WVU Perfect first foe for PSU

PSU Soupy

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2008
WVU was a perfect first foe. Why?

They played the way other teams are going to try to play us.....Cover 0 all out blitzing and trying to cover the WRs one on one. The way to beat that is to get the ball out quickly to the playmakers, and Drew Allar did that very well. It is very hard to run on Cover 0, but if you get past the first wave, you should get some big plays. Singleton was close on a couple of runs and some crossing patterns that we ran could have been long tds if the ball was thrown a little bit more in front of the WRs. On a 3rd down Wallace was coming across the field with no one in front of him. Allar threw to and Wallace caught the ball but he had to stop to make the catch. WVU tried to overload our OL, who for the most part did very well.

On Defense the WVU O line was as good as any line that we will play in 23, with the possible exception of Michigan. They had a very experience front with great C and Guard play with a physical running back and a quick QB who liked to run........our defense struggled to complete shutdown that offense, especially the running offense from WVU.

Other than the missed field goals, I did not yell at the TV and from 14-7 on felt as if PSU had the game fairly secured.

Allar had to make quick decisions. Our OLine had to make quick decisions and the DL had to go up against a very experience OL. PSU should learn a lot from this game.