Football Where do Big Ten writers think Penn State will finish in the Big Ten?

Since we don't play Oregon, the writers are suggesting we'll be the strongest team in every game except tOSU. And that leads one to believe that a one-loss season is not only possible but likely.

A one-loss season would put us right in the middle of the championship series. And that would be a probable home game in Happy Valley on December 20th or 21st.

Since we don't play Oregon, the writers are suggesting we'll be the strongest team in every game except tOSU. And that leads one to believe that a one-loss season is not only possible but likely.
I disagree with that logic. We could have a 60% chance to win 3 games but that doesn't mean we're likely to win all 3 of those games.

I do think we should win 9 or 10 games this fall.
I disagree with that logic. We could have a 60% chance to win 3 games but that doesn't mean we're likely to win all 3 of those games.

I do think we should win 9 or 10 games this fall.
Agree but I didn't say "probable". I said, "not only possible but likely". I agree with your math but you only run that against PSU. Our chances to win those games, at least according to the writers, is better than the opposing teams. So when you do the math on the opposing teams, they are less likely making PSU more likely.

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You could say they have OSU running the table or minimally beating us/Oregon with a loss to someone else.

Oregon winning out with the Buckeye loss.

Us winning at least 10.

Michigan dropping 2 if not 3.

Of course, these predictions usually don't have the math involved. They are generally sentiment.

Rutgers could finish 4th-6th easily, for example, and not be in the title game conversation, but easily positioned for a 9-3 season if things go their way.
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