With President Biden speaking Thursday evening, what does FOX do?

I guess your are a physician and can diagnose Alzheimer's disease. I had large loans from my education and paid them off myself over time. But it was a different time. The culprit is not these kids but the absurd cost of college tuition. And get this, I had to pay accrued interest on my college loan for the years I spent in the military during the Vietnam War.!!!! I guess you have no problem with the money we give to corporations, congressmen who took advantage of the loans to small businesses, money we give to countries around the world many of whom do not need our assistance. You are quiet about that. If fatso Trump did this, you would be praising his generosity.
They knew it when they chose to sign the papers. Pay back the money and if you need handouts get them from family, not everyone else. Totally unfair, unconstitutional and just plain wrong.
I guess your are a physician and can diagnose Alzheimer's disease. I had large loans from my education and paid them off myself over time. But it was a different time. The culprit is not these kids but the absurd cost of college tuition. And get this, I had to pay accrued interest on my college loan for the years I spent in the military during the Vietnam War.!!!! I guess you have no problem with the money we give to corporations, congressmen who took advantage of the loans to small businesses, money we give to countries around the world many of whom do not need our assistance. You are quiet about that. If fatso Trump did this, you would be praising his generosity.

I've got no problem with these people not having to pay the loan, specifically, but it is a slap in the face to those who made good choices and worked hard. Sure, there is the occasional person who got sick or had to quit to take care of a family member, but the vast majority of these folks are ones that chose really bad majors or flunked out because they saw college as party central.

But the real problem is that it simply masks the cause. In fact, worse, it perpetuates and subsidizes the cause. Now, universities are free to continue their free-spending ways and people haven't learned NOT to spend $250k on an underwater basket weaving major or one that pays $40k when you graduate.

We've just created more of the same. And, it is pretty clear, it is just buying votes for the upcoming mid-terms.
If that happens, could they put the game on BTN while speech is going on, then switch back to Fox when over? I don't know what time the speech is supposed to start, but it looks like Minnesota is schedule for BTN at 9.
It is Biden, the speech has to be early otherwise it will be 5 minutes max.
THIS....Fox will broadcast the game. Fox News - maybe - will have the address, as it will garner lower ratings than their normal programming. The address will be available on plenty of other channels for anyone that wants to watch it. non-issue
Fox News will only show clips and make fun of Biden.
Fox News will only show clips and make fun of Biden.
I doubt that. However, I would like to see clips of cities burning during the "mostly peaceful protests" with members of the administration promoting go-fund-me pages for the defense of the few arrested people and campaigning on defunding the police put up next to the "words" as they are spoken on Thursday night by our president.
The bottom line is that it is the start of college football and you have a political speech trying to hijack it. No matter what side of the aisle you are, you should be disgusted by it.

I'm an independent who has recently voted moreso with Republicans. So this stunt along with the student loan BS just drives me further to that camp. And not even the most indoctrinated democrat wants to hear a drugged up Biden in a short window where he can actually read from a teleprompter without slurred words or confusion.
The difference between the red hat mooks and Ds is that most Ds would want Biden(s) to go to jail if did something criminal while Orange Palpatine has the cult cart blanche with his criminal activities.
That’s f’n hilarious. You can’t possibly mean this. Th D’s don’t want any of theirs to go to jail or many of them would be there already including Biden.
The difference between the red hat mooks and Ds is that most Ds would want Biden(s) to go to jail if did something criminal while Orange Palpatine has the cult cart blanche with his criminal activities.
Did you forget to put a note on your post to denote sarcasm? Did you miss the fact that the Steele Dossier was BS and, worse, it was known BS by the media for almost the entire time they put up these crazy russia collusion stories (and an FBI agent was convicted of using it to get a FISA warrant, spying on a sitting president)? Did you know the NYT front paged published secret recordings on Melania, the President's wife, and his sister but consistently will not post the stolen diary of Joe BIden's niece (where she accuses him of sexual abuse) and openly ridiculed people who discussed the Hunter Biden laptop (now know to be legit)?

I mean, C'mon Man!
Did you forget to put a note on your post to denote sarcasm? Did you miss the fact that the Steele Dossier was BS and, worse, it was known BS by the media for almost the entire time they put up these crazy russia collusion stories (and an FBI agent was convicted of using it to get a FISA warrant, spying on a sitting president)? Did you know the NYT front paged published secret recordings on Melania, the President's wife, and his sister but consistently will not post the stolen diary of Joe BIden's niece (where she accuses him of sexual abuse) and openly ridiculed people who discussed the Hunter Biden laptop (now know to be legit)?

