Urban Meyer on Administrative Leave

OSU fan here:

Let me start out by saying that I expected worse when I signed on to the board.

I do not know what Urban was expected to do when the supposed victim herself declined to press charges. She now says that she did not press charges because she feared for her husband's job Besides the normal grain or 2 of salt that a comment like should be taken with when it comes almost 3 years after the fact, even taken at face value she is saying that she put her comfortable upper middle class lifestyle ahead of her own safety and the safety of her own kids.

On another but now related issue I never understood the vile hatred on this board for Urban Meyer. I am hard pressed to think of any coach outside of the program that was more supportive of Joe Paterno at the end. He and Luke Fickel were at the funeral and if I remember correctly one of the very few other coaches that were there. Yes he used the situation to poach PSU recruits but is there a PSU fan on this board that can look at their key board with a straight face and say that James Franklin would have not done the exact same thing if the situation were reversed? Probably more so.

I always believed that he was destined to become Paterno's successor if the scandals( both Tat gate and Sandusky) did not happen.

Based on comments from many of your fans, it is an open secret that Meyer and OSU operate outside NCAA laws with respect to recruiting. Many worried about Smith blowing the whistle, “where the bodies are buried”, the “handshake” deals, etc. Meyer is unethical. That is very clear. Great football coach, but eventually that kind of behavior will catch up to you. If it wasn’t the Smith situation this time it would have been something else. See Florida.

Hell, a year ago when the issue of all of the Alabama players on Instagram showing off their super expensive new cars, many OSU fans posted that you had players driving outlandish vehicles and hoped the NCAA didn't look at you guys.
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You're hitting on the wrong guy. Delany does nothing at this level without being pushed by his bosses. You want OSU on a platter, text Indiana Fats.

Unfortunately the only platter Fats is interested in isn't OSU.
Hell, a year ago when the issue of all of the Alabama players on Instagram showing off their super expensive new cars, many OSU fans posted that you had players driving outlandish vehicles and hoped the NCAA didn't look at you guys.

Remember it came out during Tatgate that local dealers in Columbus loaned cars to tOSU players and I think the NCAA even looked at it and decided it was okay. Because heck, the dealers might loan cars to any student who walks in and asks for one. And the car dealers weren't boosters... something like that, it was fairly tortured, but free cars wasn't considered an NCAA violation in that case.

Anyway I would really be surprised if Meyer is part of anything like that.

I really believe the guy is a straight arrow. The graduation rate is a pretty good indication of how much he cares about the academic integrity side.

Maybe he just had this blind spot -- maybe because he trusted his assistant coach telling him he wasn't beating his wife. And in that respect it is a little like Curley and Shultz talking to Sandusky and concluding he was telling the truth that he didn't have any bad intentions regarding the boys.
Remember it came out during Tatgate that local dealers in Columbus loaned cars to tOSU players and I think the NCAA even looked at it and decided it was okay. Because heck, the dealers might loan cars to any student who walks in and asks for one. And the car dealers weren't boosters... something like that, it was fairly tortured, but free cars wasn't considered an NCAA violation in that case.

Anyway I would really be surprised if Meyer is part of anything like that.

I really believe the guy is a straight arrow. The graduation rate is a pretty good indication of how much he cares about the academic integrity side.

Maybe he just had this blind spot -- maybe because he trusted his assistant coach telling him he wasn't beating his wife. And in that respect it is a little like Curley and Shultz talking to Sandusky and concluding he was telling the truth that he didn't have any bad intentions regarding the boys.
don't forget the "gold pants." teams give these things to players. the proviso is that they can't sell least while they are college football players. Nothing stops them from using them as collateral on a loan because they sell them to boosters after they are no longer eligible to play college ball.
Remember it came out during Tatgate that local dealers in Columbus loaned cars to tOSU players and I think the NCAA even looked at it and decided it was okay. Because heck, the dealers might loan cars to any student who walks in and asks for one. And the car dealers weren't boosters... something like that, it was fairly tortured, but free cars wasn't considered an NCAA violation in that case.

Anyway I would really be surprised if Meyer is part of anything like that.

I really believe the guy is a straight arrow. The graduation rate is a pretty good indication of how much he cares about the academic integrity side.

Maybe he just had this blind spot -- maybe because he trusted his assistant coach telling him he wasn't beating his wife. And in that respect it is a little like Curley and Shultz talking to Sandusky and concluding he was telling the truth that he didn't have any bad intentions regarding the boys.

