I like this move for several reasons.
1, Thomas Gilman will improve in that room. We all know PSU's room is full of absolute hammers. He's going to gain a new approach, a fresh look, new partners and a different set of eyes to help him. He's always had excellent coaches. Love them or hate them, the Brands brothers are some of the finest coaches in the world, but so is Cael, Cunningham, etc.
2, He's going to help the lightweights, especially Robert Howard, tremendously. I'd imagine he's pumped that he has a senior level, World silver medalists to train with, day in and day out.
3. Recruiting wise, this should also help bring in some more ranked lightweights. Even if they're not top 10, p4p guys, I'd imagine with Cael's coaching and TG helping/training, I wouldn't be shocked to see them get improved results as soon as next year, at 125.
IMHO, This is a great move for all involved.
PSU, NLWC, Gilman and the fans. It also goes to show you, we probably take these rivalries a bit more serious than these athletes do. Olympic Gold is the ultimate dream for almost all wrestlers. Cael gets this. Gilman gets it. We, the fans should be supportive. I hope those that dislike Gilman wil give him a chance and support what he's trying to accomplish.
I can't wait to see him compete after a few months in that room, with Cael's coaching.