I mean, C'mon Man!
Was the diary really “stolen”? Or a dumb move just like her brother??
Fox News will only show clips and make fun of Biden.
Can you blame them?
That no other news entity is providing actual news coverage of his obvious cognitive decline, or the decisions being made by whoever is in charge at this point, is criminal. Have you seen the clip where he accidentally shows the camera the cue cards that he was given by his handlers, with the most remedial instructions
  • "YOU enter the Roosevelt Room and say hello to participants."
  • "YOU take YOUR seat. "
  • "YOU ask Liz Shuler, President, AFL-CIO, a question. Note: Liz is joining virtually."
  • "YOU thank participants."
  • "YOU depart."
Mockery, in this scenario, is the only rational response to drive home the point of how derelict and absurd the media and the 40% of Americans who approve of the job he's doing, are.

Joe Biden = Aunt Bethany... "I should say it?"

Joe Biden = Weekend at Bernie's, except everyone knows, and is just pretending not to.

Joe Biden = Mr. Burns getting his weekly cocktail [1:30]

Enjoy. Then weep.
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I doubt that. However, I would like to see clips of cities burning during the "mostly peaceful protests" with members of the administration promoting go-fund-me pages for the defense of the few arrested people and campaigning on defunding the police put up next to the "words" as they are spoken on Thursday night by our president.
Protesters and arsons are not the same thing. Like little Charles Bronson gets to kill and mame people cart-blanche. Your crazy side says all protesters deserved to die and slap him on back. Activity shooter runs through a crowd gun up and gets free pass to shoot at people. Sick society on right.
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A prime time speech to demonize 50% of the USA’s citizens! I wonder if the Chinese like football? We better hope so as they are laughing at this nonsense and soon will be calling the shots here.

I can tell you this without equivocation; No Chinese premier, or Russian despot for that matter, has ever stood before their nation and demonized half their voters, while at the same time claiming to be a unifier. In this respect Brandon is breaking new ground.
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Protesters and arsons are not the same thing. Like little Charles Bronson gets to kill and mame people cart-blanche. Your crazy side says all protesters deserved to die and slap him on back. Activity shooter runs through a crowd gun up and gets free pass to shoot at people. Sick society on right.
Huh. My side? You mean the dude that wants equal application of the law?

Is that right? Funny I thought storming the White House, burning a church and burning a police station were illegal. Glad you set me straight!
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Huh. My side? You mean the dude that wants equal application of the law?

Is that right? Funny I thought storming the White House, burning a church and burning a police station were illegal. Glad you set me straight!
Are they exactly the same thing? My god..lots of people were protesters at the Capitol but dozens were throwing fire extingushers at police, spraying police, breaking windows and storming chambers. Was everyone,just the ones who did the damage. Yet, you can't apply that same logic on city protests. Faux News lathers up bone-heads that all protesters were looting and burning. The people who did the you go

— A Brainerd man has been sentenced to four years in prison and must pay $12 million in restitution for his role in the lighting the Minneapolis Third Precinct police headquarters on fire during civil unrest after the death of George Floyd.

Last May, Dylan Shakespeare Robinson, 23, trampled over a fence meant to keep protesters out and lit a Molotov cocktail, which another person threw toward the precinct — shortly after the crowd began shouting "Burn it down, burn it down," according to federal charges.
Did you forget to put a note on your post to denote sarcasm? Did you miss the fact that the Steele Dossier was BS and, worse, it was known BS by the media for almost the entire time they put up these crazy russia collusion stories (and an FBI agent was convicted of using it to get a FISA warrant, spying on a sitting president)? Did you know the NYT front paged published secret recordings on Melania, the President's wife, and his sister but consistently will not post the stolen diary of Joe BIden's niece (where she accuses him of sexual abuse) and openly ridiculed people who discussed the Hunter Biden laptop (now know to be legit)?

I mean, C'mon Man!
Benghazi much..yes there are political hit jobs and I would say Russian collusion and Kavanaugh hearings were retribution for Benghazi BS and unprecedented Merrick Garland denial that McConnell pulled. Please don't go into abuse or assaults. How many sick quotes about Ivanka and her body and how he would date her. How many women came forward against Trump. There was even young pageant who claimed he walked in on teen contestants. Media coverups?
Benghazi much..yes there are political hit jobs and I would say Russian collusion and Kavanaugh hearings were retribution for Benghazi BS and unprecedented Merrick Garland denial that McConnell pulled. Please don't go into abuse or assaults. How many sick quotes about Ivanka and her body and how he would date her. How many women came forward against Trump. There was even young pageant who claimed he walked in on teen contestants. Media coverups?
who was prosecuted as a result of benghanzi?
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I know who lost their lives while we refused to send support. Does that count for anything?
A hearing was right and just. I do agree the GOP took it too far. However, it wasn't based on a known-to-be fraudulent document (that was purported to be accurate by every media outlet in the nation even though they knew it wasn't), used to get a FISA wiretap on a sitting president, several years of wasted time on frivolous impeachments, and one sided censoring of news that might be bad for a candidate leading up to an election (laptop, diary, allegations of rapes, legitimate concerns about the origin of COVID, legit concerns about COVID actions (masks, school closings, vaccines, social media, etc.). I mean, its not even remotely close.
Very interesting. Biden, who almost never travels other then to his beach house, is doing three speeches in Pa in one week. Tells me Fetterman Isis real trouble. His health is too bad to campaign having given just three w wants in week Nd less then ten minutes at each. And he struggles to speak, looks bad, and appears too weak to work every day. So now the WH team is trying to help him.

