Thread on testing & treatment research for COVID-19

First it was they are testing more, then it was hospital numbers are most important, now it's look at the mortality rate. 14 minute shopping trips must be the key to not becoming mortally ill. Smfh
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First it was they are testing more, then it was hospital numbers are most important, now it's look at the mortality rate. 14 minute shopping trips must be the key to not becoming mortally ill. Smfh

I think it also is that the most vulnerable, ie...the really sick in nursing homes, are being much better protected now versus in March/April/May. So the people going to the hospital with Covid don't have the same level of pre-existing conditions and age. Couple that with just 6 months of knowledge on how to better treat and there we are.
I think we kind of knew this, but as it relates to football

Off-field activities present biggest sports risk

Cannot be true. Our Big Ten President overlords would not have cancelled the season if this was true. And they are our intellectual superiors and are only protecting us. So I cannot believe this article to be valid as the Big Ten Presidents are never wrong and we must do whatever they say as we are mere peasants and could not hope to understand their brilliance, we can only realize that they are geniuses.
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FDA is holding AstraZeneca hostage. The trials have continued in the UK and Japan, but the FDA won't let them restart in the USA. It's likely they do the same with J&J

Both paused Covid vaccine trials set to resume...

The genetic sequence of a virus will change due to errors in replication. These errors are often at a single nucleotide and have no change to the structure or function of the virus. While not genetically identical they are functionally the same and considered as the same virus. Over 10,000 genetic variations of SARS-CoV-2 have already been identified so treating these each as a separate virus isn’t practical.

However, these variations can show that the patients was infected twice versus a re-emergence of the first infection. It’s a separate, or second, infection. The infection or disease is the same so “re-infection“ is applicable even though the virus causing the disease is not genetically identical. Perhaps not obvious but I wouldn’t call it misleading and certainly not a lie.
Not entirely true. Sickle cell anemia is caused by a single genetic miscode in the massive human genome. A single error in a virus can make a huge difference. Fortunately, the vast majority of errors in the code actually make the virus less contagious or deadly. Most will actually destroy the virus.

Reinfection is most likely because the testing procedures are so sensitive they are picking up fragments of the virus still in circulation of the bloodstream. It’s also possible that some of these people were never fully cured from the initial infection.

There may be a few reinfections. Some people may have weak immune systems. It’s even possible a genetic variation caused a new infection. If so that could be problematic.