against severe symptoms and 99% effective (hedge a little) against going to the hospital. J&J vaccine is one shot vaccine which is the obvious home run here along with only requiring normal refrigration versus the dry ice deep freeze of Moderna/Pfizer. Only outstanding issue is how doses to J&J actually have on hand at end of February and what is their production. There was news of production issues in mid January but nothing since. J&J is saying they will have 100 million doses available for the USA by July but who knows.

1.8M shots yesterday so total up to 38.46M with the 7 day rolling average at 1.36M . 65.9% of shots administered is the national average, 9.1% of population with 1+ dose (note this is percent of population it appears that has been given 1 or 2 doses, so total percent that have been pricked by a needle), 2.5% with double dose. So far, 29.8 million have received at least one dose. At least 8.09 million people have completed the two-dose vaccination regimen. The 1.8M daily shots is an all time high.

Doses delivered is 58.9M compared to yesterday 57.5M. So 1.4M doses delivered equaling 9.0M this week delivered.

126,125 positives reported yesterday which is up a little from day before but down from 172,055 week over week. 7-day rolling average as such continues it's downward trend to 123,876. Last time below 130,000 7 day rolling average was November 10th.

Fatality was 3572 compared to 3523 yesterday and 3691 week over week, 7-day rolling fatality at 3104. So still no movement.

For Hospitalizations, Total hospitalizations in USA with Covid is 86,373 down from yesterday 88,668. The hospitalization chart is just really on a downward trend. Averaging nearly 2000 less patients per day. Getting underneath 50,000 in the hospital be end of February appears to be an achievable goal if this pace continues.

Both Fauci and Gupta were on late this week and you can tell they are very bullish on what is going on. Gupta said we are in the 7th inning stretch of a baseball game, Fauci said on a scale of 1-10 that we are a 6 (and you could tell he wanted to say 7 but wanted to keep expectations in check). This opposed to one semi crazy dude they had on (who appeared to have some credentials) that was saying there is a hurricane coming and that this spring is going to be worse then anything we have seen to date.

Some interesting notes. We are vaccinating people at a rate 10 times what the infection rate is right now. Hospitalizations have come down 33% since the vaccinations really got going in early January. Nobody who took the J&J vaccine in Phase 2 or 3 have died and only a few of have been hospitalized, they kept hammering that point home that even though the rates shown were between 66-72% to stop infection (versus the 95%+ for the double dose), that the J&J vaccine does what it is supposed to in keeping people from dying and/or getting really sick. Tons of talks on the variants/strains from UK and South Africa, both noted that the vaccines work against these variants and both noted that they appear to be more contagious but not more deadly. Stressed that so important the next few months to get all the vaccines out and administered to stay ahead of mutations as if the infection rate goes way down, the virus doesn't have 'time/ability' to mutate as it is just not infecting enough people for the mutations to occur.
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Dr. Offit talks on the J&J vax, in the S. African study the J&J vax did not have one death, other variants , vaccine escape, single dosing the two dose vax, mixing vax at the two dose schedule, and the Sputnik V. He discusses children under age 16 and the vax beginning at the 28:00 mark. Trial under 16 will only be a few thousand kids down to age 12, which is underway. Can't check for efficacy in this young age group since too few get infected. Check for biologic response and side effects. He anticipates the studied ages to drop to maybe age 6. 5 and under don't have Ace2 receptors in a sufficient amount to really get infected.
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1.8M shots yesterday so total up to 38.46M with the 7 day rolling average at 1.36M . 65.9% of shots administered is the national average, 9.1% of population with 1+ dose (note this is percent of population it appears that has been given 1 or 2 doses, so total percent that have been pricked by a needle), 2.5% with double dose. So far, 29.8 million have received at least one dose. At least 8.09 million people have completed the two-dose vaccination regimen. The 1.8M daily shots is an all time high.

Doses delivered is 58.9M compared to yesterday 57.5M. So 1.4M doses delivered equaling 9.0M this week delivered.

126,125 positives reported yesterday which is up a little from day before but down from 172,055 week over week. 7-day rolling average as such continues it's downward trend to 123,876. Last time below 130,000 7 day rolling average was November 10th.

Fatality was 3572 compared to 3523 yesterday and 3691 week over week, 7-day rolling fatality at 3104. So still no movement.

For Hospitalizations, Total hospitalizations in USA with Covid is 86,373 down from yesterday 88,668. The hospitalization chart is just really on a downward trend. Averaging nearly 2000 less patients per day. Getting underneath 50,000 in the hospital be end of February appears to be an achievable goal if this pace continues.

