It appears things have changed quite a bit since you were there and they continue to evolve. (See Tower of Voices posts below).
Indeed they have. I had heard from others who visited around the time as me, but saw no pictures. Thanks for adding them. I must say that the TOWER OF VOICES idea is and looks to be wonderful and fitting.
I had the honor of designing the foundation for the Tower of Voices, I would have done it for free (if not for the bosses). I cannot wait to see the end result, it should be both awesome and somber, more so the latter of course. Godspeed to the heroes on that plane.
You clearly were much more vested in the idea than others. Thanks for that. Wonder if you know: will the chimes be solely dependent on the wind? If so, do you know at what speed the wind would need to be to have them "chime"? I would hope the concept allows that they will never be silent.
EDITED: I visited the NPS webpage and see that chimes will be wind activated. For anyone interested, here's a copy of the page:
Tower of Voices Project Description
The Tower of Voices (TOV) serves as both a visual and audible reminder of the heroism of the forty passengers and crew of United Flight 93. On September 09, 2018 Flight 93 National Memorial will host a dedication event to complete the final phase of construction and complete the permanent memorial.
The TOV is conceived as a monumental, ninety-three feet tall musical instrument holding forty wind chimes, representing the forty passengers and crew members. It is intended to be a landmark feature near the memorial entrance, visible from US Route 30/Lincoln Highway. The Tower of Voices will provide a living memorial in sound to remember the forty through their ongoing voices.
The TOV project will be constructed from 2017 to 2018 with a dedication of the project around the September 11 ceremony in 2018. Funding for the design and construction of the project is provided through private donations to the National Park Foundation and the Friends of Flight 93 National Memorial.
Uniqueness of Design
There are no other chime structures like this in the world. The shape and orientation of the Tower are designed to optimize air flow through the TOV walls to reach the interior chime chamber.
The chime system is designed using music theory to identify a mathematically developed range of frequencies needed to produce a distinct musical note associated with each chime. The applied music theory allows the sound produced by individual chimes to be musically compatible with the sound produced by the other chimes in the Tower. The intent is to create a set of forty tones (voices) that can connote through consonance the serenity and nobility of the site while also through dissonance recalling the event that consecrated the site.
Design Features
The TOV is approximately ninety-three feet tall from the base to the top with some height variations. The Tower cross section is a “C” shape with a fifteen foot outside diameter and eleven foot inside diameter. The “C” shape allows sound to reflect outwardly from the open side in a fan-shaped pattern. The chimes will be suspended a minimum of twenty feet above the main plaza and will be suspended from the interior walls of the Tower up to the top.
The Tower walls will be constructed of precast concrete segments linked by connectors. The chimes will be constructed of polished aluminum tubes ranging eight to sixteen inches in diameter and approximately five to ten feet in length. The size of each chime is dependent on the musical note and associated frequency that it is intended to produce. Chimes of this size and magnitude does not currently exist in the world. The chimes are wind activated and will have internal strikers attached to sails projecting from the bottom of each chime.
Surrounding Landscape
The Tower is located on an oval concrete plaza that is built on top of an earth mound to create an area more prominent on the landscape. The plaza includes two curved concrete benches facing the opening of the Tower.
The Tower is surrounded by concentric rings of white pines and deciduous plantings. The concentric plantings may be interpreted as resonating “sound waves” from the Tower, alluding to the auditory qualities of the chimes housed within. A direct paved path leads to the Tower from the parking lot. A longer, meandering crushed stone path winds through the trees and allows visitors an alternative approach to the tower. All other landscaped areas of the project will be planted with a native wildflower seed mix similar to other landscaped areas of the park.