Well coached team.

They had only been around ONE other head coach. What were they going to say?

Did you hear any of those players say Jay was a lousy coach and Joe was a lousy recruiter?

I also remember Breneman saying the AD did a great job."
Not wanting to get into this stupid fight but... Actually, you don't know what you are talking about! Defensive players such as Adrian Amos, Michael Mauti, Mike Hull, Jordan Hill and others, after just one season under O'B, stated "he was the best coach they'd ever been around!" What do you think the offensive players said? Have you heard any players, on either side of the ball, make that claim about CJF?
No one can really prove who is right and who is wrong, but please, don't make comments that have no bearing! My comment was suggesting that the players have a way more knowledgeable opinion than you do! The point is, they didn't have to say anything but they did! Also, you never answered the questions!
There is a ceiling at Vanderbilt, don't care how great their oc is.

What did Vanderbilts numbers look like before and after Donovan?
I hope you're right. But right now, the offense has been embarrassingly bad with absolutely no sign of improvement from year 1 to year 2. I was a big believer that the problem was the oline last year so gave franklin and donovan the benefit of the doubt, now I'm not sure.
I'm not interested in a bridge or your logic (really the lack there of...)

The sanctions were/are reality. Time to wake up to it!!!

If you keep arguing another 3 years you'll find that we will have a great OL.

If you weren't interested in my logic (you saying it's lacking doesn't make it so), then you wouldn't keep replying to it. ;)

So 2018 is when sanctions will stop being an excuse - thanks for the info, I'll mark it on my calendar.

You and others who don't see any concerning coaching issues on offense are kidding yourselves. If the offensive coaching staff remains the same and continues down this same road, then you are going to be very, very disappointed in 3 years.
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Hackenberg was not awesome as a freshman. He could not buy a 3rd down conversion the whole season. That is an empirical fact too!

What about 4th downs? Since we are discussing "empirical facts", those should count too!

2013- PSU 59 for 172 on 3rd downs, 13 for 24 on 4th downs. Counting our 4th downs, we converted on 72 of the 172 times it got to 3rd down.

2014- PSU 85 for 215 on 3rd downs, 7 for 19 on 4th downs. Counting our 4th downs, we converted on 92 of the 215 times it got to 3rd down.

2013 - 41.9%
2014 - 42.8%.

Really, that's a statistically insignificant difference! Never mind that we faced a much tougher schedule in 2013.
Franklin is recruiting his ass off, so you won't have mediocre seasons to look forward to much longer, douche.

So we hope. But there is NO guarantee of such.

There are plenty of examples of coaches who recruited very well but can't coach worth a lick on the practice field or the game field.

Losing coin-flip games against the "baffoon coaching triumvirate" of Tim Beckmann, Brady Hoke and Randy Edsall (seriously, we lost against all three of those idiots!!!): that is a definite reason to wonder if CJF will be the next example of such.
We have no need for trolls from other schools when we have supposed Penn State fans joyfully hoping for mediocrity for Penn State football.

Who the hell said I'm "hoping" for that?

Am I "predicting" that? Yes. I'm one who had pretty high hopes for us at the start of the year (I predicted 9-3 and 2nd place in the B1G East), but I forgot about how we (1) have a poor gameday coaching staff on the offensive side of the football and (2) a 5-star QB who appears to me to be playing out the string until he gets to leave State College.
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I look forward to the spin when it finally does turn around in the next year or two. The OL was awful last year and it didn't magically get better like some thought (blindly hoped). It took USC 2-3 years to recover where they are even considered decent now, but somehow you were dumb enough to think 1 year post sanctions PSU was magically fixed. You really are one of the dumbest posters on this site. It's as if common sense avoids you and you show it off like a trophy.
USC's record under sanctions: 2010: 8-5, 2011: 10-2, 2012: 7-5, 2013: 10-4, 2014: 9-4.

A 69% winning record.

They were always decent, even when Kiffin was the coach.
You left out an important part of Palmer's standing. He definitely was not the #2 OT in the country, he was the #2 JuCo OT in the country. There's a big difference.

