WrestleStat - Tournament Projection Tool


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2004
In my opinion, this will be the favorite feature of WrestleStat fans! I've been wanting to write this for a few months, but other items almost trumped it in priority. I took time out during this holiday weekend to focus only on this because there's already been SO much speculation as to what the National Tournament will look like.

So, here's WrestleStat's Tournament Projection Tool. Choose the placement (1st thru Rd12) for every weight class. Save your results, then share the page with everyone, or show others how your favorite team can get to "X" points at the tournament.

Each weight class will show the top 33 wrestlers per weight. If there's a wrestler that's outside the top 33 that you think will place top 12, there's a "write-in" section at the bottom. Select your wrestler, weight, and placement, then click the "write-in" button and they'll be added, while automatically adjusting all other wrestlers below that placement.

Have fun with this one!!!!
That will be popular, and a great idea Andegre. Notice that when I try to use the write-in tool to add Nick Lee at 141 I get a 404 page, and Lee doesn't make it onto the list.
Crap, well, thanks for trsting. Worked an hour ago...I'll work on it.