What's an unpopular opinion of yours (as a PSU fan or in general)?

I'll start. I actually like Urban Meyer. Hate Ohio State but I'm envious of his success and don't loathe the guy like other Penn Staters do. I kind of like him.
Never cared for his smugness and attitude when attending Ohio HS FB coaches clinic. Came across very arrogant, but you have nearly 1,000 coaches worshipping you, so I guess that’ll happen.
Now on BTN he’s an excellent person to listen to. Very informative and easy to listen to.

I like Meyer ice cream way more than creamery ice cream.

Also that Penn State should chop about 10-14 varsity teams and commit the money to the remaining sports.
I think playing Pitt regularly (not necessarily every season but maybe twice in six years) actually helps Penn State by making football more popular in Pennsylvania. This trickles down to kids wanting to play. I know this is unpopular (the point of the thread) and I already know the opposing arguments (I have this debate multiple times per season).
Darryl Clark was better than Pat Devlin and was correctly chosen to start the Iowa game.
This one is interesting. Not saying you're wrong, but what do you make of Devlin sticking around as a backup in the NFL for 5 years whereas Clark didn't get a sniff outside of a training camp invite?
Judging success by victories over teams that matter, B1G East titles, B1G championships, and playoff appearances. 10 or 11 win seasons are OK, but mean little to me when 18 other teams are doing that or better.
There are some alums who act as if Penn State is the only place where great things happen. It is not. This is a great university, but so are Ohio State, Rutgers, Michigan....even Pitt. That does not diminish what we do and I am not suggesting our excellence does not deserve mention, but there is an arrogance among some in our fan base that is unseemly.
There are some alums who act as if Penn State is the only place where great things happen. It is not. This is a great university, but so are Ohio State, Rutgers, Michigan....even Pitt. That does not diminish what we do and I am not suggesting our excellence does not deserve mention, but there is an arrogance among some in our fan base that is unseemly.

Nice joke. Lmfao
This one is interesting. Not saying you're wrong, but what do you make of Devlin sticking around as a backup in the NFL for 5 years whereas Clark didn't get a sniff outside of a training camp invite?
Presence on an NFL roster doesn’t mean he was a better quarterback. Clark was better than Devlin at the only level that I care about, and that was borne out over their respective college careers.
This one is interesting. Not saying you're wrong, but what do you make of Devlin sticking around as a backup in the NFL for 5 years whereas Clark didn't get a sniff outside of a training camp invite?

Because there is no correlation between the two.

Clark made All Conference two years and was considered the best Big Ten player his last season.

Pro football success has no absolute bearing on college football success. If it did most of the Heisman Trophy winners would have had their trophy revoked.
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A lot of our fans see (what they consider to be) an unsatisfying win as a loss.

I don’t see a win as a loss, no matter how it occurs as that is lunacy.

I do see many wins as identifying limitations or more accurate representations of what the team is capable of accomplishing. For example, some of our early wins this year, showed we were capable of running out the last 2-4 minutes of a game, which was pleasantly surprising as something we had struggled with with weak OL play post sanctions.
Oh man, I am going to get creamed for this, but the devil doesn’t like a coward.. .

I like Herbstriet and I think everyone who considers him an Ohio State shill or that his whole purpose of becoming the top college analyst is just to promote Ohio State from within is doing that due to a Penn State bias. He likes college football as much as any of us here, and calls it like he sees it - without a bias

There. I did it. I feel so much better now.
This one is interesting. Not saying you're wrong, but what do you make of Devlin sticking around as a backup in the NFL for 5 years whereas Clark didn't get a sniff outside of a training camp invite?
There’s a difference between the college game and the NFL
I'll start. I actually like Urban Meyer. Hate Ohio State but I'm envious of his success and don't loathe the guy like other Penn Staters do. I kind of like him.
Ouch but I’ll say it. If Paterno would have retired a number of years earlier as he should have, the impact of the Sandusky scandal on both he and the University would have been lessened.
Yes. As two examples, they developed the polio vaccine at Pitt and they are among the world leaders in organ transplants, both quite humorous.

Wow man, I guess that's pretty cool and all. Let me see.... oh damn its 2:02 and Pitt still sucks. :cool: Hahaha, eat shit Pitt. :D
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Oh man, I am going to get creamed for this, but the devil doesn’t like a coward.. .

I like Herbstriet and I think everyone who considers him an Ohio State shill or that his whole purpose of becoming the top college analyst is just to promote Ohio State from within is doing that due to a Penn State bias. He likes college football as much as any of us here, and calls it like he sees it - without a bias

There. I did it. I feel so much better now.
Herbie has been very fair and often complimentary of PSU...but some are from PCU.