What a crap conference minus Clemson

The last 2 MSU games really hurt. PSU should have won both of those games. It's easy to second guess coaching, but coaching didn't cause the weather delay in 2017. Coaching didn't drop the game ending INT in 2018. But even national championship teams can lose inexplicable games to vastly inferior team. Who was that terrible team, that most people didn't even know still had a FBS team, that Clemson lost to in 2016?
In 2018, PSU had the 12th highest 4-year class average and Michigan St had the 26th. In 2017, PSU had the #19 4-year class average while Michigan St had the 25th.

Ohio St was #2 both years. They were blown out by Purdue who was 67th this past year. They were blown out in 2017 by Iowa who was 50th that year. Bad losses happen.
Wont make a difference if they beat Clemson unless they beat them badly (even that would be a stretch at this point). Cant stand how they continue to get passes when they lose to "lesser" teams. Then you have the obvious PSU losing to OSU in a nail biter in 2016 yet was left out...

It also could be bitterness from living in Clemson territory as well, but can't stand the fans of that team...
I agree with you, Syracuse would need to win by at least 10, maybe 14 points to do real damage to Clemson. However, without a powerful Florida State or Miami team to test them they coast the rest of the year. I just want to make one final point. The B10 is a tougher brand of football on multi levels. Playing 50% of your games in 35° temperatures and at least 4 teams that can upset should put more weight on your wins.

The 2016 Penn State team was not only solid they were playing with confidence. After you guys beat OSU I remember saying “Penn State is back baby!!”. The win over Wisconsin was also a great game.
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It is hard to say what ACC would look like today if Penn State had joined back in the day. I honestly believe there would be some teams not in the ACC today in it and vice versa. We will never know.
It can't be excused after two times. It's a scarlet letter for Franklin (who I love overall). It's a big ol' shit sandwich that still sticking to my teeth and I'm angry and embarrassed about it.

They deserved to get their asses beat last year. I will DESPISE them forever after the last two years, and for all the fun they had while we were on punishment. They are second-rate, generic, RAPE FACTORY hypocrite trash. They should absolutely not be able to even hold our jockstraps, but if one of them comes on here, I have nothing to say.

You forgot to mention the fake injuries to stop the clock. That was a whole bowl of wrong, orchestrated by that miserable son of a bitch D’antonio. I guess one could call that good coaching, but he and they suck. I hope we blow them out by 50 this year.
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You're stretching it. For your logic to hold, PSU joining the Big Ten should have caused Syracuse to seek membership in the Big Ten. Didn't happen.
Stretch? Not at all. Syracuse has, in fact, joined the ACC so they obviously saw an advantage in being part of ACC football and basketball over where they were. In 1990 the stretch was a northeast school with a couple recent football MNCs joining a midwestern conference that sent their football champion to the Rose Bowl, a game which hadn’t produced the AP champion since 1972. It’s a very reasonable inference that Syracuse would have reached the same conclusion in 1990 that they did in 2013 had PSU gone there first.
Stretch? Not at all. Syracuse has, in fact, joined the ACC so they obviously saw an advantage in being part of ACC football and basketball over where they were. In 1990 the stretch was a northeast school with a couple recent football MNCs joining a midwestern conference that sent their football champion to the Rose Bowl, a game which hadn’t produced the AP champion since 1972. It’s a very reasonable inference that Syracuse would have reached the same conclusion in 1990 that they did in 2013 had PSU gone there first.

You're diverging widely from my point that Syracuse was not likely to join the ACC if PSU had in 1990. The likelihood of PSU joining the Big Ten is entirely irrelevant to a decision that Syracuse would have made predicated on its action. Indeed look at the decisions made by the parties at the time: the ACC, which had no expansion intentions at the time, adds FSU; and the Big East adds five members enabling it to create a football conference. I'd argue that the more likely to follow a hypothetical "PSU to the ACC in 1990" would have been then-independent Miami and VaTech, rather than Syracuse, which was left at the alter during the second bout of ACC expansion.
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