Welcome gilman

Yup. I got a buddy in the Hawk program right now. I went to IA Team Camp back in the day. Head Coach is a huge Hawk fan.

I'm still Blue & White through and through, but I can't boo and hate them for no reason unless it's dual night or Natty's, and that's just competitive ha.
Through and through Blue and White? Pffft. If Cael leaves you'll find a another team you heart best. Right?
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Yeah. I would have loved to believe he's changed with the way he runs his mouth. And then I saw this:

Some people just don't change. Anything he provides to the club and college team as a partner is obviously good and I'll accept his services, but I won't be cheering for someone who carries themselves like that. His Flofilm said it best: Love him or hate him, and I'm gonna continue to hate his act. Sorry, but this dude just pisses me off unlike any other wrestler in recent memory.
Edit: Oh and did we forget about the crap he spewed at Final X last year about Fix when asked to say something nice about his opponent? Every other wrestler was capable of doing such a thing and then Gilman had to say that nonsense of "Growing up my mom taught me well and the one thing she taught me was if you have nothing good to say don't say anything at all"
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Yeah. I would have loved to believe he's changed with the way he runs his mouth. And then I saw this:

Some people just don't change. Anything he provides to the club and college team as a partner is obviously good and I'll accept his services, but I won't be cheering for someone who carries themselves like that. His Flofilm said it best: Love him or hate him, and I'm gonna continue to hate his act. Sorry, but this dude just pisses me off unlike any other wrestler in recent memory.
Edit: Oh and did we forget about the crap he spewed at Final X last year about Fix when asked to say something nice about his opponent? Every other wrestler was capable of doing such a thing and then Gilman had to say that nonsense of "Growing up my mom taught me well and the one thing she taught me was if you have nothing good to say don't say anything at all"
1st post ever. Is this a Larry Lee alias?

Big deal. If Zain is good with him, so am I.
1st post ever. Is this a Larry Lee alias?

Big deal. If Zain is good with him, so am I.
Lol. Nah I never wanted to make an account but Gilman + Coffee got me to do it. Like I said, I'm happy for the partners as I understand he's a great wrestler, but I ain't gonna stand up and cheer for him when he's at the OTT next year.
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Never guessed I'd see Gilman with a NLWC on his singlet but never would of guessed lots of things that have happened in last two months. Not a fan of the hawks but guys like Gillman I feel are good for the sport. Good guys, bad guys, crazy guys make things interesting.
Never guessed I'd see Gilman with a NLWC on his singlet but never would of guessed lots of things that have happened in last two months. Not a fan of the hawks but guys like Gillman I feel are good for the sport. Good guys, bad guys, crazy guys make things interesting.
would’ve. Or would have. Please. Thank you. :)
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How old are some of you guys? Don't you remember what it is like to be young and think you can whip the world? Gilman is a fireball. I do not like some of his antics in Folkstyle, but he has matured. Also, he never did anything I would not have done or said, had I been able to back it up.

Jeez, the guy is chasing a dream and these dreams come with a great possibility of heartbreak. Try to put some things behind you and either support the guy or keep our negativity to ourself.

This is so funny to me. Turned 35 this year and there have been some moments of feeling old. Any time I see someone looking at me the wrong way or cut me off in traffic, the first thought in my head is I still have one good headlock left in me, but if I miss it what’s my plan after that. By the point I’m trying to figure out how long I can last, I’ve decided it’s not worth it and move on. 15 years ago, totally different mentality.
What I like about Gilman is his authenticity. He says and does some provocative things, but (unlike PD3) he’s not doing them for attention; he’s doing what he thinks is correct to do. Since I think he’s (unlike DeSanto) not going around (almost) illegally hurting people, and since he’s not claiming to be a role model or a beauty pageant contestant, he does not bother me one bit. I like him. I don’t wish for everybody to be all the same.
Is he still at 133? Maybe got tired of dealing with DeSanto. We see what he's like in official competition. He's probably about like wrestling a smaller George "The Animal" Steele in the room.
would’ve. Or would have. Please. Thank you. :)

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There's what you see on the mat and on camera and on interviews and then there's the real person. Personally, I like Gilman's persona. Remember, these guys all have an edge to them. Some express it, some don't. I can understand if it doesn't appeal to some fans. But I'll tell you this - Thomas Gilman the person is an awesome, thoughtful, loyal, cerebral dude. If you had a conversation with him i'm thinking you'd like him.

