This book has been on my list of books to read for a several years (it was released in 2015). Alas, I only recently got to it, and just finished it yesterday.
Independence Lost: Lives on the Edge of the American Revolution, by Kathleen DuVal, was even better than I expected. It really is an outstanding book. It examines the American Revolution in West Florida, which was a British Colony, but not one of the 13 that declared independence from England in 1776. (Though they were invited, after the Declaration of Independence was signed, to join with the 13 colonies.)
DuVal looks at the war from the perspective of three Native American nations in the area, the Creek, the Chickasaws, and the Choctaw. She also examines it through the perspective of both free and enslaved Africans, as well as Acadians that had been exported to the Louisiana area and then found themselves under the control of the Spanish after the end of The French And Indian War (aka, the Seven Years War). Focusing on those perspectives would be a herculean task, but DuVal also expands the analysis to include the perspective of the Spanish, who controlled New Orleans and areas to the west of the Mississippi, the British, who controlled the West Florida and the East Florida territories (as well as were engaged in dealing with the 13 colonies that had declared independence), and lastly from the perspective of the Continental Congress's agent in New Orleans, who ended up basically financially ruined, due to his mortgaging his properties to pay for supplies for the United States for Congress, as well as for the state of Virginia, both of which had no money to pay him back.
While the colony of West Florida is the main focus of the book, it also deals with parts of what became the western part of Georgia as well as what became Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, with some small parts of the books covering areas that became Tennessee, Kentucky, and Arkansas.
While I'm a voracious reader of books about the American Revolution, I've read very little about what took place in the area of focus in this book. In part, that's because this region wasn't part of the American Revolution. While I had a good understanding of the major events that took place in this region during the American Revolution, I found myself devouring this book as page after page of it contained information that was new to me.
DuVal is a master storyteller. She examines all of the conflicting and yet interconnected and interdependent actions that took place in this region primarily through the lives of eight individuals. I think it would be difficult to do a better job of portraying all the various competing interests than DuVal does in this book.
I'd rate this book a 5, on a 5-star scale.