Thread on testing & treatment research for COVID-19

was this just people in the FDA and Euro FDA hoping that Remedesivir would work because they wanted to hope something works against Covid as the outlook was so bleak. Or is the darker side that a whole lot of people profited from making this drug 'approved' and such they ram rodded it through for profit.
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was this just people in the FDA and Euro FDA hoping that Remedesivir would work because they wanted to hope something works against Covid as the outlook was so bleak. Or is the darker side that a whole lot of people profited from making this drug 'approved' and such they ram rodded it through for profit.

A variation of the first. The attitude is there is nothing else, the drug isn't demonstrably harmful, so it's better than nothing (albeit not much). In a less dire situation, remdesivir would not have been approved.
A variation of the first. The attitude is there is nothing else, the drug isn't demonstrably harmful, so it's better than nothing (albeit not much). In a less dire situation, remdesivir would not have been approved.

i get that opinion also. there were a few studies that showed it did a little something (but appears very little). The issue i have a little is that it appears the Remdesivir studies were not much conclusive than the HCQ studies and yet massive journal articles and all out attacks on HCQ and yet everybody was super positive about Redesevir. And when you look at some of the initial data studies, there was hardly any difference between the two of them. Which makes me think that $$$ was behind the huge marketing campaigns against HCQ and for Resmevider.
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i get that opinion also. there were a few studies that showed it did a little something (but appears very little). The issue i have a little is that it appears the Remdesivir studies were not much conclusive than the HCQ studies and yet massive journal articles and all out attacks on HCQ and yet everybody was super positive about Redesevir. And when you look at some of the initial data studies, there was hardly any difference between the two of them. Which makes me think that $$$ was behind the huge marketing campaigns against HCQ and for Resmevider.

Can't comment on the financial considerations of the decisions. If there were any, it's not reflected in the performance of GILD's stock price.

Then primary differences between HCQ and remdesivir are: the remdesivir studies were forward looking, controlled, double-blind, whereas those of HCQ were observational; and remdesivir has thusfar not demonstrated any significant risk while HCQ has been known to be deadly in enough circumstance.
i remember reading articles like this back in

I think one of the biggest travesties in this whole pandemic is the govt. not being honest and open with people about who is really most at risk. In trying to put fear into everybody that this disease is serious to them, they lost the ability to strike fear into the people that are really most at risk for serious issues. I think most know now that if you are in a nursing home and/or very elderly with multiple health problems, you have serious risk. But beyond that, obesity has been talked about as a major (if not the #1) issue for everybody NOT in a nursing home as the most serious co-morbidty to have. Throw in that most obese (and talking sloppy, very fat people) have other health issues as that pretty much goes along with being extremely obese and that group should have been told how much they are at risk way, way, way beyond a normal relatively healthy person.
You are 100% correct, but fat shaming is not permitted.
Based on everything I have seen and read, my estimate is 25-35% of people have natural immunity. Combine with another 25-40% of people being asymptomatic and I think easily over 50-65% of population this has zero effect on.
And now combine that with the millions who have already had it with limited effect.
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