I happen to believe that we have serious coaching problems, but Palmer was nowhere near ready to be a starting FBS LT but was pretty much placed there by default. Some of that's on him, some on the coaches, and some on the poor job of Oline recruiting the previous couple years. And yes, some of that last one was brought on by the sanctions. There's plenty of gray area in this argument.

Ok, so #1 or #2 (depending on what you go by) JUCO OT in the country, which means he had 2 years of experience playing beyond high school. That doesn't seem like a negative to me.

I had high hopes for Palmer based on what I read and what the coaches were saying about him, but I have honestly never seen an olineman that completely unprepared and confused before. Ok, that's probably not true, I have to take into account our olineman who blocked another PSU olineman last year. :eek:

Contrary to what some in this thread probably perceive, I agree that the issues with our offense are multi-faceted, but some were trying to pin it all on sanctions and excuses of having no talent (2 stars, walk ons, throw aways, etc) and that simply is not the truth. To have zero concerns with this coaching staff, particularly the offensive play calling, is very naive and blind imo.
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USC's record under sanctions: 2010: 8-5, 2011: 10-2, 2012: 7-5, 2013: 10-4, 2014: 9-4.

A 69% winning record.

They were always decent, even when Kiffin was the coach.

They were still a big step back from where they were and their sanctions weren't even as harsh as PSU's. 7-8 wins is the norm or was under Petey....didn't think so. PSU won 7 games last year and I consider it a step back, but I also know and understand where they were at from a #'s perspective. You think a D+ is decent, but that is just you. I'm hoping for a bit better than a D+ average in the next few years.

2002 Pete Carroll 11–2 7–1 T-1st W Orange† 4 4
2003 Pete Carroll 12–1 7–1 1st W Rose† 2 1
2004 Pete Carroll 11–0* 7–0* 1st W Orange† 1 1
2005 Pete Carroll 0–1* 0–0* 1st L Rose† 2 2
2006 Pete Carroll 11–2 7–2 T-1st W Rose† 4 4
2007 Pete Carroll 2 7–2 T-1st W Rose† 2 3
2008 Pete Carroll 12–1 8–1 1st W Rose† 2 3

Yeah, they barely took a step back through the sanctions. Next time try and understand what is being said.
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I hope you're right. But right now, the offense has been embarrassingly bad with absolutely no sign of improvement from year 1 to year 2. I was a big believer that the problem was the oline last year so gave franklin and donovan the benefit of the doubt, now I'm not sure.

Bear in mind, I'm not saying Donovan is a good OC. I think the jury is still out. Simply stating that you can't necessarily use V'bilts numbers to say whether he is or isn't.

Lot of back and forth here, to which I will simply say this:

- Are the sanctions still having an impact: Absolutely. HOWEVER, I expected the sanctions to keep us from competing for championships. I really can't see them as an excuse for the incredibly poor offensive performance we've had over the last 15 games. I get that we are depleted in numbers, experience and "star ratings", but I would think the coaching brain trust could come up with SOMETHING to make the offense work a little better than it has been. When you can't produce points against the likes of Buffalo, you've got scheme/coaching/playcalling issues beyond the sanctions.
They were still a big step back from where they were and their sanctions weren't even as harsh as PSU's. 7-8 wins is the norm or was under Petey....didn't think so. PSU won 7 games last year and I consider it a step back, but I also know and understand where they were at from a #'s perspective. You think a D+ is decent, but that is just you. I'm hoping for a bit better than a D+ average in the next few years.

2002 Pete Carroll 11–2 7–1 T-1st W Orange† 4 4
2003 Pete Carroll 12–1 7–1 1st W Rose† 2 1
2004 Pete Carroll 11–0* 7–0* 1st W Orange† 1 1
2005 Pete Carroll 0–1* 0–0* 1st L Rose† 2 2
2006 Pete Carroll 11–2 7–2 T-1st W Rose† 4 4
2007 Pete Carroll 2 7–2 T-1st W Rose† 2 3
2008 Pete Carroll 12–1 8–1 1st W Rose† 2 3

Yeah, they barely took a step back through the sanctions. Next time try and understand what is being said.
USC under sanctions (44-20) had an almost identical record to Penn State under Paterno for his last five years (46-19).

