You'll never guess what independent conclusion Louis Freeh came to on June 26, 2012

Devoid of any snark or sarcasm...I am being completely serious:

Will someone please explain what "There is a stronger case to be made for 'protecting the university' than JP [Joe Paterno] or the 'FB [football] program' -- which is never really articulated in any evidence I have seen" MEANS? How are you all interpreting it. Context would be very appreciated.

Again, I'm not taking a position or trying to start an argument, I just want to know how you are interpreting that statement, in context of the run-up-to the release of the Freeh Report and the conclusions therein.



Words are hard. They confuse me.

On a larger scale, this reinforces that the executive summary of the Freeh report (i.e. what he said at his press conference) isn't even backed up by his own report. So even if the report itself has some investigative value (I would argue it has very little), the "version" the report presented to the public (through the press conference and executive summary) tells a very different story, i.e. pinning it on football, even though that's not what the investigation found.

That's pretty huge.

I hate to be cynical but that was all pretty obvious to anybody that critically read the Freeh report. The fact that it equated speculation to factual evidence and then drew conclusions should have sent up a red flag to anybody with a brain. The problem is that nobody cared and still don't.
I hate to be cynical but that was all pretty obvious to anybody that critically read the Freeh report. The fact that it equated speculation to factual evidence and then drew conclusions should have sent up a red flag to anybody with a brain. The problem is that nobody cared and still don't.
True, but now we have tangible evidence that Freeh was, at best, disingenuous or more likely, an outright liar...evidence suggesting there was a mutually agreed upon price for him to ultimately “report” whatever the hell the powers that be wanted him to say.
True, but now we have tangible evidence that Freeh was, at best, disingenuous or more likely, an outright liar...evidence suggesting there was a mutually agreed upon price for him to ultimately “report” whatever the hell the powers that be wanted him to say.

What was Freeh paid? Six million?

Someone photoshop his face on the Six Million Dollar Man.
I hate to be cynical but that was all pretty obvious to anybody that critically read the Freeh report. The fact that it equated speculation to factual evidence and then drew conclusions should have sent up a red flag to anybody with a brain. The problem is that nobody cared and still don't.
While I agree with you (i.e. the report doesn't say what people think it does), the fact that Freeh had this in writing is definitely new and IMHO pretty compelling.
The reason was..........his firm was capable of doing the investigation thoroughly and independently and Freeh was not, especially, since he had to sub out most of the work to Pepper Hamilton. How Freeh ........convinced Frazer to give him 8M to provide the needed results ........remains a mystery.
Didn’t Frazer (Merck) get a sweetheart deal from one term Tommy, over the Viox (?) settlement? I see Tom’s fingerprints all over this.
Easy peasy.....he is saying "you need to throw the football team under the bus to protect the BOT and Second Mile." They were happy to trash the brand in order to save the BOT.

It is pretty simple...but it is in hieroglyphics that only Freeh and the BOT can read and understand.

And when a board of directors buys a corporate CYA Report like Freeh provides and then details/steers/signals what they want ahead of time, the provider gladly complies and takes the $$$.
I hope Spanier's lawyers for his defamation case are taking copious notes. They should also have the members of the bot firmly in their crosshairs.
Freeh seemed to indicate in his rebuttal that the suit was dropped. Further to this rebuttal, he would just say that the statement was earlier in the investigation and then the emails were found on the cover-up among CSS and Paterno.
You might want to tweet/ forward that to Dodd, Costas and other reporters too lazy to look into the report itself. ;). In all honesty that’s a big bombshell for what he said in his press conference (and 12 days (??) before the release of his report).

Right. They already knew the "what" that they were obligated by the task force to disclose in their final report (that there was CSA and the PSU people didn't do enough to stop it), but they needed to find a "why"... why would Joe Paterno, of all people, cover up such a crime when he had no history of doing anything even remotely like that? They never found the why; in fact, they found just the opposite - Joe did not, would not, and no one with any credibility supported that theory (they used Tripony's nonsense as the supporting details). So, they needed to create one out of thin air.
The "what" didn't exist either, but was rather just assumed thanks to the severe mismanagement of the crisis by the BOT.

Will there be any effort by an unbiased journalist to really dive into this? I doubt it. But at least people like me - a gen-u-wine Joe B. Ott - now knows for certain that what we thought we knew all along was correct..... there was no wrongdoing by JVP or even by C/S/S. And even when bad people were trying to make the general public agree with their 'conclusion', they could find no evidence to support it! And they cannot argue the facts that were disclosed by this review doc, they can only complain about the fact that it was disclosed.