Tiger - give him a break


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2001
Spare me from the self righteous, dear Lord, please. Tiger has been through hell - some of it of his own doing. We all know that. Have you ever been through your personal hell. In a way, I have been as have been my patients. I am a psychoanalyst and certified alcohol counselor in NY. I see people resorting to alcohol when their lives start to crumble. I do not know the circumstances of his DUI - nor do you. I have evaluated people who get DUI's that are alcoholics. I have evaluated those getting DUI's that just had too much at a wedding or party. They are not the same. There is no compassion in most of the comments I have read. Tiger is facing the loss of that which is most important to him - GOLF. It has been the sum and substance of his life for the past 30 years. It must be devastating to him to lose that which has identified him to the world. Give this man some room. Stop being so fu-king self righteous, especially as Penn Staters where the alcohol flows so liberally. Put a cop outside Beaver Stadium after a football game, The Phyrst after St. Patrick's Day or the Skellar anyday, and you will have DUI history.
Spare me from the self righteous, dear Lord, please. Tiger has been through hell - some of it of his own doing. We all know that. Have you ever been through your personal hell. In a way, I have been as have been my patients. I am a psychoanalyst and certified alcohol counselor in NY. I see people resorting to alcohol when their lives start to crumble. I do not know the circumstances of his DUI - nor do you. I have evaluated people who get DUI's that are alcoholics. I have evaluated those getting DUI's that just had too much at a wedding or party. They are not the same. There is no compassion in most of the comments I have read. Tiger is facing the loss of that which is most important to him - GOLF. It has been the sum and substance of his life for the past 30 years. It must be devastating to him to lose that which has identified him to the world. Give this man some room. Stop being so fu-king self righteous, especially as Penn Staters where the alcohol flows so liberally. Put a cop outside Beaver Stadium after a football game, The Phyrst after St. Patrick's Day or the Skellar anyday, and you will have DUI history.
Cry me a river. As an attorney I have seen hundreds of people deal with much worse, most of it not of their own making, and they don't have a net worth of 750 million to help ease the pain. This guy had the world at his feet and he is tossing it all away. Compassion? Yes, for an 85 year old, half blind, widow getting by on social security and a small pension while the only man she ever loved wastes away in a nursing home. Compassion for Tiger? Really?
Spare me from the self righteous, dear Lord, please. Tiger has been through hell - some of it of his own doing. We all know that. Have you ever been through your personal hell. In a way, I have been as have been my patients. I am a psychoanalyst and certified alcohol counselor in NY. I see people resorting to alcohol when their lives start to crumble. I do not know the circumstances of his DUI - nor do you. I have evaluated people who get DUI's that are alcoholics. I have evaluated those getting DUI's that just had too much at a wedding or party. They are not the same. There is no compassion in most of the comments I have read. Tiger is facing the loss of that which is most important to him - GOLF. It has been the sum and substance of his life for the past 30 years. It must be devastating to him to lose that which has identified him to the world. Give this man some room. Stop being so fu-king self righteous, especially as Penn Staters where the alcohol flows so liberally. Put a cop outside Beaver Stadium after a football game, The Phyrst after St. Patrick's Day or the Skellar anyday, and you will have DUI history.
Agree and if he straightens out his driving, I think he can win again.
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Tiger was pretty emphatic the DUI was not related to alcohol but taking something with his pain killers (even something like OTC allergy medicine can do it.) But I agree with DrJC. Why is everyone jumping to a conclusion. And as to his wife, she's not exactly prim and proper. Ask the ST. Louis folks that know Chris Cline.
And as to his wife, she's not exactly prim and proper. Ask the ST. Louis folks that know Chris Cline.
Because she dates/dated her neighbor - a mining magnate/Marshall grad, she's not "prim and proper?"

Let me know when she starts repeatedly bedding porn stars and Perkins waiters.

