Welcome gilman

Looking backward: Snyder came to the NLWC . . . followed by Kerkvliet transferring to PSU (less than 2 months later). Looking forward: Gilman comes to the NLWC . . . followed by _________ transferring, or committing, to PSU. Sure would like to see a contender to 125! And, could be great for Howard & Bartlett.
We've already heard Spencer was coming.... :p
LOL at some of the prim and proper posters on here getting their petticoats in a bunch because of a scalawag like Gilman heading East

He's coming at 125 ;)

Looking backward: Snyder came to the NLWC . . . followed by Kerkvliet transferring to PSU (less than 2 months later). Looking forward: Gilman comes to the NLWC . . . followed by _________ transferring, or committing, to PSU. Sure would like to see a contender to 125! And, could be great for Howard & Bartlett.
What does it take to go from “he IS a d-bag” too “he WAS a d-bag”
Just time? Forgetfulness? Forgiveness?
The Flo film kinda endeared him on my end. He hasn't been too over-the-top as of late, that I know of.
Now TG in HS? Was not a fan. The MN huddle thing? Kinda funny, honestly. We had a group of brothers that were all studs in my area... All shook left-handed on purpose. Guess what? They were good enough to back it up.

I'm strapped in for this ride. TG is Stone Cold to me, not Rowdy Roddy Piper.
He is gonna help in recruiting lightweights to the room. Great guy to train with and learn from. Richie Figs, Joey Cruz, Stevo etc.
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What I like about Gilman is his authenticity. He says and does some provocative things, but (unlike PD3) he’s not doing them for attention; he’s doing what he thinks is correct to do. Since I think he’s (unlike DeSanto) not going around (almost) illegally hurting people, and since he’s not claiming to be a role model or a beauty pageant contestant, he does not bother me one bit. I like him. I don’t wish for everybody to be all the same.
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Did you watch the one video of him at some banquet/fundraiser a couple years ago? Dont expect me to find it, but I watched it. I dont know who the bonehead was that asked him to speak, but I bet it was the last time.
I saw that. It was not a good look. But hopefully he's matured some since then.
What does it take to go from “he IS a d-bag” too “he WAS a d-bag”
Just time? Forgetfulness? Forgiveness?

Easy, you're either wish us or against us! Now he is with us. I realize not everyone cheers for sports this way, but a lot do. He is no longer on the enemies side = a lot easier to like.
He’s a guy we all love to hate when he is on the other side but love it that he’s on our team, now. Definitely Iowa is all in for Spencer after his senior season and probably DeSanto, too. Makes sense. It’s the next wave. Didn’t they chased Ramos off, to make room for several others including Gilman.
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Iowa will be incredibly disappointed if they are placing stock on Desanto performing well at the senior level.
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Looking backward: Snyder came to the NLWC . . . followed by Kerkvliet transferring to PSU (less than 2 months later). Looking forward: Gilman comes to the NLWC . . . followed by _________ transferring, or committing, to PSU. Sure would like to see a contender to 125! And, could be great for Howard & Bartlett.
Richard Figueroa.
Does anybody have any objections to Gilman from his post-college career?

Gilman's reputation is from his folk career, which ended 3 years ago. That stuff seems largely behind him, but not behind the fans.
Other than the Japs? Can’t think of any. :)
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Gilman has earned his Dbag label with multiple incidents over many years, not a single incident or mistake. He has shown us who he is.
Is he talented? Of course, but I was justifiably critical of him before and that doesn't change just because he's joined the NLWC. If it did, it would be very hypocritical. I have to be consistent. The best I can do is not actively root against him, though not even sure I can do that.
it's easy to criticize others and these kids, especially when they make moves like he did at the Iowa gathering in a bar, but other than that, I think we forget (or have no idea) what it is to be ~21 and one of the best at your sport. Easy to say I would act like "I've been there"....but lots of folks are in your ear as well. We all have done things we wish we wouldn't have or at least would not do again....
He’s a guy we all love to hate when he is on the other side but love it that he’s on our team, now. Definitely Iowa is all in for Spencer after his senior season and probably DeSanto, too. Makes sense. It’s the next wave. Didn’t they chased Ramos off, to make room for several others including Gilman.