If that's the case, Meyer doesn't get off that easy. It's incumbent on him to call Smith's wife to cross the "t."
As I understand this so far, this is not a Title IX issue since the victim was not a minor or a student. If that's true, then tOSU can make the case that unless Urbs did something illegal (as opposed to just not doing the right thing) they can also make the case that no action is warranted- or even permitted.

I won't be surprised if that is the tack they try.
As I understand this so far, this is not a Title IX issue since the victim was not a minor or a student. If that's true, then tOSU can make the case that unless Urbs did something illegal (as opposed to just not doing the right thing) they can also make the case that no action is warranted- or even permitted.

I won't be surprised if that is the tack they try.
He did what he was legally obligated to do but didn’t do enough....where have I heard that before?
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He did what he was legally obligated to do but didn’t do enough....where have I heard that before?
Their board is probably not controlled by people who want to destroy the university - I think ours is unique in that regard.
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Their board is probably not controlled by people who want to destroy the university - I think ours is unique in that regard.
I think the BOT already had a pretty good go at it and even paid someone to help them - you seems to have an agenda and are barking up the wrong tree - most here wanted the administration to at least stand up even once for the University - still waiting for that to happen and sorry if people still are a little pissed it never did.
As I understand this so far, this is not a Title IX issue since the victim was not a minor or a student. If that's true, then tOSU can make the case that unless Urbs did something illegal (as opposed to just not doing the right thing) they can also make the case that no action is warranted- or even permitted.

I won't be surprised if that is the tack they try.

Title IX also applies to employees of the university including the coaches. If a coach violates or is suspected of violating the statute, an employee such as Meyer is mandated to report the suspicion of an incident or an alleged incident.
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"Undercover" videos from his former players at Florida.

I don't trust anything the media does but...

I think the BOT already had a pretty good go at it and even paid someone to help them - you seems to have an agenda and are barking up the wrong tree - most here wanted the administration to at least stand up even once for the University - still waiting for that to happen and sorry if people still are a little pissed it never did.
As did I- but they didn't and they clearly aren't going to- ever.

So do we spend the rest of our lives wishing the same abuse on fans of every other program? Is that what we've become?
Title IX also applies to employees of the university including the coaches. If a coach violates or is suspected of violating the statute, an employee such as Meyer is mandated to report the suspicion of an incident or an alleged incident.
I've heard that it doesn't apply to the wife in this case- but I'm not a lawyer and I don't profess to know either way
don't forget the "gold pants." teams give these things to players. the proviso is that they can't sell least while they are college football players. Nothing stops them from using them as collateral on a loan because they sell them to boosters after they are no longer eligible to play college ball.
A lot of the older football alums were horrified at the thought of a player selling them--difference in generations, I guess.
A lot of the older football alums were horrified at the thought of a player selling them--difference in generations, I guess.

agree....I wonder if that was all just a smoke screen. I believe this has been going on forever...selling game worn jerseys and shoes, giving autographs, etc. Crazy.
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Welll maybe I missed this, but didn’t the Athletic Department do a background check before the hire of Smith before he started at OSU. Wouldn’t his past have been known and OSU Ok’d the hire anyway?

Also UM knew in 09 about the first incident- you can’t tell me he decides it’s ok to hire him after knowing what Smith is/was. Does/did Smith have dirt on Meyer? He couches for a woman beater to get hired at OSU.

As far as the reporting , I believe as UM was smiths superior he was required by OSU bylaws do report up the food chain.

Look- I’m all for due process- something we were never afforded, but that’s in the past. Currently we know he didn’t tell anyone or his wife didn’t tell anyone higher up about the abuse, yet in JoePas case he told his superiors and yet that wasn’t enough for the NCAA or BIG - if they want to be the moral police in college football fine they are the governing bodies, but don’t hold a standard of one coach not going directly to police from a 3rd party’s account of an incident equals firing and name tarnished, while the other who has done NOTHING as reporting goes people are defending saying he didn’t have to tell anyone. So nothing will happen to him.

If he knew which he definitely did about the 09 incident and according to the texts from his wife they mention he talked to smith and smith denied it- so he knew of the incident. Unless that can prove that those texts were frabricated I see no other conclusion possible other than he knew and didn’t say anything to the university or the Columbus Police department.