But it may actually backfire. If Fetterman doesn’t show up and give speeches at every event it will amplify the questions about his health. Why wouldn’t he be at a Presidential appearance? And why wouldn’t he give a barn-burner speech? Just how bad is he?
Did you see any highlights of Fettermans speech in Pittsburgh on Tuesday? It was hard to watch. If he was working, he would be home on disability.
Benghazi much..yes there are political hit jobs and I would say Russian collusion and Kavanaugh hearings were retribution for Benghazi BS and unprecedented Merrick Garland denial that McConnell pulled. Please don't go into abuse or assaults. How many sick quotes about Ivanka and her body and how he would date her. How many women came forward against Trump. There was even young pageant who claimed he walked in on teen contestants. Media coverups?
The Russia collusion hoax and the Kavanaugh hearing BS had absolutely nothing to do with Benghazi. Totally separate things.
The Russia collusion hoax and the Kavanaugh hearing BS had absolutely nothing to do with Benghazi. Totally separate things.

Huh? I am saying that they were political attacks, used as retribution by Ds. I never said they were same things.
who was prosecuted as a result of benghanzi?
You tell me..should anyone have been prosecuted? All I heard was Lock her up for a year. The word is persecute and that is what is was...a political persecution.
You tell me..should anyone have been prosecuted? All I heard was Lock her up for a year. The word is persecute and that is what is was...a political persecution.
I have no problem with an inquiry. That isn't what is going on today with outright censorship, illegal wiretaps, and personal information obtained by illegal means (the target party didn't know they were being recorded).

There is ample evidence to have a hearing and, potentially, impeach POTUS on his son's well-documented activity and whatever POTUS' involvement was. Hunter's business partner directly incriminates POTUS and the FBI told the media to back off. Compare that to the NYT front page treatment of undercover recordings of Melania and Trump's sister.

Just one example, below. I could post a dozen

Zuckerberg tells Rogan FBI warning prompted Biden laptop story censorship

Regardless, i appreciate the civil tone.
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Please MAGA goes back in forth between conspiracy theories and we are victims and then threatens violence as needed. Just like their orange cult leader who took with his Top secret documents put them in his office drawer with his passport among other locations. Said he gave them all back but lied. and now is caught with his hand in the cookie jar. BUt make excuses for him please when MR America First is jeopardizing our National Security. Mr Law and order calling for the Riots against the FBI. Yeah I can see how Hunters lap top is more important. Tried to overthrow the GOVt without winning one out of 60 cases in court. But please make more excuses for the orange man. You guys are priceless. Please turn back on your propaganda cult tv stations so you can go back to distract you from what your orange cult leader is really about.
Please MAGA goes back in forth between conspiracy theories and we are victims and then threatens violence as needed. Just like their orange cult leader who took with his Top secret documents put them in his office drawer with his passport among other locations. Said he gave them all back but lied. and now is caught with his hand in the cookie jar. BUt make excuses for him please when MR America First is jeopardizing our National Security. Mr Law and order calling for the Riots against the FBI. Yeah I can see how Hunters lap top is more important. Tried to overthrow the GOVt without winning one out of 60 cases in court. But please make more excuses for the orange man. You guys are priceless. Please turn back on your propaganda cult tv stations so you can go back to distract you from what your orange cult leader is really about.
TDS is a terrible thing….please send money so we can help those afflicted.
TDS is a terrible thing….please send money so we can help those afflicted.
Yeah as opposed to Hunter Biden/ Hillary Clinton syndrome. Cause laptops and emails are way more important than hundreds of Top secret documents being stored in an office desk and a basement at a golf resort instead of a sciff. Maybe we can have another Benghazi hearing. Yeah I can see that we are all over blowing the orange guy but Hunter and Hillary they are the Devil.
Yeah as opposed to Hunter Biden/ Hillary Clinton syndrome. Cause laptops and emails are way more important than hundreds of Top secret documents being stored in an office desk and a basement instead of a sciff. Maybe we can have another Benghazi hearing. Yeah I can see that we are all over blowing the orange guy but Hunter and Hillary they are the Devil.
Yes, they were more important. Trump’s home has 24/7 Secret Service protection. Hard as hell for anyone to get into the home let alone where these were stored.

