I got to go with Ballantine XXX
That was top of the line at one time. Hard to find anymore.
I got to go with Ballantine XXX
Yuengling circa 1986 -- before they were reinvented as a "microbrewery".....
That was the keg of choice for my Schuykill County pals.. Tasted like stale bread back then.
You two guys - before you hijack an otherwise fun thread - should realize that there are fewer spectators at this game than there were at the Baltimore Orioles game that was played the night after the riots.
Blatz (never failed to give you a good case of blatzerreah)
Key Light
Forgot Milwaukee's Best
As mentioned earlier and I completely agree: Cave Creek Chilli Beer
It sets it self apart by being served in a clear glass bottle from a sun-drenched Arizona brewery resulting in a skunked taste in addition to the disgusting jalapeno juice from the pepper floating inside
It's too late for that. I simply responded to the topic at hand... for some reason, he brought up his humiliating defeat in the other thread. I still tried to stay civil by apologizing for embarrassing him. He responded by taking it completely off the rails from there. Granted, he's been played like a fiddle to elicit those responses.
I'd be happy to keep it back on topic. Yuengling Lager is vile liquid, and if it's the best thing on tap, I'll go somewhere else.
Still delusional and masking defeat after defeat.
And the thread was locked.
Shhhh fair! That little piss-ant Pandaczar12 will later claim it was locked to to inactivity!! Old threads don't get locked for that they just fade away!!!!!
Yep, one of my better posts!!
in 70's my friends mom's stash......UTICA CLUB.
Someone just peaked... I'm so glad we were all here to see the high point in your life! Brilliant idea, introducing a non-original topic about beer to a message board full of men during the off season. Your mom must be so proud.
I said a few posts ago that this thread could go multiple pages, and all it would cost is your dignity. Turns out I was right yet again. How much more embarrassment are you willing to take to extend the thread?
Your the clown without makeup and egg all over your face dear boy.
4 - 0.