I’m happy we have evolved from an immediate mob opinion to a more civilized and due process: I don’t see how he can weather the storm- he can make it out alive and live to coach another day
But it wouldn’t be for a while
I did not say HIPAA applied here--just that anyone who is involved with HIPAA in their jobs knows how to keep things confidential--if needed.

And the guy that broke this took it a lot further with the "everyone" knew meme stating that it included everyone in the Woody Hayes Center down to and including the secretaries. I guess I must have known too because I work in earshot of the Hayes Center (sarcasm intended). Note--he didn't quote the texts in the clip I saw--just that they all worked there and thus they had to know.

But again my point is simply that we are hearing a lot of accusations and allegations at this time. I'd prefer waiting to hear the entire story. Just like we wanted back during the Sandusky situation.

The initial abuse in 09 was prompted from an argument after Zach brought Amy Halpin (now Amy Nicol as she later married Rory Nicol) home. Amy was Urban’s secretary at Florida and followed him to OSU where she is now director of internal operations. It is entirely reasonable that at least one secretary knew the allegations.
As did I- but they didn't and they clearly aren't going to- ever.

So do we spend the rest of our lives wishing the same abuse on fans of every other program? Is that what we've become?
Yes...until other universities in similar situations get hammered like we did, then I will wish the same abuse on other programs. Maybe the only way to get people thinking about treating us rationally is for them to get a big dose of the same crap.
Disclaimer- Not trying to draw any parallels beyond fan reaction. You can look at the comments and have no idea if it was in reference to Joe or Urban.
There is a hashtag, #istandwithurban - ie i stand with urban. And the comments are interesting.

One commenter. This is dumb as hll. There is no way in hll he should be fired. First there is no actual evidence and it's not like he is out beating women. He is a damn football coach. His job is to win not be a damn police officer.

Another. We live in a world where people are too lazy to do research and everyone is guilty til proven innocent.
Don't shoot the messenger:
Urbs to receive a 3-4 game suspension. Both Zach and Courtney's problems are at least partially alcohol fueled. She has been stopped 3 times dui each time claiming she is being followed (Zach confirmed at practice). Shopped story to media for $. Called 911,66 time in 90 period.....they stopped responding. Wife came to OSU practices to start arguments with husband. Police are prepared to support the above............
Disclaimer: I have been following 11 Warriors to gauge the temperature. I am not alleging any credibility to any of this. What it does illustrate is there may be more to the story. No heroes here either.
As I understand this so far, this is not a Title IX issue since the victim was not a minor or a student. If that's true, then tOSU can make the case that unless Urbs did something illegal (as opposed to just not doing the right thing) they can also make the case that no action is warranted- or even permitted.

I won't be surprised if that is the tack they try.

His contract has a clause regarding reporting domestic abuse, if he didn’t tell gene he is clearly in breach.
His contract has a clause regarding reporting domestic abuse, if he didn’t tell gene he is clearly in breach.
Party line is that the "situation" has been known to various departments and levels at the university for some time. Some serious issue with which spouse is more unstable than the other. The details of all complaints (never been an arrest) have hereto for been sealed at the request of Courtney Smith.
When an order of protection was requested and granted (tangible evidence), the coach was fired.
Again, just passing on some of the "insider" views. Thought is Urbs will be suspended 2-4 games for (lying) misleading the media.
Party line is that the "situation" has been known to various departments and levels at the university for some time. Some serious issue with which spouse is more unstable than the other. The details of all complaints (never been an arrest) have hereto for been sealed at the request of Courtney Smith.
When an order of protection was requested and granted (tangible evidence), the coach was fired.
Again, just passing on some of the "insider" views. Thought is Urbs will be suspended 2-4 games for (lying) misleading the media.

Thanks for passing this along. Story has some loose ends, but things don't always come in tidy little packages.

Logistics here are suspect. I would expect that the "sources" inside OSU would be leaking details of this story to the MSM before any message board insiders got hold of it. But again, things aren't always neatly presented.
Thanks for passing this along. Story has some loose ends, but things don't always come in tidy little packages.

Logistics here are suspect. I would expect that the "sources" inside OSU would be leaking details of this story to the MSM before any message board insiders got hold of it. But again, things aren't always neatly presented.
Again, just a synopsis of what's floating around. I've learned the hard way to discount a "breaking story" as it is rarely factual. Perhaps in this case not even 50 percent correct. There is her side, his side and the truth.
OSU fan here:

Let me start out by saying that I expected worse when I signed on to the board.