Iowa didn’t chase Ramos off. He got upset and left after Dennis beat him at OTT. Even after he blew up at the post match press conference, T&T tried to get him to stay.

Either way I don’t blame Gilman at all. Some guys don’t feel comfortable in that situation and based on things Gilman has said regarding him and Lee, many suspected there was something going on. They haven’t wrestled together in a long time for a reason. Hope Gilman still kicks some tail while at the NLWC.
It should help Josh Rodriquez, who trains at NLWC and who won Pan Ams in 2019:

U.S. Men’s Freestyle finals results
57 kg: Josh Rodriguez (State College, Pa./Nittany Lion WC) – GOLD
WIN Reineri Andreu Ortega (Cuba), 7-2
WIN Lucas Navarrete Vidal (Ecuador), 10-0
WIN Darthe Capellan (Canada), 6-4
WIN Oscar Tigreros Urbano (Colombia), 10-0
Can only help recruiting. Not that penn st needed any help lol. RBY is already pumped. Seems to be the last fs piece that the nlwc needed.
it's easy to criticize others and these kids, especially when they make moves like he did at the Iowa gathering in a bar, but other than that, I think we forget (or have no idea) what it is to be ~21 and one of the best at your sport. Easy to say I would act like "I've been there"....but lots of folks are in your ear as well. We all have done things we wish we wouldn't have or at least would not do again....
I would've been 10x worse if I was even 10% better... lol
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it's easy to criticize others and these kids, especially when they make moves like he did at the Iowa gathering in a bar, but other than that, I think we forget (or have no idea) what it is to be ~21 and one of the best at your sport. Easy to say I would act like "I've been there"....but lots of folks are in your ear as well. We all have done things we wish we wouldn't have or at least would not do again....

If he made one or two mistakes,I'd agree. However, as I've noted, multiple incidents over a period of years shows a pattern and it reveals character. He's a Dbag. My opinion, of course.
What I like about Gilman is his authenticity. He says and does some provocative things, but (unlike PD3) he’s not doing them for attention; he’s doing what he thinks is correct to do. Since I think he’s (unlike DeSanto) not going around (almost) illegally hurting people, and since he’s not claiming to be a role model or a beauty pageant contestant, he does not bother me one bit. I like him. I don’t wish for everybody to be all the same.
A thousand likes... and then some.

And if Robbie Howard see's it as a positive... I'm hoping Thomas Gilman makes him a better Nittany Lion wrestler. Don't you think being amongst the great personalities in Penn State overall wrestling room will allow Thomas Gilman maybe growth in areas of his personal life and wrestling ability? You have some WORLD CLASS human beings in that room along with World caliber wrestlers. Thomas Gilman will have so many examples to follow.

What's really worn out is the negative narrative about a given individual. Many of America's best freestylers are coming to the NLWC. I would f'ing rejoice at the situation. As I rejoiced, when I heard Thomas Gilman is coming to the NLWC. From darkness.... one can come to and see the "Light". I believe wholeheartedly in that.
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Didn't see this years ago, or know that Gillman and Zain are pals. That seems wild to me based on their college personas, but I'lll trust Zain, Cael & Co. Diversity of ideals and personality is good and needed.

The FRL emergency episode was a treat to listen to if you're a PSU fan. Basically drooling over the NLWC like we do and providing clear rationale as to why Penn St. is such a desired location and able to get the be$t wrestlers.
Not me! Gilman himself said if you didn't cheer for him as a hawkeye he doesn't want your support now. I will honor his wishes.

I think this is the quote you're referring to. At around 1:30:30 of the linked video below, Gilman says:

"People tell me, yeah, I was never a Hawk fan, I was never a Gilman fan, but … once you graduated from Iowa I became a Gilman fan because we’re on the same team now, Team USA. You know what I say to that, I say f**k you. If you’re a Gilman fan you’re a Hawk fan, if you’re a Hawk fan you’re a Gilman fan. If you were never a fan of mine in college then stay away from me.”