When was the last time you were this PUMPED for a reg season game?

Fair - who you got today? I haven't seen your prediction. Maybe I missed it in which case I apologize.
Ah you did miss it. It was in the Ohio State beatdown thread where I said:
"Looking to break my streak of 105 wrong picks in a row, I have spent extra time in the film room this week and, after a detailed analysis of both teams, I am picking Penn State.......
to lose 35-14. No way we beat OSU in Columbus. :("

I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I call em' as I see em'.:(
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Ah you did miss it. It was in the Ohio State beatdown thread where I said:
"Looking to break my streak of 105 wrong picks in a row, I have spent extra time in the film room this week and, after a detailed analysis of both teams, I am picking Penn State.......
to lose 35-14. No way we beat OSU in Columbus. :("

I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I call em' as I see em'.:(

Thanks. Here's hoping your outstanding prediction record continues this week.
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Always "pumped" but it's been a loooong time since I've felt reasonably comfortable about PSU's chances in a big away game. Getting "pre-game" jitters/anxiety, hope PSU doesn't have a bad day (AKA "crap the bed") and look like FSU did last night... So much at stake, now. Go Lions!