But don't take my word for it. Cael and the NLWC members very obviously know what Thomas is and isn't. That should be enough for you.
Some will root for him, some won't, and he won't care either way. I can't go from disliking a guy because of his action to liking him bc he has on a NLWC singlet. But if he can help the club, so be it. There are a lot of wrestlers I will get in line to cheer for first.
This is a sport. Nobody has wished actual illness or death on anyone that I am aware. Sports as a whole offer us a chance to be for or against people in the realm of sport. I have spoken to Thomas and he is a very bright guy with a strong focus on his goals. I think sports would be boring if we all didn't have some level of hero vs heel going through our minds as we watch things unfold. I always find it odd when people can't believe others actually root against certain wrestlers as well as cheering for the wrestlers they love. I have zero problem justifying my lack of fandom for Mr. Gilman in wrestling all the while wishing him a healthy and prosperous life. I also have no problem admitting that he is tough as all get out and a very real threat to anyone in his path at 57kg. The move adds up for both sides of the coin- Gilman gains a new perspective being with the NLWC- NLWC guys gain a proven warrior who will add his perspective to the group. Win/Win for everyone and nothing changes as far as who I root for or against on the mat.
I'll always heart you, man.

Crop you are one of my favorite personalities on any message board at any moment in time. I knew you would love TG coming to NLWC and you make me laugh every time you mention PSU needing a true heel. Keep being you. I hope to grab a beer with you in person someday and talk wrestling. PS Greco still sucks and hula hoop girl still rocks.
... Nobody has wished actual illness or death on anyone that I am aware ...
I have to confess that in high school, every day I used to dread wrestling practice beforehand (and love it afterward). In 5th period math, I would look out the window for my great coach to walk by toward the gym. Part of me would hope that he had had a minor illness or a minor fender bender and that I would not see him that day and that we would have no practice that day.

Not my proudest secret thought. :(
Crop you are one of my favorite personalities on any message board at any moment in time. I knew you would love TG coming to NLWC and you make me laugh every time you mention PSU needing a true heel. Keep being you. I hope to grab a beer with you in person someday and talk wrestling. PS Greco still sucks and hula hoop girl still rocks.
Too bad Prom got cancelled. Otherwise you two should go! ;) :)
Crop you are one of my favorite personalities on any message board at any moment in time. I knew you would love TG coming to NLWC and you make me laugh every time you mention PSU needing a true heel. Keep being you. I hope to grab a beer with you in person someday and talk wrestling. PS Greco still sucks and hula hoop girl still rocks.
Beers on me at some point.

Too bad Prom got cancelled. Otherwise you two should go! ;) :)
Almost spit my dip out. On the day he is risen? C'mon now man.

We're getting hit with snow/icy rain up to 12in or some nonsense today.
I’ve always held belief that I can root for anyone once they wrestle for Team USA.

Thomas Gilman proved to me that my belief was real. Not a fan at all when he was at Iowa but ended up really rooting for him once he made the national team.

Welcome Thomas.
Until the NLWC discloses its financial payouts it is straight-up bribery.
And this is straight-up tinfoil asshattery. FS wrestlers are paid by wrestling clubs, none whom disclose their deals with the wrestlers so far as I'm aware. And even if some did and some didn't, non-disclosure wouldn't be bribery.
I'm a NLWC whistleblower too. I bought a used car at a Russ Bucket's Used Car and Slush. He was wearing a Zain Train tee and I'm sure he rolled the odometer back. That's straight-up domestic statutory thingie and against all zoning ordinaries.
And this is straight-up tinfoil asshattery. FS wrestlers are paid by wrestling clubs, none whom disclose their deals with the wrestlers so far as I'm aware. And even if some did and some didn't, non-disclosure wouldn't be bribery.

And you are a lawyer, you don’t just play one on TV!
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I'm guessing his response was tic. If not, he can run back and complain to his board how mean y'all were, even smalls.