At this point gloves off.
"coming from a single family home with no stability, or being raised around a culture of drug dealing and people without job or discipline, or being raised in a culture where you are told you are a victim and someone else is the cause of your misery"
A description of black people by a poster that most wouldn't consider racist (the poster, not the post) is indicative of the problem.
"I do not want to be bombarded with someone's political statement when I want to be entertained"
These are our lives.
"I should probably stop right now"
But you didn't.
Unfortunately this isn't just an inconvenience, politics or talking points for those that have to deal with it.
I'm very uninterested in someone that hasn't dealt with what I'm dealing with telling me best how to deal with it as not to inconvenience them- especially when they are a large part of the problem.
Regardless how you feel about protestors/rioters/looters (different groups of people) they did accomplish something that simple protests and discussions hadn't till this point which was make so much noise you gotta hear it whether you want to or not. There has been more action in the last 3 days than the last 3 years because it affects everyone now.
A huge part of the problem is that people like you cannot have a discussion and have no interest in hearing what the other side has to say. Maybe the other side has ideas.
Regarding being bombarded with someone's political statement, how would you feel if you walked into a store and all the employees were wearing MAGA hats, are you okay with that? Probably not, I am not either. But at least I am consistent on when political protest is acceptable and it is not based on if I agree with it or not.
You don't know the background of any of us. I lost a promotion at work, the person who made the decision told me "off the record" that they had to hire a minority.
My wife is a pharmacist, worked by a person of Indian descent who owned half dozen pharmacies. He assigned by wife to one pharmacy because she would fit in better with those type of people (poor white people).
I have had the pleasure of getting called to my sons high school because he was in tears because he was getting bullied on social media. He is far more liberal than me.
I recently had the disappointment of my high school daughter ending her friendship with a really good friend over a difference of politics. Nothing to do with how she was treated or how she treated other people, all about her friend believing something different. The other girl was absolutely crushed. Hopefully sanity returns there.
As previously posted, I have been falsely arrested by the police. I point that out to my very liberal children. I readily acknowledge the abuses of law enforcement can happen to anyone. Lot of Branch Davidians who can relate, of course about 80 them died at the hands of law enforcement. They don't count because they are mostly white. Same for Tony Timpa, Daniel Shaver and Justine Damond.
The left also likes to ignore all the young black men killed by other young black men. How about David Dorn and William Patterson, two black men killed by the mob protecting property. Nothing to get concerned about because their deaths did not help the narrative.
I recently pointed out to my daughter, lots of complaints of high number of people in prison, particularly black males, many for non-violent crimes. I proposed a possible solution, there is nothing stopping any Governor from commuting or issuing pardons for non-violent offenders. Tom Wolf joins the protests, has he considered anything like that? All these left wing governors, mayors, DA's could arbitrarily decide that they are not going to prosecute simple drug possession crimes, other than a few places, that has not happened and is not discussed.
Somehow the conservative white guy comes up that as a solution to improve society that can be implemented right now without any legislation since it is a power of the executive (see where using the Constitution comes in handy).
Nancy Pelosi is going to introduce legislation this week to ban racial profiling and end police brutality. Two things that can be really hard to quantify and could make it more difficult for the police to do their jobs. But it sounds good, yet if implemented, every city in the country will then become Baltimore, that will be good for stability and economic development.
How bout some legislation such as this just as a start:
1. End no knock raids, or at a minimum require multiple sign-offs on the warrant ensuring right house, suspect is there. This prevents the Breonna Taylor tragedy.
2. Remove Qualified immunity from all levels of government. This removes the get out of jail free card for the police and prevents I feared for my life defense, too bad it was a cell phone in his hand.
3. Legalize drugs, we all know the war on drugs has been a failure.
I do know this, if you want a one sided discussion on how to fix problems and not include half the country, it will not work because the other side will not participate, will resent it and probably push back.
Don't repeat the mistakes of the previous hundreds of years to advance your agenda. If you do and succeed it will ultimately fail too.