I do not know what Urban was expected to do when the supposed victim herself declined to press charges. She now says that she did not press charges because she feared for her husband's job Besides the normal grain or 2 of salt that a comment like should be taken with when it comes almost 3 years after the fact, even taken at face value she is saying that she put her comfortable upper middle class lifestyle ahead of her own safety and the safety of her own kids.

On another but now related issue I never understood the vile hatred on this board for Urban Meyer. I am hard pressed to think of any coach outside of the program that was more supportive of Joe Paterno at the end. He and Luke Fickel were at the funeral and if I remember correctly one of the very few other coaches that were there. Yes he used the situation to poach PSU recruits but is there a PSU fan on this board that can look at their key board with a straight face and say that James Franklin would have not done the exact same thing if the situation were reversed? Probably more so.

I always believed that he was destined to become Paterno's successor if the scandals( both Tat gate and Sandusky) did not happen.
I don’t think urbans a bad guy. A snake oil salesman but honestly all hc’s are. While I have joked elsewhere about schadenfreude I actually do believe the way responsibility gets attributed these days is a silly no win proposition. That’s why ceo/hc salaries are high and should be.
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Don't shoot the messenger:
Urbs to receive a 3-4 game suspension. Both Zach and Courtney's problems are at least partially alcohol fueled. She has been stopped 3 times dui each time claiming she is being followed (Zach confirmed at practice). Shopped story to media for $. Called 911,66 time in 90 period.....they stopped responding. Wife came to OSU practices to start arguments with husband. Police are prepared to support the above............
Disclaimer: I have been following 11 Warriors to gauge the temperature. I am not alleging any credibility to any of this. What it does illustrate is there may be more to the story. No heroes here either.
OSU's first 5 games:

Oregon State (home)
Rutgers (home)
TCU (away)
Tulane (home)
Penn State (away)

I can see why it will be 3-4 instead of 4-5.
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Again, just a synopsis of what's floating around. I've learned the hard way to discount a "breaking story" as it is rarely factual. Perhaps in this case not even 50 percent correct. There is her side, his side and the truth.

Again, appreciate that you make the effort to follow, synopsize, and pass it on. Me? I'm just waiting for the laundry to be done.
Don't shoot the messenger:
Urbs to receive a 3-4 game suspension. Both Zach and Courtney's problems are at least partially alcohol fueled. She has been stopped 3 times dui each time claiming she is being followed (Zach confirmed at practice). Shopped story to media for $. Called 911,66 time in 90 period.....they stopped responding. Wife came to OSU practices to start arguments with husband. Police are prepared to support the above............
Disclaimer: I have been following 11 Warriors to gauge the temperature. I am not alleging any credibility to any of this. What it does illustrate is there may be more to the story. No heroes here either.
Well this is certainly getting spread quickly. Hmmmm discredit the victims....I know I may have seen this before...can't remember where. Not saying it can't be true, but I sure as hell doubt Meyer needed that headache bad enough to keep him around with that big of a sh!t show going on....but you never konw. Not a shot at your info as it's being floated around elsewhere too.
Party line is that the "situation" has been known to various departments and levels at the university for some time. Some serious issue with which spouse is more unstable than the other. The details of all complaints (never been an arrest) have hereto for been sealed at the request of Courtney Smith.
When an order of protection was requested and granted (tangible evidence), the coach was fired.
Again, just passing on some of the "insider" views. Thought is Urbs will be suspended 2-4 games for (lying) misleading the media.

So using the PSU scandal standard it was just a bigger coverup of domestic abuse since more people knew and let smith hang around. How many employees/departments at OSU tolerate domestic abuse?

If its true that everyone knew, what the party line really says is Urban was ok with his unstable coach abusing his unstable wife because they were both unstable.
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So using the PSU scandal standard it was just a bigger coverup of domestic abuse since more people knew and let smith hang around. How many employees/departments at OSU tolerate domestic abuse?

Basically what you're saying is Urban was ok with his unstable coach abusing his unstable wife because they were both unstable.

See there you go.........I'm not saying anything. I am forwarding discriptions of posts from OSU sources. Learn to read dammit.
Well this is certainly getting spread quickly. Hmmmm discredit the victims....I know I may have seen this before...can't remember where. Not saying it can't be true, but I sure as hell doubt Meyer needed that headache bad enough to keep him around with that big of a sh!t show going on....but you never konw. Not a shot at your info as it's being floated around elsewhere too.

They are floating it as a trial ballon like political consultants do. Trying to see if the public will buy it.

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