If you think Paterno's last five years rate a D+, that's up to you. Personally, I thought they were more like a B+.

And the years under Carroll were the best that USC had in it's history (better than the McKay years overall). Hardly representative.
USC under sanctions (44-20) had an almost identical record to Penn State under Paterno for his last five years (46-19).

If you think Paterno's last five years rate a D+, that's up to you. Personally, I thought they were more like a B+.

And the years under Carroll were the best that USC had had in thirty years. Hardly representative.

So you are saying the sacntions didn't impact USC or PSU? Paterno was in his late seventies during his last 5 years and quit yes it should have been better. Good call're on fire.
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Who the hell said I'm "hoping" for that?

Am I "predicting" that? Yes. I'm one who had pretty high hopes for us at the start of the year (I predicted 9-3 and 2nd place in the B1G East), but I forgot about how we (1) have a poor gameday coaching staff on the offensive side of the football and (2) a 5-star QB who appears to me to be playing out the string until he gets to leave State College.

Keep telling yourself that. Your post could have been written by any Pitt fan that comes here and it would't have been filled with any more "I hope PSU fails" than your's was.
Keep telling yourself that. Your post could have been written by any Pitt fan that comes here and it would't have been filled with any more "I hope PSU fails" than your's was.

Yeah, I spend thousands (literally thousands!) of dollars a year to travel and see Penn State, but I want us to fail? Uh huh.

I put my money where my mouth is (e.g., to use a phrase relevant to our current head coach: "walk the walk and not just talk the talk") and have supported this team to the best I can since "the disaster" struck in November 2011. Spare me the lectures. Just calling reality as I see it --- we're underachieving thus far under Franklin and I don't see any reason to expect an immediate turnaround in such.
Yeah, I spend thousands (literally thousands!) of dollars a year to travel and see Penn State, but I want us to fail? Uh huh.

I put my money where my mouth is (e.g., to use a phrase relevant to our current head coach: "walk the walk and not just talk the talk") and have supported this team to the best I can since "the disaster" struck in November 2011. Spare me the lectures. Just calling reality as I see it --- we're underachieving thus far under Franklin and I don't see any reason to expect an immediate turnaround in such.

I couldn't care less how much money you spend. All that shows is that you have more money than brains. Post after post of yours on here betrays your claim. Maybe if you shut up once in a while, it wouldn't be so easy for people to figure you out.
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Well, they ARE facts

(there I go using capital letters again).

I look forward to the spin this November, when we finish this season 6-6, Hackenberg is ranked 11th in the B1G in passing efficiency, our coach is still talking and yapping but not really "walking", and we're playing (maybe) California in the Foster Farms Chicken Bowl.
PSU is a better coached team now than when we had OBrien. The defense and special teams have better coaches.

Obrien did not even have a special teams coach. REal smart.

Shoop is a better coach than Butler.

They are both elite coaches. One is a much better recruiter and understands social media better than the other and as a result is dominating.
PSU is a better coached team now than when we had OBrien. The defense and special teams have better coaches.

Obrien did not even have a special teams coach. REal smart.

Shoop is a better coach than Butler.
You are delusional !
I couldn't care less how much money you spend. All that shows is that you have more money than brains. Post after post of yours on here betrays your claim. Maybe if you shut up once in a while, it wouldn't be so easy for people to figure you out.

It shows that I AM a Penn State fan and part of the Penn State family.

