Thread on testing & treatment research for COVID-19

You're using Samadi as a source? Could I interest you in buying a bridge, one that connects Manhattan to Brooklyn or Queens? I have a few choice ones available.

Well, no, since that's not the tweet I embedded. Blame the twitter embed API for always including the previous tweet. The tweet I did cite offers the CDC's website as a source. I thought the big red circle was kind of an obvious clue
Well, no, since that's not the tweet I embedded. Blame the twitter embed API for always including the previous tweet. The tweet I did cite offers the CDC's website as a source. I thought the big red circle was kind of an obvious clue

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Well, no, since that's not the tweet I embedded. Blame the twitter embed API for always including the previous tweet. The tweet I did cite offers the CDC's website as a source. I thought the big red circle was kind of an obvious clue

So, I'll take that as a "yes," you are interested in acquiring an East River Bridge?
I think we kind of knew this, but as it relates to football

Off-field activities present biggest sports risk
WSJ had an article just last week on this topic. Looking at teams that had a flare-up, it seemed they had a large social indoor gathering like a team meal just before the team numbers spiked. NDs Kelly reported that they had a large team banquet just a week before the ND blow up. Also they looked at teams who played against a "hot" team, and the opposition did not have a resultant surge in numbers.
This should be very concerning to anyone. How can we separate flu vs covid cases when the CDC won't report flu cases?

The CDC is just suspending the reporting of the State and Territorial Epidemiologists' influenza reports. They are NOT eliminating the reporting of influenza cases overall. But of course it doesn't sound like a big conspiracy when you put it that way.
This should be very concerning to anyone. How can we separate flu vs covid cases when the CDC won't report flu cases?

In Oct. 6, HHS announced a requirement for hospitals to now daily report influenza hospitalizations and deaths along with COVID statistics. HHS will have the influenza versus COVID statistics. The problem is with your source misinterpreting something. That’s why we shouldn’t rely on librarians twitter posts for accurate information on healthcare.

This study has gotten a lot of press in the past 12 hours. I caution that it has not been peer reviewed.

I don't think this is quite as ominous as it sounds. There is a very good likelihood that cellular immunity from memory T cells will prevent most severe recurrent infections, even if humoral immunity (antibody protection) wanes. But that is just a hypothesis as well.

exactly what i said several times before. best case is that ONE vaccine maker gets FDA approval by end of year. And then a second in Jan/Feb 2021. manufacturing and logistics of vaccination will take until Memorial day to get the medical, first responders, and nursing homes vaccinated. Summer will be 65+ and younger people with co-morbidities. After labor day open to general 'healthy' population and by end of 2021 anybody that wants vaccinated has it.