WOW! Just Wow, ESPN Starts w NBA Highlights

Great interview with Saquon, though! Second time he's been on with SVP and to no one's surprise, Saquon represented himself and the team very well.
Great interview with Saquon, though! Second time he's been on with SVP and to no one's surprise, Saquon represented himself and the team very well.

Great interview as always. I know he's gone and hope he makes all the money in the world but still selfishly hope he is back next year because he's just so damn fun to watch on and off the field. At least he left us with the 92 yarder.
Great interview as always. I know he's gone and hope he makes all the money in the world but still selfishly hope he is back next year because he's just so damn fun to watch on and off the field. At least he left us with the 92 yarder.
Earlier tonight I told a friend I'm "95 percent" sure Saquon declares for the draft. Pretty much anyone in his shoes, I'd say 100 percent. That five percent -- cue "so you're saying there's a chance" -- is not only my selfishness, but also because Saquon's one of the few guys who I could see passing up an opportunity so he could chase a national title and Heisman.

But, honestly, as we know, there's nothing left for Saquon to prove. He will leave with the greatest highlight reel of any Penn State player ever and some great memories.
They should have led with the Fiesta Bowl, but the NBA is really killing it right now in terms of fan popularity. Steph Curry went 10 for 13 from beyond the arc in his return to the lineup tonight, scoring 38 points. That was bound to get some coverage.
The NBA is their go to sport. After a full day straight of college football you expect them to go straight to college football highlights?
In the middle of March madness this year I happened to tune in to ESPN right when sports center was starting, as I had a mild curiosity about the tournament results. After about 10 minutes of meaningless nonsense about the NBA clown league I tuned out and went to sleep, since I didn't really gave a crap about any of it. But leading with the NBA that night said alot to me about ESPN. The whole channel is just a commercial for the sports they pay to broadcast. News? No, I'm afraid not.
after the Orange Bowl game. They cannot figure out why they're not making money?

Because they could be covering ping pong or meaningless/purposeless post season college football scrimmages? Dude, they just spent the entire day showing these worthless bowl games and you expect that people were going to stick around and watch the same highlights of the fball games that were on for 10 straight hours?
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Because they could be covering ping pong or meaningless/purposeless post season college football scrimmages? Dude, they just spent the entire day showing these worthless bowl games and you expect that people were going to stick around and watch the same highlights of the fball games that were on for 10 straight hours? Get a life
Since they just completed a college football game, one would think there were a good number of college football fans watching at that time so it wouldn’t have been a bad idea to lead with college football.
Perhaps they were trying to improve their NBA ratings by expanding viewership among college football fans.
Or maybe they were recording the show to loop it several times overnight.
Just dreamin' here, and no way it happens, but Saquon in s legend now.....Imagine if the kid stayed and led this team to a National Championship next year. The dude would be God at PSU for the rest of his life.....not that he doesn't almost have that status already. Kid is just incredible.