Both Fauci and Gupta were on late this week and you can tell they are very bullish on what is going on. Gupta said we are in the 7th inning stretch of a baseball game, Fauci said on a scale of 1-10 that we are a 6 (and you could tell he wanted to say 7 but wanted to keep expectations in check). This opposed to one semi crazy dude they had on (who appeared to have some credentials) that was saying there is a hurricane coming and that this spring is going to be worse then anything we have seen to date.

Some interesting notes. We are vaccinating people at a rate 10 times what the infection rate is right now. Hospitalizations have come down 33% since the vaccinations really got going in early January. Nobody who took the J&J vaccine in Phase 2 or 3 have died and only a few of have been hospitalized, they kept hammering that point home that even though the rates shown were between 66-72% to stop infection (versus the 95%+ for the double dose), that the J&J vaccine does what it is supposed to in keeping people from dying and/or getting really sick. Tons of talks on the variants/strains from UK and South Africa, both noted that the vaccines work against these variants and both noted that they appear to be more contagious but not more deadly. Stressed that so important the next few months to get all the vaccines out and administered to stay ahead of mutations as if the infection rate goes way down, the virus doesn't have 'time/ability' to mutate as it is just not infecting enough people for the mutations to occur.
This virus has thrown us a lot of surprises. It’s like a boxing match, but we don’t know how many rounds there are going to be. We all want this crap to be over, but most of us have no idea when and what that will look like.
The origins of this pandemic were recently discussed on Bret Weinstein’s podcast. He appears to be giving more weight to the possibility that not only did this virus escape from a lab, but that it might have been under investigation for what is called Gain of Function. This kind of research is not done with the intent of weaponizing a virus, but anticipating changes in a viral genome that would make it more deadly or transmissible. The idea is that it gives us a head start should this happen in nature. If this virus leaked from a lab while under such investigation, this is obviously an event that makes Chernobyl look like spilled milk.
We need to know the where and how of this virus in order to defeat it.
1.8M shots yesterday so total up to 38.46M with the 7 day rolling average at 1.36M . 65.9% of shots administered is the national average, 9.1% of population with 1+ dose (note this is percent of population it appears that has been given 1 or 2 doses, so total percent that have been pricked by a needle), 2.5% with double dose. So far, 29.8 million have received at least one dose. At least 8.09 million people have completed the two-dose vaccination regimen. The 1.8M daily shots is an all time high.

Doses delivered is 58.9M compared to yesterday 57.5M. So 1.4M doses delivered equaling 9.0M this week delivered.

126,125 positives reported yesterday which is up a little from day before but down from 172,055 week over week. 7-day rolling average as such continues it's downward trend to 123,876. Last time below 130,000 7 day rolling average was November 10th.

Fatality was 3572 compared to 3523 yesterday and 3691 week over week, 7-day rolling fatality at 3104. So still no movement.

For Hospitalizations, Total hospitalizations in USA with Covid is 86,373 down from yesterday 88,668. The hospitalization chart is just really on a downward trend. Averaging nearly 2000 less patients per day. Getting underneath 50,000 in the hospital be end of February appears to be an achievable goal if this pace continues.

Both Fauci and Gupta were on late this week and you can tell they are very bullish on what is going on. Gupta said we are in the 7th inning stretch of a baseball game, Fauci said on a scale of 1-10 that we are a 6 (and you could tell he wanted to say 7 but wanted to keep expectations in check). This opposed to one semi crazy dude they had on (who appeared to have some credentials) that was saying there is a hurricane coming and that this spring is going to be worse then anything we have seen to date.

Some interesting notes. We are vaccinating people at a rate 10 times what the infection rate is right now. Hospitalizations have come down 33% since the vaccinations really got going in early January. Nobody who took the J&J vaccine in Phase 2 or 3 have died and only a few of have been hospitalized, they kept hammering that point home that even though the rates shown were between 66-72% to stop infection (versus the 95%+ for the double dose), that the J&J vaccine does what it is supposed to in keeping people from dying and/or getting really sick. Tons of talks on the variants/strains from UK and South Africa, both noted that the vaccines work against these variants and both noted that they appear to be more contagious but not more deadly. Stressed that so important the next few months to get all the vaccines out and administered to stay ahead of mutations as if the infection rate goes way down, the virus doesn't have 'time/ability' to mutate as it is just not infecting enough people for the mutations to occur.

2.1M shots yesterday so total up to 40.52M with the 7 day rolling average at 1.42M . 68.3% of shots administered is the national average, 9.5% of population with 1+ dose (note this is percent of population that has been given 1 or 2 doses, so total percent that have been pricked by a needle), 2.7% with double dose. So far, 31.1 million have received at least one dose. At least 8.81 million people have completed the two-dose vaccination regimen. The 2.1M daily shots is an all time high and first time over 2 million shots in a day, very promising for the future when J&J and Novavax get approved and we need to get into the 2.5M+ daily hopefully in late spring/early summer.