Ask Jesper or Mia what they think of Tiger.
Tiger was pretty emphatic the DUI was not related to alcohol but taking something with his pain killers (even something like OTC allergy medicine can do it.) But I agree with DrJC. Why is everyone jumping to a conclusion. And as to his wife, she's not exactly prim and proper. Ask the ST. Louis folks that know Chris Cline.

I just hope Tiger is telling the truth here.

Is he? I don't know.

Given his past (stuff like (1) him talking about controlling his cussing on the golf course post-November 2009, then doing it as much as ever, or (2) his curious Masters behavior in 2013), he's hard to give the benefit of the doubt.

I do want to root for him though.
Here is a good idea. Let's not take responsibility for anything and blame it all on other things. DUI - well it isn't my fault, I had a bad few years. Speeding in a school zone - don't blame me My parents didn't say I love you enough when I was a kid. Selling drugs - Well I am an addict and so it's not my fault.

need to take responsibility for your life and the choices you make. I am not saying other things don't influence those choices, or that bad things don't happen to good people. But at the end of the day, as an adult you are responsible for yourself and you can't just pass the buck.
I think people have a hard time with how irresponsible it was.

The guy can afford a driver. (No pun intended)

To make matters worse he knows that he lives in a fish bowl. His every public move is studied and reported on. Why even take the risk?
Because she dates/dated her neighbor - a mining magnate/Marshall grad, she's not "prim and proper?"

Let me know when she starts repeatedly bedding porn stars and Perkins waiters.

Ask Jesper or Mia what they think of Tiger.

It was Denny's waitresses not Perkins. He only went to Perkins for the "stickybuns."
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Police once again could possibly end up in a PR disaster. This thing isn't over yet. Was reading a article on FL DUI and a fair number of the contested are thrown out or plea bargained to a lesser charge. Shouldn't they have gotten a court order for a blood draw ?
Once again the media builds up an image and then takes joy in tearing it down. He was wrong and has made mistakes before....oh well. Hopefully if there are bigger issues here it opens his eyes to them and starts to correct them.
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Tiger was pretty emphatic the DUI was not related to alcohol but taking something with his pain killers (even something like OTC allergy medicine can do it.) But I agree with DrJC. Why is everyone jumping to a conclusion. And as to his wife, she's not exactly prim and proper. Ask the ST. Louis folks that know Chris Cline.

Nothing ever good happens when you are in a car at 3 am... On a Saturday/Sunday Holiday weekend...granted he did not kill anyone but make no mistake... His " statement" was crafted by his agent and PR counsel... And was done to protect him from anything the PGA Tour may do and of course to salvage any current or future sponsors reactions.

Tiger changed the game of golf and I still think he is the 2 nd greatest player of all time...

In one sense it's sad that his life is so much in the public domain.... On the other it's the Publicvthat helped him become a multi millionaire.

I will add though... Only in Anerica is this an issue... The rest of the World does not really give a crap about Tiger's DUI...
Because she dates/dated her neighbor - a mining magnate/Marshall grad, she's not "prim and proper?"

Let me know when she starts repeatedly bedding porn stars and Perkins waiters.

Ask Jesper or Mia what they think of Tiger.
Not to mention barely legal daughters of your neighbors.
Police once again could possibly end up in a PR disaster. This thing isn't over yet. Was reading a article on FL DUI and a fair number of the contested are thrown out or plea bargained to a lesser charge. Shouldn't they have gotten a court order for a blood draw ?

If reports are correct I find it interesting that he was arrested at 3 am and eventually released 7 + hours later ?

Plenty of time to get his agent involved for damage control...
Doc I appreciate your efforts but one thing this board does well is take a self righteous approach to anyone else's issues and problems.

I can't condone Tiger driving in his condition especially if he knew he was under the influence, but I have learned that self righteous conclusion jumping is part of this board's personality.
Sorry Ro, but my conclusions about Tiger were reached quite some time ago - and no jumping was required, only his own behavior.