My apologies for not obeying the "Ten Commandments of Penn State fandom (according to some folk here)":

1. Thou shall honor no Penn State head coach more than one honors JoePa.
2. Thou shall demand the imminent return and restoration of the bronze statue of JoePa.
3. Thou shall remember the number 409, to keep it holy.
4. Honor thy Penn State family members in direct proportion to how much they "honor JoePa"
5. Thou shall not speak well of any non-alumni elected BoT member.
6. Thou shall not speak poorly of any alumni elected BoT member*.
7. Thou shall not commit adultery by rooting for a non-Penn State B1G team.
8. Thou shall not bear false witness against thy perceived strengths of the current football team.
9. Thou shall not covet the victories achieved against Penn State, as they are achieved by using the devil in the form of paid-off referees and conspiratorial conference commissioners.
10. Thou shall not covet the overall success of any other school, as their success was not achieved without honor.

* - Commandment 6 was amended in 2014 to exclude Adam Taliaferro.
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Yeah, I spend thousands (literally thousands!) of dollars a year to travel and see Penn State, but I want us to fail? Uh huh.

I put my money where my mouth is (e.g., to use a phrase relevant to our current head coach: "walk the walk and not just talk the talk") and have supported this team to the best I can since "the disaster" struck in November 2011. Spare me the lectures. Just calling reality as I see it --- we're underachieving thus far under Franklin and I don't see any reason to expect an immediate turnaround in such.

What's your name on the Ohio State board?
It shows that I AM a Penn State fan and part of the Penn State family.

My apologies for not obeying the "Ten Commandments of Penn State fandom (according to some folk here)":

1. Thou shall honor no Penn State head coach more than one honors JoePa.
2. Thou shall demand the imminent return and restoration of the bronze statue of JoePa.
3. Thou shall remember the number 409, to keep it holy.
4. Honor thy Penn State family members in direct proportion to how much they "honor JoePa"
5. Thou shall not speak well of any non-alumni elected BoT member.
6. Thou shall not speak poorly of any alumni elected BoT member*.
7. Thou shall not commit adultery by rooting for a non-Penn State B1G team.
8. Thou shall not bear false witness against thy perceived strengths of the current football team.
9. Thou shall not covet the victories achieved against Penn State, as they are achieved by using the devil in the form of paid-off referees and conspiratorial conference commissioners.
10. Thou shall not covet the overall success of any other school, as their success was not achieved without honor.

* - Commandment 6 was amended in 2014 to exclude Adam Taliaferro.

Love when the trolls start putting down the entire PSU fanbase. That's real convincing.
It shows that I AM a Penn State fan and part of the Penn State family.

My apologies for not obeying the "Ten Commandments of Penn State fandom (according to some folk here)":

1. Thou shall honor no Penn State head coach more than one honors JoePa.
2. Thou shall demand the imminent return and restoration of the bronze statue of JoePa.
3. Thou shall remember the number 409, to keep it holy.
4. Honor thy Penn State family members in direct proportion to how much they "honor JoePa"
5. Thou shall not speak well of any non-alumni elected BoT member.
6. Thou shall not speak poorly of any alumni elected BoT member*.
7. Thou shall not commit adultery by rooting for a non-Penn State B1G team.
8. Thou shall not bear false witness against thy perceived strengths of the current football team.
9. Thou shall not covet the victories achieved against Penn State, as they are achieved by using the devil in the form of paid-off referees and conspiratorial conference commissioners.
10. Thou shall not covet the overall success of any other school, as their success was not achieved without honor.

* - Commandment 6 was amended in 2014 to exclude Adam Taliaferro.

Thou dost protest too much, methinks.
Thou dost protest too much, methinks.

Thou dost get angry at others for breaking the eighth commandment, methinks.

You accused me of "joyfully hoping for mediocrity for PSU football." Dead wrong on that my friend. I just stated my prediction after seeing the first 2 datapoints of the 2015 season. I'll be 100% happy if we finish 9-3 instead of 6-6.
Thou dost get angry at others for breaking the eighth commandment, methinks.

You accused me of "joyfully hoping for mediocrity for PSU football." Dead wrong on that my friend. I just stated my prediction after seeing the first 2 datapoints of the 2015 season. I'll be 100% happy if we finish 9-3 instead of 6-6.

Your cleverness is as lacking as your sincerity.