Doses delivered is 59.3M compared to yesterday 58.9M. So 0.4M doses delivered equaling 9.4M this week delivered. I am going to flip the week over tomorrow. So the goal by Biden was 10M per week, looks like came up a little short this week. See what next week brings as I suspect if this pace of vaccination keeps up that by end of February most states will have essentially burned through al of their second dose type backlog and shots administered will equal shot received. Why J&J shipping first week of March is going to be crucial to keep the shot totals up and going, let's hope J&J has built up some level of backlog in February as in mid January it was reported they had production issues and only had a few million doses on hand.

105,983 positives reported yesterday compared to 146,108 week over week. 7-day rolling average as such continues it's downward trend to 119,048. Daily positive chart really in free fall now, looking very good.

Fatality was 2730 compared to 3572 yesterday and 2912 week over week, 7-day rolling fatality at 3091. The good news is the 7 day is coming down ever so slightly, the bad news is it is coming down really slow.

For Hospitalizations, Total hospitalizations in USA with Covid is 84,233 down from yesterday 86,373. Continuing the trend of nearly 2000 less patients per day.
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2.1M shots yesterday so total up to 40.52M with the 7 day rolling average at 1.42M . 68.3% of shots administered is the national average, 9.5% of population with 1+ dose (note this is percent of population that has been given 1 or 2 doses, so total percent that have been pricked by a needle), 2.7% with double dose. So far, 31.1 million have received at least one dose. At least 8.81 million people have completed the two-dose vaccination regimen. The 2.1M daily shots is an all time high and first time over 2 million shots in a day, very promising for the future when J&J and Novavax get approved and we need to get into the 2.5M+ daily hopefully in late spring/early summer.

Doses delivered is 59.3M compared to yesterday 58.9M. So 0.4M doses delivered equaling 9.4M this week delivered. I am going to flip the week over tomorrow. So the goal by Biden was 10M per week, looks like came up a little short this week. See what next week brings as I suspect if this pace of vaccination keeps up that by end of February most states will have essentially burned through al of their second dose type backlog and shots administered will equal shot received. Why J&J shipping first week of March is going to be crucial to keep the shot totals up and going, let's hope J&J has built up some level of backlog in February as in mid January it was reported they had production issues and only had a few million doses on hand.

105,983 positives reported yesterday compared to 146,108 week over week. 7-day rolling average as such continues it's downward trend to 119,048. Daily positive chart really in free fall now, looking very good.

Fatality was 2730 compared to 3572 yesterday and 2912 week over week, 7-day rolling fatality at 3091. The good news is the 7 day is coming down ever so slightly, the bad news is it is coming down really slow.

For Hospitalizations, Total hospitalizations in USA with Covid is 84,233 down from yesterday 86,373. Continuing the trend of nearly 2000 less patients per day.
Md gave almost 40k vaccines yesterday, significantly higher than any previous day. States who try to dispense things without large scale centers like we were doing until the last couple days will continue to have hard time.

Either set up at convention centers like Baltimore did or get them out to cvs/Walgreen type places
I read that but it doesn’t match the data... rolling 7 day new case number in US down 31% over last two weeks. The numbers in the UK are falling off the table. It seems to me this mutation talk is simply fear manipulation

And the South Africa's cases peaked in early January, despite that "highly contagious" variant there, too.
I read that but it doesn’t match the data... rolling 7 day new case number in US down 31% over last two weeks. The numbers in the UK are falling off the table. It seems to me this mutation talk is simply fear manipulation

yeah, very confused how scientifically they can say it is more contagious as the scientists really don't know contagious'regular' Covid 19 is. we have heard some varying papers about how long it lasts on surfaces. how long people are actualy shedding virus to be contagious, how long you have to be with somebody in a closed space, etc...we have read various paper from various reputable sources which honestly disagree on these topics and timing. yet somehow with a 8-10 weeks of data on a new variant it can be stated it is more contagious, I would like to know the science behind how they came up with that hypothesis.
Computer models. And we know how poorly computer model have fared in this whole thing

yeah, there was some doctor on mid week in one of the nightly talk shows saying that we are like people sitting out at the beach on a nice day but out at sea is a Cat 5 hurricane coming our way and that it might seem nice now but that doesn't mean the hurricane isn't coming. It was head scratching strange that he was saying that the US is in for a much worse situation in 6-8 weeks then we have ever been in before, and this guy was completely believing this was going to be true and his credentials were not bad. I would have loved to have just asked him how he thought that when we have 40M+ people vaccinated, numbersplummeting and J&J on the way. I think some people just don't want to believe (or maybe want) this thing to never end and want to believe that this is going to last forever.