On the other hand, her emails were transmitted through an insecure server. And she used her phones/laptops using that server while she was traveling through hostile countries sophisticated enough to hack. Comey himself said we must assume that all her emails were hacked by foreign services.

Huge difference.
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Please MAGA goes back in forth between conspiracy theories and we are victims and then threatens violence as needed. Just like their orange cult leader who took with his Top secret documents put them in his office drawer with his passport among other locations. Said he gave them all back but lied. and now is caught with his hand in the cookie jar. BUt make excuses for him please when MR America First is jeopardizing our National Security. Mr Law and order calling for the Riots against the FBI. Yeah I can see how Hunters lap top is more important. Tried to overthrow the GOVt without winning one out of 60 cases in court. But please make more excuses for the orange man. You guys are priceless. Please turn back on your propaganda cult tv stations so you can go back to distract you from what your orange cult leader is really about.
I sure hope you aren't an actual lieutenant in any of our service branches or police. If so, it's clear and sad evidence of the degradation of quality that we are commissioning these days.
You guys make me laugh. These are Top Secret. The most secret documents we have. and Hunter is a private citizen with nothing. You guys have problems and they are great. Not to mention he was told to give them back and didn't. She at least cooperated completely. He willfully disregarded. He literally took them and wouldnt give them back. Jeopardizing our national security. Please keep making of these lame excuses. They are making us laugh how far gone you are from reasonable. Oh and by the way. I don't honestly care if either Hunter or Hillary would ever be charged. Can any of you say that about your orange cult leader. Oh and they are not suppose to be allowed out of the sciff. But hey golf resort would probably be next in line after that. and the court filing last night suggests they were also searching for top secret NUclear documents which we do not know if they were found or not. But that is no way near as important as Hunters laptop obviously.
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You guys make me laugh. These are Top Secret. The most secret documents we have. and Hunter is a private citizen with nothing. You guys have problems and they are great. Not to mention he was told to give them back and didn't. She at least cooperated completely. He willfully disregarded. He literally took them and wouldnt give them back. Jeopardizing our national security. Please keep making of these lame excuses. They are making us laugh how far gone you are from reasonable. Oh and by the way. I don't honestly care if either Hunter or Hillary would ever be charged. Can any of you say that about your orange cult leader. Oh and they are not suppose to be allowed out of the sciff. But hey golf resort would probably be next in line after that. and the court filing last night suggests they were also searching for top secret NUclear documents which we do not know if they were found or not. But that is no way near as important as Hunters laptop obviously.
Wow, it’s obvious you are nuts.
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Yeah as opposed to Hunter Biden/ Hillary Clinton syndrome. Cause laptops and emails are way more important than hundreds of Top secret documents being stored in an office desk and a basement at a golf resort instead of a sciff. Maybe we can have another Benghazi hearing. Yeah I can see that we are all over blowing the orange guy but Hunter and Hillary they are the Devil.
You mean declassified documents? Trump is the most investigated president in our history and they’ve found nothing….if there was anything on him, they would have found it years ago. They found more in five minutes on Hunter and Hillary (without even looking) than they have in 7 years on Trump and they’ve been digging as deep as possible into Trump. Let it go.
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A hearing was right and just. I do agree the GOP took it too far. However, it wasn't based on a known-to-be fraudulent document (that was purported to be accurate by every media outlet in the nation even though they knew it wasn't), used to get a FISA wiretap on a sitting president, several years of wasted time on frivolous impeachments, and one sided censoring of news that might be bad for a candidate leading up to an election (laptop, diary, allegations of rapes, legitimate concerns about the origin of COVID, legit concerns about COVID actions (masks, school closings, vaccines, social media, etc.). I mean, its not even remotely close.
Benghazi was an upper level FUBAR that showed a callous disregard for those at the embassy . Utter incompetence .
However it’s not often those at fault are ever held accountable . You know the old saying about a private losing his rifle vs a general losing a war, right?
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You mean declassified documents? Trump is the most investigated president in our history and they’ve found nothing….if there was anything on him, they would have found it years ago. They found more in five minutes on Hunter and Hillary (without even looking) than they have in 7 years on Trump and they’ve been digging as deep as possible into Trump. Let it go.
The Top Secret documents belong to the US Govt not Maga World. His latest filing does not even debate the fact that he did not declassify the documents. Read the filing. You can't use executive privilege when you are not the executive anymore. That is from the Supreme Ct. Even still. Current Prez would have to back it. Nope. and here is the big question. WHY did he take Top Secret Documents. Some that detail CIA agents in the field apparently. WHY jeopardize national security. You guys are really trying to defend the indefensible. Even KArl ROve said the documents belong to the gov't. They asked for them back he said thats all there is and he lied. WHY! and why defend somebody with blatant disregard for the Countries national security.