What month and year did you enroll as a freshman

Fall 1980, Altoona campus, lived on the corner of 4th St and Cherry Ave. Had issues with my acceptance which meant I registered late and had to find off campus housing. Remember the swim test? The person next to me in the pool failed it. All you had to do was tread water for a period of time.

Wow... I lived at 225 Cherry Ave fall 1983 until June 1985.
1965 didn’t come as a freshman, transferred from U of NC as a junior.
August 2000. Thanks everyone, the 25th anniversary of Green Day’s Dookie had me feeling old, this helped.
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1975. I figure it was September as we were on Quarters and Finals week was the week before Thanksgiving or the week before that, I don’t remember. But Labor Day was 9/1 that year and we started at Highacres that week for freshmen orientation.
BTW, if you have an iPhone the built in Calendar App will scroll backwards forever.
August 1974. 2nd floor Leete in North Halls. I rue the demolition of the basketball (street hockey) courts.
August 2000. Thanks everyone, the 25th anniversary of Green Day’s Dookie had me feeling old, this helped.
September 1968 Bigler Hall
My wife, who is retired, walks indoors with friends at a mall nearby during bad weather. They go early, before the stores open. I decided to tag along last week and, after a couple of minutes, I said to her "There are mostly old people here." Now, as many of you know, I am no spring chicken myself. Anyway, in reading this thread I see my comment applies here as well. Maybe Tom should start a Bingo Board.:)

My wife, who is retired, walks indoors with friends at a mall nearby during bad weather. They go early, before the stores open. I decided to tag along last week and, after a couple of minutes, I said to her "There are mostly old people here." Now, as many of you know, I am no spring chicken myself. Anyway, in reading this thread I see my comment applies here as well. Maybe Tom should start a Bingo Board.:)


I felt old- until reading this thread. Mercy.......

I'm pretty sure now that not everyone is married to a 30 year old super model like I thought.
August 77. 2nd floor Holmes for all four years. I was FB captain and MVP my senior year in HS and was stunned at the size of the PSU players. Irv Pankey and Sean Farrell were directly across the hall, and Mike Munchak and Chet Parlavecchio roomed down the hall on my floor. Greg Garrity was on the 3rd or 4th floor and I played against him in dorm league hoops on the quad courts. Pretty much all of the courts and quads are now gone from North Halls.
During my time at PSU, Frank Case lived on my dorm floor and so did Harry Hamilton.
This board skews significantly older than I would have guessed if this is representative.