I've seen Lindsay Chervinsky give online presentations about her book several times, and was looking forward to reading her book. I completed it a couple of days ago.
Chervinsky is the nice combination of a good historian and a good writer.
The President's cabinet is something that all Americans have heard of. Most of us likely assume that it's been an institution since the start of the US. Alas, as with most things involving the founding of America, the story is a tad more complicated than what people assume.
At the Constitutional Convention of 1787, the delegates considered the creation of a cabinet several times, and rejected it. The delegates were familiar with cabinets in the British government, and felt that these unelected bodies had corrupted both the government and the monarch of Britain, and really did not want to see something like that occur in the United States.
Basically, the Constitution left it that the President could request written replies from his Secretaries, or he could consult with the Senate for their opinion.
Washington attempted to work under these guidelines, but found them to be of limited value. The first time he went to the Senate, he supplied them in advance all the background material he thought was needed to reach a decision. And after presenting the issue, and requesting their opinion, no Senators responded, and eventually one suggested that they form a committee to consider the President's questions, and meet with him again in a week. Washington was in disbelief at how ineffective this process was, and contemplating not returning for the follow-up meeting. He did eventually agree to return, but that meeting also did not offer much resolution to the situation the country was facing, so Washington decided to never again waste his time through that process.
He also attempted to follow the Constitution's guidelines on receiving written input from his Secretaries, but process proved less than satisfactory to Washington.
Two years into his first term, he assembled all of his Secretaries for a meeting, and thus was held the first Cabinet meeting.
Chervinsky spent almost half of the book reviewing Washington's background, to establish what Washington was comfortable with as Commander of the patriot army (where he would hold meetings with his leading officers before every battle), and his frustrations with the early American government under the Articles of Confederation. It probably is a little longer than is needed to establish Washington's patterns and preferences, but it's also pretty effective.
The second half of the book deals with Washington's Cabinet in both his first and second terms. I found this part of the book to be more interesting, in part because there wasn't much in the first half that I hadn't read in several other books.
I do recommend the book, and would give it somewhere between a 3.75 and 4.00 on a 5-point scale.